feeling:good, calories: 454 distance: 4.6 km, duration: 00:35, pace: 07:36, effort: 4/5, sunny
Surprised I made it through the whole thing without stopping to walk. But also pleased that I made it as far as I did last time, but without the extra 10minutes walking.
distance: 4.8 km duration: 00:40 pace: 08:20 feeling: good, effort: 4/5, calories: 519
10 minutes extra walking because it was a glorious day.
Did the wk6 r3 run, but halved the walking time in the middle because I should have been doing wk7r1.
Felt fine, but utterly exhausted afterwards, just like after dancing and walking on the weekend.
Weak girl is weak.
2 days ago
distance: 4.8 km, calories: 33,
A glorious day, but got so tired I had to stop part way to have a sit-down rest! Definitely still getting over the cold I thought I'd beaten. Well, we'll see how I go running tomorrow. Slowly, no doubt.
distance: 3.6km, feeling: good, effort: 2/5
This is the bit where I walked immediately after running today because I was going to be late for an appointment. Felt a bit tired at first, but then nice on the return leg.
cloudy, humid
distance: 4.6km, duration: 0:30, pace: 06:31, calories: 389, feeling: good, effort:3/5
CanNOT figure out how to map my run. :(
Had a shocking headache but decided to go for a run to see if the exercise would shake it loose. And it did. Yay. Mid-way realised I'd stuffed up with the ipod (again), so just ran to where I usually turn around, and then walked the middle walk block from there.
Realised I was late for Dr's appt afterwards, so just walked on to Summer Hill straight away.
Feeling good: cold has pretty much gone and knee/foot/etc are all ace. Running: I <3 you.
about 5 hours ago
distance: 3.5km, feeling: great, effort: 2/5
No exercise since last week, after a weekend away. Fighting the last bits of a crappy cold - the first since I started running months and months ago! But this was such a beautiful day, I just had to walk.
distance: 4.45km, time: 0:30, pace: 06:44, calories: 389, feeling: great, effort: 4/5
Better time, better distance. But dealing with a nasty knot of cramp in my left calf which started on Sunday during dance work. Will rest and stretch, rest and stretch.
Got puffed, got snotty (it's spring!), but think I've finally ditched that annoying slumpy bug that was bringing me down. All-strong, all the time from now on.
distance: 4.79km, effort: 1/5, feeling: great
Nice - windy and sunny and warm
distance: 3.99km, duration: 0:30, pace: 07:31, calories: 389, feeling: good: effort: 3/5
Had some minor knee aches yesterday and thought perhaps I shouldn't do the 20min running block of wk5r3 today, but I couldn't help myself. Will see if I pay for this. Think knee pain is related to failure to do knee exercises on weekend. Bad, bad elite athlete.
Found the longer block fine, though I worked a bit harder than I thought I would. Overall, I'm fitter than I was the first time I did this, but I have lost a lot of fitness since I finished c25k the first time
distance: 3.99km, duration: 0:30, pace: 07:31, calories: 389
I am STILL running the same distance as during week 4.
The two long blocks were surprisingly unhard. I thought it was another ipod mistake, and took it as a challenge. It was nice to actually think 'oo, this will be harder' and then to push myself a bit. But I didn't actually run very fast or very far, so I guess it wasn't that big a deal.
But I'm looking forward to the rest of the week5 runs.
duration: 00:30, pace: 07:31, calories: 389, effort:3/5, feeling: good, distance: 3.99km
Nice. Week 5 reminds me that this is actually running, not a doodleoodle walk. It wasn't as hard the first time, but my body made it clear that it's not really as fit as it was.
I've been off the antihistamines for a couple of days and I reckon it's making me feel less lethargic. Or at least the placebo is thoroughly on-track. :D
km tracked: 3.99, pace: 07:31, duration: 0:30, calories: 389, feeling: alright
Tired tired tired. I've had enough of this low-energy tiredness. But it didn't really affect my running that much, just made me feel tiiiiired.
I did run 3 of c25k wk4 again because I've had a week off for Canberrang.
feeling: good, distance: 3.99 km, duration: 00:30, pace: 07:31, calories: 389
Nice. I'm kind of ready to get back to proper running in my brainz, but I will resist and keep taking it easy so my knee doesn't explode.
less than a minute ago
km tracked: 3.9, duration: 0:30, pace: 7:41, feeling: good, effort: 3/5, calories: 389
A bit stiff and sore in the hammies after yesterday's bending and scrubbing work.
2 minutes ago
km tracked: 3:21, feeling: good, effort: 2/5, calories: 22
Who could resist a nice walk on a clear afternoon?
I did feel it in my knees, though, and it was a mistake to walk on the same day I ran just as I move up a level. Oh well, we'll see how things pan out tomorrow. After I dance my arse off.
km tracked: 3.72; duration: 0:30; pace: 08:03; feeling: great; calories: 389; effort: 3/5; humid, overcast, sunny, warmer
HUMID! And much warmer than usual.
The slightly longer run sections were nice - came home feeling just a little bit more adrenaline charged. I'm going to have to watch I don't overdo it and bust up my knee again.
km tracked: 3.39; pace: 8:50; calories: 389; feeling: great
Wk3 run3 _again_. I'm pretty sure I've done this about a million times. But then, I'm not really supposed to be running properly on the bung knee yet.
I'm looking forward to proper running, but I'm also enjoying the dawdley pace.
km tracked: 3.2 km
A nice, easy, short walk.
km tracked: 3.39, duration: 00:30, pace: 08:50, calories: 389, feeling: good
Nice. Knee held up fine, especially after a good rub-down yesterday.
...though now I wonder if I was supposed to be doing run 1 of wk4 instead of wk3r3... ? Whatevs. Slow and steady is _definitely_ my mantra (although 'gaining without pain' might be good).
...looks like I've gotten all confused with the weeks and done run3 of week 3 twice, but not done run 1 or 2 of that week. I'll try to remember to do the same run again on Wednesday (ie a third run from week3, as they're all the same. I think). Doh.
km tracked: 4.17km, feeling: great;
A nice, easy walk to help loosen the kinks.
km tracked: 3.39km, duration: 00:30, pace: 08:50, calories: 389
Feeling pretty good, except I've just had no energy and been a bit puffy post-run. Not in a 'I've run really fast way' but in a 'I can't get any air' way. I figure it's just a cold or bug I've been battling.
Either way, the running itself is going fine, but I can't seem to go as far as I usually do...
distance: 3.23 km duration: 00:30, pace: 09:18, calories: 389
How could I get a shorter distance when I'm actually running _more_?
Whatevs. Running is nice. We are still pain-free and it is great. I'm gonna continue with the c25k to steadily build me up to previous levels of orsm and avoid injury. It'd be frustrating, if it weren't for the fact that both my podiatrist and I are amazed that (with dodgy foot) I'm actually _walking_ without pain, let alone running. I am made of strongs, I think. :D
km tracked: 3.23, duration: 00:30, pace: 9:18, calories: 389
distance: 5.76 km
A nice walk after NO EXERCISE the last week.
duration: 00:30, distance: 3.69km, pace: 8.07, feeling: good, calories: 389
Doing the first run of c25k with a friend who's starting and wanted company. Not sure I'm any good at running with other people - I don't like the way it distracts me from my own rhythm. Even though the company was nice.
Knees are *knock on wood* feeling GREAT. But I've had about enough of this snot - it's making me tiiiiiired.
duration: 00:30, kilometres tracked: 3.19km, calories: 389, feeling: good, pace: 7:38
Feeling fatigued from constant allergy issues... wonder if I actually have a cold? Either way: boo to lack of energy.
But it's still very nice to be out and running/walking about regularly again. Still no knee pain, so feeling pretty optimistic about returning to proper running. Might continue with c25k til end, though, as I like the structure.
distance: 6.61km, effort: 2/5, feeling: great, calories: 453
Nice, slow walking in the sun.
km tracked: 3.63, duration: 00:30, feeling: great, effort: 2/5, calories: 389, pace: 08:15
Still doing the first week of c25k because it didn't give me any pain the other day. Had shocking allergies last night, so a nice walk/run in the sun helped get rid of the snot, but kind of made me tired. Not sure whether to keep going with the supergentle program or to risk it with something more.... Might keep it mellow for a month, til the podiatrist-enforced unloading period is done.
km tracked: 3.51, duration: 00:30, pace: 08:32, calories: 389, effort: 1/5, feeling: great
Did the first c25k run this morning because I _really_ wanted to get out and do some running but couldn't trust myself not to overdo it. It was frustrating to have to stop running during the intervals, but the gentler program was a very good idea.
Now have about sixty million exercises and stretches to do post-running, so that takes me _longer_ than the actual runs.
It was very nice to get out again, and my knees feel ok atm. We'll see how they feel tomorrow, though.
I think I'll keep going with c25k from the beginning 3 days a week, but alternate it with some cycling and yoga to get a proper amount of exercise. If my joints can hack it. Will take it easy for now, though, until the podiatrist's exercises get me full of strongs.
km tracked: 4, calories: 117, feeling: good, effort: 2/5
A little walk to work out the kinks after some serious stretching.