feeling:good, calories: 454 distance: 4.6 km, duration: 00:35, pace: 07:36, effort: 4/5, sunny
Surprised I made it through the whole thing without stopping to walk. But also pleased that I made it as far as I did last time, but without the extra 10minutes walking.
distance: 4.8 km duration: 00:40 pace: 08:20 feeling: good, effort: 4/5, calories: 519
10 minutes extra walking because it was a glorious day.
Did the wk6 r3 run, but halved the walking time in the middle because I should have been doing wk7r1.
Felt fine, but utterly exhausted afterwards, just like after dancing and walking on the weekend.
Weak girl is weak.
2 days ago
distance: 4.8 km, calories: 33,
A glorious day, but got so tired I had to stop part way to have a sit-down rest! Definitely still getting over the cold I thought I'd beaten. Well, we'll see how I go running tomorrow. Slowly, no doubt.
distance: 3.6km, feeling: good, effort: 2/5
This is the bit where I walked immediately after running today because I was going to be late for an appointment. Felt a bit tired at first, but then nice on the return leg.
cloudy, humid
distance: 4.6km, duration: 0:30, pace: 06:31, calories: 389, feeling: good, effort:3/5
CanNOT figure out how to map my run. :(
Had a shocking headache but decided to go for a run to see if the exercise would shake it loose. And it did. Yay. Mid-way realised I'd stuffed up with the ipod (again), so just ran to where I usually turn around, and then walked the middle walk block from there.
Realised I was late for Dr's appt afterwards, so just walked on to Summer Hill straight away.
Feeling good: cold has pretty much gone and knee/foot/etc are all ace. Running: I <3 you.
about 5 hours ago
duration: 1:00
Too much DJing, not enough dancing. Boo.
But felt ridiculously tired - think I'm _still_ (despite earlier evidence to the contrary) fighting the last grains of that cold.
feeling: good, duration: :00,
Steady, solid work. Still have crappy cold and blocked ears, so breathing got a bit difficult. But the rest of me is ready to get running again!
distance: 3.5km, feeling: great, effort: 2/5
No exercise since last week, after a weekend away. Fighting the last bits of a crappy cold - the first since I started running months and months ago! But this was such a beautiful day, I just had to walk.
duration: 01:45, feeling: great, effort: 3/5
I've come down with a crappy cold, but it didn't stop me doing dance work. Which is either a sad indication of how little effort I put into it, or a glorious testament to my awesomeness. Or the awesomeness of cold and flu tablets.
Also: hamstrings. Sore in so many ways.
distance: 4.45km, time: 0:30, pace: 06:44, calories: 389, feeling: great, effort: 4/5
Better time, better distance. But dealing with a nasty knot of cramp in my left calf which started on Sunday during dance work. Will rest and stretch, rest and stretch.
Got puffed, got snotty (it's spring!), but think I've finally ditched that annoying slumpy bug that was bringing me down. All-strong, all the time from now on.
duration: 2:00, feeling: good
Slow, steady, nothing exciting. Developed knot in left calf at end of session
duration: 1:30, feeling: good
Social dancing. More vigorous at the beginning, less exciting as things progress.
distance: 4.79km, effort: 1/5, feeling: great
Nice - windy and sunny and warm
distance: 3.99km, duration: 0:30, pace: 07:31, calories: 389, feeling: good: effort: 3/5
Had some minor knee aches yesterday and thought perhaps I shouldn't do the 20min running block of wk5r3 today, but I couldn't help myself. Will see if I pay for this. Think knee pain is related to failure to do knee exercises on weekend. Bad, bad elite athlete.
Found the longer block fine, though I worked a bit harder than I thought I would. Overall, I'm fitter than I was the first time I did this, but I have lost a lot of fitness since I finished c25k the first time
distance: 3.99km, duration: 0:30, pace: 07:31, calories: 389
I am STILL running the same distance as during week 4.
The two long blocks were surprisingly unhard. I thought it was another ipod mistake, and took it as a challenge. It was nice to actually think 'oo, this will be harder' and then to push myself a bit. But I didn't actually run very fast or very far, so I guess it wasn't that big a deal.
But I'm looking forward to the rest of the week5 runs.
duration: 00:30, pace: 07:31, calories: 389, effort:3/5, feeling: good, distance: 3.99km
Nice. Week 5 reminds me that this is actually running, not a doodleoodle walk. It wasn't as hard the first time, but my body made it clear that it's not really as fit as it was.
I've been off the antihistamines for a couple of days and I reckon it's making me feel less lethargic. Or at least the placebo is thoroughly on-track. :D
km tracked: 3.99, pace: 07:31, duration: 0:30, calories: 389, feeling: alright
Tired tired tired. I've had enough of this low-energy tiredness. But it didn't really affect my running that much, just made me feel tiiiiired.
I did run 3 of c25k wk4 again because I've had a week off for Canberrang.
duration: 00:45, feeling: good
Not really much of a workout, but I want to keep track of the stuff I do that puts pressure on my knee/foot. And dance practice on a concrete floor does that.
feeling: good, distance: 3.99 km, duration: 00:30, pace: 07:31, calories: 389
Nice. I'm kind of ready to get back to proper running in my brainz, but I will resist and keep taking it easy so my knee doesn't explode.
less than a minute ago
km tracked: 3.9, duration: 0:30, pace: 7:41, feeling: good, effort: 3/5, calories: 389
A bit stiff and sore in the hammies after yesterday's bending and scrubbing work.
2 minutes ago
km tracked: 3:21, feeling: good, effort: 2/5, calories: 22
Who could resist a nice walk on a clear afternoon?
I did feel it in my knees, though, and it was a mistake to walk on the same day I ran just as I move up a level. Oh well, we'll see how things pan out tomorrow. After I dance my arse off.
km tracked: 3.72; duration: 0:30; pace: 08:03; feeling: great; calories: 389; effort: 3/5; humid, overcast, sunny, warmer
HUMID! And much warmer than usual.
The slightly longer run sections were nice - came home feeling just a little bit more adrenaline charged. I'm going to have to watch I don't overdo it and bust up my knee again.
km tracked: 3.39; pace: 8:50; calories: 389; feeling: great
Wk3 run3 _again_. I'm pretty sure I've done this about a million times. But then, I'm not really supposed to be running properly on the bung knee yet.
I'm looking forward to proper running, but I'm also enjoying the dawdley pace.
km tracked: 3.2 km
A nice, easy, short walk.
km tracked: 3.39, duration: 00:30, pace: 08:50, calories: 389, feeling: good
Nice. Knee held up fine, especially after a good rub-down yesterday.
...though now I wonder if I was supposed to be doing run 1 of wk4 instead of wk3r3... ? Whatevs. Slow and steady is _definitely_ my mantra (although 'gaining without pain' might be good).
...looks like I've gotten all confused with the weeks and done run3 of week 3 twice, but not done run 1 or 2 of that week. I'll try to remember to do the same run again on Wednesday (ie a third run from week3, as they're all the same. I think). Doh.
km tracked: 4.17km, feeling: great;
A nice, easy walk to help loosen the kinks.
km tracked: 3.39km, duration: 00:30, pace: 08:50, calories: 389
Feeling pretty good, except I've just had no energy and been a bit puffy post-run. Not in a 'I've run really fast way' but in a 'I can't get any air' way. I figure it's just a cold or bug I've been battling.
Either way, the running itself is going fine, but I can't seem to go as far as I usually do...
distance: 3.23 km duration: 00:30, pace: 09:18, calories: 389
How could I get a shorter distance when I'm actually running _more_?
Whatevs. Running is nice. We are still pain-free and it is great. I'm gonna continue with the c25k to steadily build me up to previous levels of orsm and avoid injury. It'd be frustrating, if it weren't for the fact that both my podiatrist and I are amazed that (with dodgy foot) I'm actually _walking_ without pain, let alone running. I am made of strongs, I think. :D
km tracked: 3.23, duration: 00:30, pace: 9:18, calories: 389
distance: 5.76 km
A nice walk after NO EXERCISE the last week.
duration: 00:02:00
Still feeling the lack of fitness. Wonder if I have been battling a cold or something as I still feel a bit flat. Boo. In other news, the knees are rockhardawesome and I continue with the sixtyfivezillion strengthening exercises. I can safely say that I owe any mobility at all to the millions of exercises I do every day for my foot and knees.
duration: 02:00, feeling: great
Really felt the lack of exercise during the week. :(
duration: 00:30, distance: 3.69km, pace: 8.07, feeling: good, calories: 389
Doing the first run of c25k with a friend who's starting and wanted company. Not sure I'm any good at running with other people - I don't like the way it distracts me from my own rhythm. Even though the company was nice.
Knees are *knock on wood* feeling GREAT. But I've had about enough of this snot - it's making me tiiiiiired.
duration: 00:30, kilometres tracked: 3.19km, calories: 389, feeling: good, pace: 7:38
Feeling fatigued from constant allergy issues... wonder if I actually have a cold? Either way: boo to lack of energy.
But it's still very nice to be out and running/walking about regularly again. Still no knee pain, so feeling pretty optimistic about returning to proper running. Might continue with c25k til end, though, as I like the structure.
duration: 2:00, feeling: great
Lots of fun, lots of intense dancing. Sore knees the next day, but not in a major way. We'll see how thing shape up on Monday.
km tracked: 3.52, duration: 00:30, pace: 08:31, calories: 389, effort: 3/5, feeling: great
chilly and rainy, but: new tracksuit pants! Had to fang it to catch the lights and nearly kicked my own arse. No aches in the bodgy foot, no knee pain, nothing but persistent allergy snot (which is NOTHING!).
distance: 6.61km, effort: 2/5, feeling: great, calories: 453
Nice, slow walking in the sun.
duration: 02:00, effort: 4/5, feeling: great
Dancing! Adrenaline! YEAH!
I am still really enjoying the increased control running gives me when I dance. And the energy!
km tracked: 3.63, duration: 00:30, feeling: great, effort: 2/5, calories: 389, pace: 08:15
Still doing the first week of c25k because it didn't give me any pain the other day. Had shocking allergies last night, so a nice walk/run in the sun helped get rid of the snot, but kind of made me tired. Not sure whether to keep going with the supergentle program or to risk it with something more.... Might keep it mellow for a month, til the podiatrist-enforced unloading period is done.
km tracked: 3.51, duration: 00:30, pace: 08:32, calories: 389, effort: 1/5, feeling: great
Did the first c25k run this morning because I _really_ wanted to get out and do some running but couldn't trust myself not to overdo it. It was frustrating to have to stop running during the intervals, but the gentler program was a very good idea.
Now have about sixty million exercises and stretches to do post-running, so that takes me _longer_ than the actual runs.
It was very nice to get out again, and my knees feel ok atm. We'll see how they feel tomorrow, though.
I think I'll keep going with c25k from the beginning 3 days a week, but alternate it with some cycling and yoga to get a proper amount of exercise. If my joints can hack it. Will take it easy for now, though, until the podiatrist's exercises get me full of strongs.
I am slowly recovering and feeling pretty ok up the top. Full of strongs. Knees are still pretty sore, though, and a weekend of bal hasn't really helped.
But I'll keep doing my podiatrist-reccommended exercises. Then I will be MADE of strong.
km tracked: 4, calories: 117, feeling: good, effort: 2/5
A little walk to work out the kinks after some serious stretching.
duration: 5 hours, effort: 2/5, feeling: good
Balboa again - not the biggest aerobic challenge, but good for the posture, etc etc.
Left me feeling a bit achey in the joints, though.
duration: 2 hours, feeling: good, effort: 2/5
More balboa. The achiness isn't too bad, but I chose not to do the workshops the next day, just in case.
Went to podiatrist and got exercises for my knees. Nothing dire and knee problems will be fixed by hardcore strength training. No running for 4 weeks, or until my knees are stronger.
We'll see.
km: 12, duration: 2:00, pace: 6.0km/h, calories: 1559, effort: 2/5, feeling: great
The slowest, nicest ride around the bay and down the canals. Just for fun, because the weather is glorious. And because my knees are sore and couldn't take a serious ride, a run or more walking.
Thursday 10th June: 8-midnight
Friday 11th June: midnight-3am
Saturday 12th June: 8-4am (minus 2 hours)
Sunday 13th June: 8-4am
Monday 14th June: 8-midnight
Obviously not dancing every single one of those hours, but plenty of dancing. Ended up with really sore knees. The following Friday I was still feeling pretty fatigued. I'm pretty fit these days, but this much dancing and so little sleep left a mark.
duration: 00:45, calories: 202, effort: 2/5, feeling: good
Just some walking about to get places. Still working out the post-exchange kinks. Knees still quite sore.
duration: 00:30, calories: 134, effort: 2/5, feeling: good.
A quick walk to help loosen out my dance-scrunched muscles. Knees and hips are complaining.
km tracked: 4, duration: 00:30, pace: 06:53, calories: 389
km tracked: 4, duration: 00:30, pace: 06:53, calories: 389, effort: 5/5
Had some foot pain that made me walk a minute in the middle. I think I need to backtrack into the c25k and start building up slowly and regularly again. I don't have the fitness I want, and I seem to have having too much foot pain. Still haven't gone to the podiatrist, though, so it could be my orthotics...
duration: 1 hour
km tracked: 4, duration: 00:30, pace: 06:53, calories: 389, effort: 4/5
This time I stopped for a 3 minute walk in the middle to give my foot and knee and ankle a break, and it was much better. Then managed to do the last half of the route actually _running_. Still a bit worried about overdoing it and seriously re-injuring my right foot. So I will take things carefully.
Aiming for a third run this week and one yoga session, plus dancing on the weekend, but I'll play it by ear.
Finally: the rain has gone.
km tracked: 4, time: 00:45, pace: 10:20, calories: 584, effort:4/5
Managed 15mins of running before sore knee/foot combination put a stop to that. I'm really not happy with the pain I'm getting. I think I'm going to have to give up and go and see the podiatrist. Boo.
Meanwhile, I'm going to do walking instead of running, because I can't handle doing so little exercise.
Oh. It took me 5 minutes longer to walk a route I usually run.
Slow runner is slow.
duration: 00:02:00
Sore knee is sore.
duration: 01:15
Vetoed the kneeling poses and had much less pain afterwards. But discovered that the salute to the sun motions are actually really rough on my knee.
Will these aches and pains never end?
km tracked: 4, time: 00:30, pace: 06:53, calories: 389
Argh! Under 5k again! I guess I just can't run 5k in 30mins... though I reckon I get a bit faster each time. If I ran 3 times a week I reckon I could get it happening.
First time running at night. Cars! Wore my glowy cycling jacket for safety and was very grateful I did.
distance:5.40km, time: 0.30, pace: 05:57, calories: 389
Think my timer got stuffed up, so I ran further than usual, and ran faster. Though I was running in the afternoon rather than first thing... either way, I got cramps so I had to walk for about 5mins at the end. Argh. But I still got i 5k of solid running. Yay.
effort: 5/5 , feeling: good, duration: 30min, distance: 4.4 km, pace: 06:49, calories: 389
Felt pretty good. Had to run with a long sleeve tshirt over my normal tshirt because I can't hack the cold mornings any more!
A bit cranky I haven't made 5k in 30mins, but I figure I'll get there. Slowly but surely.
No pain and recovered well from last run. Yay yoga, yay taking it a bit easier. Thinking about 3 runs this week.
effort: 4/5 feeling: good, duration: 02:00
Tireder than I usually am - need those 3 runs a week to keep my fitness up.
Felt some bad pain in my right foot (the bung foot) at first so had to do some stretches.
distance: 4.48 km, time: 00:30, pace: 06:41, effort: 4/5, feeling:3/5, calories: 389
Still not quite as fast as I'd like, and a bit puffy today. I think 3 days a week is better for improving, but I'm just easing in to it so I don't hurt myself again.
Next week I should be up for 3 runs per week again, and I should see more improvement. But otherwise, I'm quite happy with this - no pain, reasonable rhythm.
duration: 1hr, effort: 4/5 feeling: great
Lovely yoga. Dealt with some incipient knee ache. Going to aim for 2 yogas and 2 runs this week. Because I love yoga a lot. Next week we'll see if I'm ready for 3 runs and 2 yogas.
km tracked: 4.01, time: 00:30, pace: 07:29, calories: 389, feeling: 4/5, effort: 4/5
Back on shorter runs so I can get back to running three times a week without lasting pain. Once I'm there, I'll work on increasing the distance/time again. Today was good: no cramps, no pain, and I ran evenly and well the whole time. Not as far as I'd like to run, but a _good_ run. We'll see how the knee/ankle/foot/hip combo fairs after this.
(5min warm up, 5min warm down in addition)
time: 03:00, effort: 4/5, feeling: 4/5
Felt really good and had lots of fun til I gave my knee a good bump being stupid. Was benched for the after party. Boo.
km tracked: 4.72, time: 00:30, pace: 06:21, calories: 389, effort: 4/5, feeling: 4/5
Cramps! Cramps! All that work in yoga yesterday probably contributed to calf cramps.
I'm back to 30min runs because I want to build up again slowly. It feels a bit poo to only run 4.7k, but it feels much worse to nurse all those aches and pains from pushing it too far.
It might have been a short run, but my knees and hips and so on are still feeling good, post-run.
feeling: great, effort: 3/5, time: 1:00
Lovely. It's so good for my sore joints. I avoided the scary shoulder stands for a session of getting-things-right and aiming for perfect alignment.
km tracked: 5.75, time: 00:40, pace: 06:57, calories: calories, effort: 4/5, feeling: good
Tired. Had to stop at stupid traffic lights a few times (!) and it sucked too much time out of my run. Boo.
time: 02:00, feeling: ordinary, effort: 2/5
More ordinariness, health wise. Danced a bit of 20s charleston which proved a really bad idea. It's really bad for bung foot. Boo.
time: 03:00, feeling: ok; effort: 1/5
Didn't actually dance all that much. Feeling a bit rough and wondering if I had a cold rather than allergies last week.
km tracked: 5.94, time: 00:45, pace: 07:34, calories: 407, feeling: good, effort: 4/5
Einto 10k wk4, run3. Same route as the last run, same time, etc.
Shitty allergies last night left me feeling a bit tired in the morning. But running was good as it clears out my sinuses (yes, I know). But feeling snotty and a bit tired afterwards.
This film is interesting for the discussion of iterative design processes. This is something we talk about in class - the importance of building prototypes over and over and over again during the design process. This has also been the hardest part of learning to design things, for me. In the beginning of the semester I tended to spend half, if not three quarters of the allocated design time in class talking and thinking and writing about my design. And then I'd try making or doing the design and realise that, actually, it's more useful to talk less and to play more.
I think that a PhD does this to you: it trains you to think about doing things, rather than to actually do them. Which of course is the inverse of learning to dance. You'll never dance fast or well or interestingly if you just stand there thinking about it. I think that learning jazz routines on the social dance floor, in 'real time'* has been the single most important part of my education, ever. Of all time.
It's taught me to work with other people. It's taught me to observe - to watch and listen. It's taught me that to make shit, you have to do shit: you can guarantee that you will NEVER learn a routine if you just stand there and look at it. But if you try, you automatically improve your abilities a zillion percent. And even if you don't get the routine (which most of us won't), you will learn how your body works. And understanding how your body works is absolutely the most important part of dancing. Or building things.
Learning jazz routines on the social dance floor also teaches you that counting out steps is ridiculous. It's a silly enforcing of a rigid organising system on something which is far more exciting and slippery. Jazz - in 'real time' (ahahhahaha) is bound by phrases and bars and so on, but it is also slippery and busts out of those boundaries with improvisation all the time. If you only learn routines by numbers, you will never learn how to bust out of boundaries and improvise. And improvising is everything that dancing is. Without it, you might as well be... writing pages of the dictionary out by hand. It's far better to learn a jazz routine by listening to the music and understanding musical structure (and hence choreography and dance structures) by moving your body and using the music as the organising principle.
Off the dance floor, improvisation and iterative design processes teach you the limits of your materials (how strong is a piece of spaghetti), the importance of collaborative design and learning (and you can't learn to work with people in theory - you can only learn by doing) and the sheer joy of working within a time frame and feeling the adrenaline surging.
I know I'm an adrenaline junky. But I just think life is so much more fun when you give yourself a little jolt of the organically manufactured good stuff.
*I pause here to laugh a lot about the ridiculousness of this idea: dance is always in real time, or else it just doesn't exist!
distance: 5.94 km, time: 00:45, pace: 07:34, calories: 407, feeling: good, effort: 4/5
Same route as the last run, same time, etc.
Shitty allergies last night left me feeling a bit tired in the morning. But running was good as it clears out my sinuses (yes, I know). But feeling snotty and a bit tired afterwards.
time: 01:00, feeling: good, effort: 4/5
Great! Yoga is really helping my post-running aches.
Serious groin stretches in this class were a little intense, though.
time: 1hr, effort: 4/5 feeling: great
Great! Yoga is really helping my post-running aches.
Serious groin stretches in this class were a little intense, though.
distance: 6km, time: 00:45, pace: 07:34, calories: calories, feeling: great, effort: 4/5
run2 of wk4 of the Ease into 10k: 4x8min + 3x1min walk + 10 warm up/down.
It wasn't difficult at all, though I was getting some muscle tightness in my hip.
time: 1.10, effort: 4/5, feeling: bloody excellent.
omg. I have _missed_ yoga. All those lovely endorphines, all that stretching and strengthening, but without the harsh impact, aching joints and aggressive motorists.
I am BACK on the yoga wagon.
time: 01:30, feeling: great, effort: 4/5
Not a lot of dancing because I was DJing. But I danced with enthusiasm.
Edit: Today, the 24th, I feel really stiff and sore, but in a good way. Yoga + dancing + some cycling = yowzers. I might actually be an adrenaline junky. I did say I'd unload my foot, and I have. Yoga did stretch it a bit, and that might be a problem - we'll see.
distance: 18.47 km, time: 00:55, pace: 20.1km/h, 624 calories, feeling: good, effort: 3/5
I needed to do some sort of aerobic exercise, but my sore foot couldn't take a run. So I did a quick ride down to the water and back. I tried to ride quickly so my heart rate stayed up, but it's hard to ride fast along that route as there are so many walkers. But it was really good to get out.
Sore foot was a little sore at first, my achey knee is a little warm, but there was none of the bad pain in my right shin and foot that I have while running. And when I got home I was a lot less tighter in the hammies than I am after running.
sunny, windy, cycling
Well, I recovered from the sore knee, but I'm still getting nasty pain in my right shin and in my right foot in the old injury. The shin feels like shin splints, which I had trouble with when I was into charleston hardcore. At this point, I need to rest and unload, and then start again. I'm thinking I might stay off running for a while, as it's the impact which hurts. Instead, I'll try to do some proper, regular walking so I can stay a bit fit, at least. I'm tempted to cycle in the mornings, but the roads are crazy busy when I usually run (about 7.30) and cycling in peak hour traffic is not fun. There are the bike paths along the canal and water front, though, so I should think about that. At this point, though, I'm very disappointed, but I'm also quite worried about my old foot injury. Recovering from that took a very long time. But I know that I have to be patient and just let it heal.
At any rate, this week I ran on Monday, and I won't run again for a while. I am DJing on Friday, so there's the possibility of dancing, but I'll try _not_ to dance. Yeah, right. And I'd like to do a long walk on the weekend, which might be a bit much. We'll see.
I do love running, though, and I think that the high impact + speed of running requires good core strength and stability, and that's the one thing I really like. It's super useful for dancing, and makes dancing so much more fun. I was also beginning to see the benefits of running on my latissimus dorsi, which is one of those muscles partner dancers obsess about, because it's very useful for helping you connect your arm to your hips/centre. I like figuring out how these things work when your body is in motion. I like the way movement forces you to multitask: not fall over and figure out how your body works.
The challenge for me is always to stay relaxed in the muscles that aren't working (alert but not alarmed), while also being able to activate and use the busy muscles just enough to do the job. I am continually fighting to release tension in my upper body (especially my right shoulder - a side effect of bung foot and a lifetime of hardcore writing). The best way of doing this (usually) is to stabilise my core. If hips are stable, then my upper body doesn't need to overcompensate to stop me falling over. Running has helped me isolate these two parts (which are of course actually far more complicated interconnected groups of muscles and bones and so on) and begin to get stronger in the core. I have less curve in my lower back, which is partly because my pelvis is less tilty, which is because various muscles and things in the front of my torso are more active, 'pulling' it into place. This in turn frees up muscles (like my lower back) and lets them relax.
The nicest effect has been having the chance to loosen up my shoulders, which then lets me feel how my lats are working. It's very nice and very interesting. My one concern is that stopping running will stall my progress. But the good thing about having a body, is that you have it for your whole life, so you never need stop learning about these things. And learning how to use them.
Once again, I'm surprised by how much of my life involves fitness and exercise. We have no car, so walking to the train and bus is important, and I do all my errands by bike. We like going on bike rides with our friends, we like walks, and we like dancing. We're also up for anything fun that involves exercise - games, frisbee, etc - fun stuff that gets your heart rate up. I guess that once you get a minimum level of fitness, your body becomes the perfect medium for fun. :D
(photo is from the wikipedia page linked above)
distance: 6.16 km, time: 00:45, pace: 07:18, calories: 584, effort: 4/5, feeling: ok
I've decided to stop pushing my bad foot with the Bridge to 10k program as it was leaving me really really sore. So I started at week 4 of the Ease into 10k, which is essentially starting 2 weeks before the B210k begins. So I did 4 x 8 min runs + 3x1min rests and 10 min warm up and down. This is heaps gentler than the 3 x 15min blocks I was doing.
I'm still very tight in the calves (a side effect of bad foot) and had to use my 1min intervals to streeeeeetch. New shoes are wonderful but a little snug across the toes, so I also had to stop to adjust them during the 1min intervals.
But, overall, it was a nice run. And I made better time over this distance than I have done during the C25k. I think. :D
humid, sunny
Edit: My knees hurt a _lot_, so I think I'm going to have to take a serious break from running for a while to get over the impact of the longer B210k runs. I wish I'd followed my initial instinct and gone with the easier runs at first. Oh well. But the pain is quite debilitating - I've got very sore knees, and I've had trouble with pains in my shins (like shin splints, but actually almost certainly related to my bung foot) and begun to get some ache in my sore foot.
So it's time to ease off. This is quite demoralising. I'm addicted to running, mostly for the way it improves me mood, and makes it easier to manage stress and anxiety. I am going to need to find some sort of exercise substitute so I can keep my fitness and mood up. Cycling, unfortunately, is terrible for my sore knees. Dancing isn't much good either.
time: 02:30, feeling: good, effort: 4/5
Fast tempos, lots of solo and lindy hop, lots of sweating and super fun. I LOVE having better fitness and control from running.
But it left me quite sore the next day - the B210K runs are really taking their toll on my joints. I think I'll ease it off next week.
distance: 7.86 km, time: 00:57, pace: 07:15, calories: 740, effort: 5/5
Slow runner is sloooooow.
distance: 7.28 km, time: 00:57, pace: 07:50, calories: 740, effort: 5/5
Tired, now. It was a long run and I was puffing like crazy at the end.
Some arsehole in a 4wd yelled out his window at me for about a minute because I ran past him on a zebra crossing. This is the first time this has happened to me running rather than cycling.
I didn't yell back, mostly because I was 2mins from home and puffed, but I kept thinking 'wish he'd check his speedo for me - I bet I'm pwning this'.
Why do these sorts of arseholes think the worst insult they can yell at a woman is 'fat cow'? Particularly when they're _stitting_ in a car?
Motorists are fuckwits. I, however, am a running ninja. 7km _and_ I pwned the patriarchy. All in one run.
distance: 18 km, calories: 508, feeling: good, effort: 3/5
Easy, slow riding as we were site-seeing around the wetlands.
My knees have been sore with the running (and dancing), so hard peddling hurt, but otherwise the low impact exercise was GREAT.
distance: 6.39 km, time: 00:53, pace: 08:18, calories: 688, effort: 5/5
Man, it kicked it my arse. But it was good and I didn't stop running in the running bits. Running later in the day to avoid the rain meant running in the heat and humidity and I SWEATED so much.
Some aches in my bad foot - makes me think I should revisit the podiatrist to have my orthotics checked (it's been a year).
My shins were a bit achey before I started. I don't do any warm up stretches, but lots of warm down stretches. I think I need to do proper warm ups, beyond the 5minutes walk.
distance: 6.35 km, time: 00:53, pace: 08:20, calories: 688, effort: 5/5
Good! Something strange happened to the ipod app partway through so I think I ended up running further than I planned. I didn't hear the halfway tone, and when I checked I was over the halfway point. Then the ipod reset itself. Bah.
But I just ran and ran and it wasn't hard. Though allergies made breathing difficult.
Running an hour later in the day was crap, though - the sun was hotter and made it less pleasant, even in the cooler morning.
cloudy, sunny
duration: 03:00
Dancing = fun
distance: 6.53 km, time: 00:53 08:06, calories: 688, effort: 5/5
The running is still hard, but not as hard as Wednesday. Had seriously tight calves/hamms though, so I had to spend my first two 1min walking intervals stretching. Dunno if I'll be able to hack the jump to week 2's longer intervals. We'll see.
The stupid B210k app is SCREWED and restarted my third run again. So I ended up running further than planned (by about 5minutes) in that section again.
distance: 4.51 km, time: 00:40, pace: 08:52, calories: 519, effort: 4/5
The streets were really empty and it was strange running without an audience.
I feel really good, and I even managed to pick up my speed a bit in the last few minutes to get back to my starting place. Now I need to work on getting my time down - I do just under 1k walking to cool up and down, so I really need to get my running speed up to get to 5k in 30minutes.
distance: 5.14 km, time: 00:40, pace: 07:46, calories: 519, effort: 4/5
Got to the end of the running part and literally groaned in disappointment. This is getting easier (and funner).
cloudy, overcast
distance: 5.09 km, time: 00:40, pace: 07:51, calories: 519, effort: 5/5
I had difficulty finding my rhythm in the first ten minutes or so, but it was fine after that. It was a bit challenging, but not as hard as wk8run3 was. I feel pretty good now.
hot, humid, overcast
duration: 02:00
Humid! Hot! Fun! Lindy hop is way harder work than running, but way more fun.
hot, humid
distance: 5.29 km, time: 00:38, pace: 07:10, calories: 493, effort: 5/5
Much better today! I've broken the 5k mark, which is very exciting (time for a new goal, I think). The flatter route made all the difference. Imagine what it would be like running a route that was actually flat!
distance: 4.4 km, time: 00:38, pace: 08:38, calories: 493, effort: 5/5, feeling: not too good
Had to walk at about the 20min mark, then ran then had to walk, then ran, then finally just had to walk home. Woke up feeling tiiiired in my body and found the (quite hilly) new route really hard. Feel so rough after the run I suspect some sort of cold in my future. :(
But at least I got in 20mins of running and went the whole distance - I couldn't have done that 3 weeks ago. I'll repeat run2 of week8 next, then have another go at run3.
cloudy, hot
distance: 4.88 km, time: 00:38, pace: 07:47, calories: 493, effort: 5/5
Cool weather, but very cloudy and with some sprinkly rain. Not enough birds. Running was about the same level as hardness, though the transition to the hillier route has required more effort in parts. Very tired afterwards, probably because I didn't go to bed early enough. :D
cloudy, humid, overcast
duration: 02:00
Lots of fun. Running has made dancing fast _so_ much easier - I'm fitter and my movements are more controlled and more efficient.
distnace: 4.71 km, time: 00:35, pace: 07:26, calories: 454, effort: 5/5
I feel really good. It was still hard in the last 5 minutes, but not as hard as I thought it'd be, especially as I went a slightly more hilly route.
distnace: 4.71 km, time: 00:35, pace: 07:26, effort: 5/5, calories: 454
I feel really good. It was still hard in the last 5 minutes, but not as hard as I thought it'd be, especially as I went a slightly more hilly route.
distance: 4.55 km, time: 00:35, pace: 07:41, calories: 454, effort: 4/5
This is getting easier. In that I can actually get through the running without praying for the cooldown in the last 3 minutes. But today it actually left me feeling good, and the endorphines are finally beginning to kick in.
distance: 4.11 km, time: 00:35, pace: 08:30, calories: 454, effort: 5/5
Achey right knee, probably part of my bung foot adjusting to the longer runs. Last five minutes were _hard_, but I didn't stop running. The nice, cooler weather is good.
distance: 4 km, time: 00:35, pace: 08:44, calories: 454, effort: 4/5
Another 25 minutes without stopping. But it was a challenge. These longer runs are _tiring_. But I did it all without stopping. Very very slooooowly.
time: 02:00, calories: 1559,
Dancing like a fool at the ball in Canberra. Some floor work, many stunts. Manjury gave surprisingy little trouble. Improved fitness makes for superawesome showing off.
distance: 4.12 km, time: 00:35, pace: 08:30, calories: 454, effort: 5/5
25mins without stopping was hard. Hills are really hard - this was much easier on the flat. I had to pause for 2secs to fix my shoelace once (too tight and hurting my foot). But I got all the way through. I'd repeat this run if wk7 run1 wasn't the same thing.
But I'm feeling pretty good. Tired, but good.
cloudy, humid
duration: 2:00, effort: 4/5
Lots and lots of social dancing craziness without resting.
distance: 4.45 km, time: 00:30, pace: 06:44, effort: 4/5
Running after lunch: hot and fullstomachyuck.
Running on little sleep and much dancing: challenging.
Running on the super-flat with less humidity: super easy - felt like cheating.
No cockatoos, but many crows.
hot, sunny
duration: 02:00
distance: 4.84 km, time: 00:30, pace: 06:11, effort: 3/5, calories: 389
It's hotter in Melbourne than Sydney, and I felt a bit rough after a late night and dancing. But I did it all. It's much easier running in a flat town - hence my longer distance I guess. No cockatoos, though.
humid, overcast
duration: 01:00, effort: 3/5
Good fun - hot and sweaty!
hot, overcast
distance: 3.71 km, time: 00:30, pace: 08:05, calories: 389, effort: 4/5
20minutes running without stopping!
Really felt the impact in my knees without the resting walks, and also the limited range of movement in my right ankle. Tired, but triumphant.
distance: 3.91 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:40, calories: 389, feeling: good
A little chilly starting out, but that's a nice change. The 8minute running blocks were a lot easier than I thought they'd be. I feel surprisingly good.
time: 01:00, feeling: good
distance: 3.55 km, time: 00:30, pace: 08:26, calories: 243, feeling: good, effort: 3/5
Running in the cool is much nicer. Longer running sections were far easier than I expected. Had some achey in the arch of my left foot which became a tightness in my calf. Must stretch more effectively.
Got stuck at some lights for aaaaages so didn't get as far :( Wish we weren't bounded by so many busy roads in such a small blob.
No cockatoos, just bridge views.
distance: 4.06 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:23, calories: 278
Good! No cockatoos, but I realised you can see the Harbour Bridge for a large part of the run. Must look up more.
Slightly flatter beginning part and a cooler day made a big difference in my stamina.
time: 02:00, feeling: good
Feeling surprisingly fit and well, even in the super-hot hall.
distance: 3.57 km, time: 00:30, pace: 08:24, calories: 389, feeling: good, effort:4/5
Had trouble breathing because of allergies so I had to walk a bit at one point. :( No cockatoos to see for motivation. :(
Feel ok now, but disappointed I couldn't quite make it 100%
hot, sunny
time: 02:00
Hot! Sore quad/hip/knee combo on bungfoot side required serious stretching afterwards. Should have taken rest day between run1 of wk4 and a dance work session.
hot, sunny
distance: 3.77 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:57, calories: 389
Wk4 is harder than wk3 and I felt it. But I did the whole thing properly. Beginning to suspect I walk faster than I run. Cool temperature though.
humid, overcast
distance: 3.36 km, time: 00:30, pace: 08:55 calories: 389
Feeling a bit rough after a late night dancing. Lorikeet got in my face and scared the pants off both of us. Cockatoos still rock, though. Morning running = best.
Weather was nice and cool.
time: 02:00, feeling: good
It was very hot in that hall.
distance: 3.43 km, time: 00:30, pace: 08:44, calories: 389
Much easier than last week. Waiting at a traffic light eats up time, but I can't fit my route in without crossing at lights. Much cooler today, and that's nice. Humidity up the wazoo, but that doesn't really bother me any more.
I saw LOTS of cockatoos eating in the grass.
humid, rain
time: 1.0, feeling: good
Only an hour dancing because i was djing. :(
Hot! Humid! Pouring rain!
Feel really good. Except for right tricep - ouch!
hot, humid
distance: 3.19 km, time: 00:30, pace: 09:24 calories: 389, feeling: o
c35k wk3run1
Feeling a bit tired today. Reckon it's hormones. No pain, but I'm buggered and have a headache. Week 3 isn't as hard as I thought.
hot, humid, sunny
distance: 4.24 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:04, calories: 389
week2 run3 -
It was good not to have so much humidity.
Running after a night of hard dance classes was challenging.
distance: 4.24 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:04, calories: 389, feeling: good
week2 run3
It was good not to have so much humidity.
Running after a night of hard dance classes was challenging.
time: 2.00
My bad foot was a bit achey.
It was hoooooot.
distance: 3.92 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:38, feeling: good, 389 calories
wk2 run2 -
Cooler weather made the massive humidity easier to handle.
humid, overcast, rain
time: 2:00, feeling: tired
Really felt better now that I've gotten rid of that cold. Danced a lot and my knee is pretty sore today as a result, but badfoot is actually ok.
It was insanely humid and hot. Again
distance: 4.21 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:07,389 calories feeling: good
c25k wk2 -
First run of week 2, it wasn't too bad. I don't run very quickly, but i keep running. The humidity is intense, but that's not too bad. My bad foot hurt a bit, and my hip, but that might improve if I rest it.
hot, humid, overcast, rain
distance: 3.63 km, time: 00:30, pace: 08:15, feeling: good
wk1 run 3
ok - some aches in my bad foot, but it's more the reactive pain in my hip that troubles me. It's definitely not enough to stop me using it.
humid, rain
c25k wk1, distance: 3.63km, time: 0:30, pace: 08:15, feeling: good
wk 1 run 2
hot, humid, overcast, rain
Social dancing.