overplayed awesome

Tim recently tweeted “Enough with the CJam hate”, and it’s a reasonable request/plea. This is a post about overplayed songs. Songs that are solid lindy hopping favourites, that are also really good, and really good fun for dancing. But songs that are also played so often in the lindy hopping world they’re frequently met with audible groans.
This is a list of songs that I know will work. I was at an exchange, once, following the opening DJ, a good friend who’s been DJing for years, and he played pretty much every one of these songs, plus a few others. I remember saying “But what am I going to play when I fuck up?!” He sniggered. His set went off like the proverbial amphibian. I was forced to get creative.

While these songs are favourites or even too familiar for dancers who’ve been around a few years, they’re new to new dancers. And if you’re just getting into DJing, they’re very useful additions to your collection, and well worth the investment.

I’m listing these songs by the number of plays they’ve had in my itunes collection. So this is exposing my own preponderance for leaning on what I call ‘safe’ songs.

(title – artist – bpm – year – album title – song length)
C-Jam Blues – Lincoln Centre Jazz Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis – 143 – 1999 – Live In Swing City: Swingin’ With Duke – 3:34

This is fabulous recording of a Duke Ellington standard, slowed down a little from its 1941 release tempo of about 180bpm. It’s also a live recording from a show at the Lincoln Centre, and it features Winton Marsalis. I’ve spoken to lindy hoppers who were there, and they say it was beyond amazing. This entire album is really great (check it out here on Amazon), and there are at least seven extremely awesome songs on there which make great dancing. More if you’re flexible. The band is top notch and the song selections are great for dancing. This is great, classic swinging big band jazz. Perfect for lindy hopping.

This song has been played to death. It’s been played for far too many teachers’ demonstration dances in Melbourne, and it gets pulled out every now and then on the social floor. It is good because it:

  • has the excitement and energy of a live band;
  • is a sick arrangement of a song by a fully sick composer;
  • it’s a very easy tempo, but it doesn’t drag;
  • it has lots of breaks (which dancers quite like), but it also has some really nice clever layers in the arrangement (which suit more skilled dancers).
  • This was my favourite dance clip for a long time:

    It’s Frida (yes, again) dancing with Kevin St Laurent. There is much showing off direct link).

    Check out (an) original recording here in this 1942 soundie featuring Ellington himself.

    Main Stem – Duke Ellington – Never No Lament (The Blanton-Webster Band) (Disc 3) – 208 – 1941 – 2:51

    This isn’t a song that I overplay, partly because it’s faster. I find that most of the most overplayed songs in Sydney and Melbourne and the large Australian events are down there in the lower tempo range. But this is an overplayed favourite that turns up quite often. Because it’s fucking GREAT. There’s a fabulous version on that LCJO album. But the best one is the Ellington 1942 one. Or the 1941 one. Depending. Don’t believe me? Here, be convinced:

    That’s Laura Keat dancing with Todd Yannacone at Lindy Focus IX late 2010 in a Jack and Jill (direct link). Todd is a control freak lead, but then, he’s one lead even I’d follow very carefully, because he hears amazing things in the music and really shows you all those things. Laura – in excellent Laura form – pushes him juuuuust a little. I think this dramatic tension (not actual tension) adds to the excitement of this performance, with a song that kind of builds and builds and builds and builds until you think you’re going to explode.

    So, Main Stem is an overplayed favourite. But should you DJ it? Of course.

    Ok, so I’m guessing you’re figuring out that youtube plays a pretty big role in determining the popularity and overplayedness of a particular song? Yes. Just like music videos promoting a modern band’s latest release, a video of a good dance performance by popular dancers pimps the hell out of a good song.

    A Viper’s Moan – Willie Bryant and his Orchestra (Teddy Wilson, Cozy Cole) -153 – 1935 – 3:26 – Willie Bryant 1935-1936

    Strangely, I don’t have a video of people dancing for this one. But I do have a a link to the song on youtube.

    Again, this song is overplayed, and for good reason. There’s a version by Mora’s Modern Rhythmists, which also gets overplayed. I used that version to introduce people in Melbourne to the song, then when I had them hooked on the badarseness of it, I switched to the Willie Bryant version. It is beyond good. These days I play it when I want to build energy in the room. It always works.

    Solid as a Rock – Count Basie and his Orchestra with The Deep River Boys – 1940s – 140 – 1950 – 3:04 – Count Basie and His Orchestra 1950-1951

    There’s another version of this getting about with Ella doing vocals, but I don’t like it. This version has pretty much everything to guarantee its popularity:

    • clapping;
    • a repetitive verse/chorus structure;
    • Count frickin Basie;
    • moderate tempo;
    • nice energy.

    To be honest, this is a song I like to rest as often as I can. I find it a bit tedious, mostly because it’s a bit boring. It’s not complicated enough to keep me interested. I also get a bit over the brass instruments and I think it could be a bit more exciting and have higher energy. But geez, it’s a popular song. I feel like a sellout when I play it, but it’s a guaranteed safety song.

    Apollo Jump – Lucky Millinder and his Orchestra – 143 – 1943 – 3:27 – Apollo Jump

    Another overplayed song in the friendly tempo range. This one was massively popular in Melbourne for a very long time. It has all the hallmarks of a winner:

    • swinging big band;
    • catchy melody;
    • lots of energy;

    It’s lots of fun to dance to. I have, however, seen it crash and burn on occasion. I’ve found it can come in a bit hardcore for people who are more rock and roll than lindy hop, and I’m often in the position where I have to play for both. Regardless, this is a good one have in your collection, if only because Lucky Millinder was in the Mills Blue Rhythm Band (arranging, I think, though I need to double check that), and the MBRB are fricking ace. The Lucky Millinder orchestra, doing this sort of song, is a lot more mainstream/accessible for your average lindy hopper today. Sister Rosetta Tharpe did some fucking great songs with this band, including Shout Sister Shout which is another of those overplayed winners.

    Listen to Apollo Jump on youtube here.

    For Dancers Only – Jimmie Lunceford and his Orchestra – 148 – 1937 – 2:41 – Swingsation – Jimmie Lunceford

    Boy, is this one overplayed. I remember when Melbourne started discovering Jimmie Lunceford. Those were happy days. But this song does get overplayed. Again, it’s a big band playing classic swinging jazz in a moderate tempo with lots of energy. It’s a GREAT song. But I am very tired of it. I know this particular recording far too well to really enjoy it much any more. But again, it’s a song that will save you in a pinch. And it’s new to new dancers.

    I had intended to continue with this post, but I’m finding it really dull. Overdone. Overcooked. Overplayed. But I think my main point is: often the overplayed songs are overplayed because they are really good. And they’re a good place for a new DJ to begin, giving you an idea of what will work with dancers. They’re also very good songs for dancers to have in their collection, because they’re lots of fun. I also find these sorts of songs a good place to begin when I want to expand my musical knowledge. Who’s in the band? Why is it such a good song? Who’s the arranger? Why is a live recording so powerful?

    I’m sure the rest of you can come up with a list of other great, overplayed songs. :D

assessing ‘quality’ in music for djing part 2: scratchy?

Despite my better instincts, I’m going to do another post about ‘assessing quality’ in music.
I did the first one under the title Assessing quality in music for DJing part 1: the good song and that was such a long, tedious post even I can’t bear to re-read it.

With that post I’d intended to kick off a series of three addressing three points:

  • Is it good for dancing?
  • Is the song (or ‘text’ as we cultural studies types like to think of them) of high quality in a technological sense – was it recorded and mastered well? Was it remastered well?
  • Is the digital file of high quality?

I can’t quite bring myself to write two more posts. So I’m going to squash it all together and write just one. I’m trying to write more concisely, mostly because it’s good craftswomanship. Also because who the fuck wants to read a long long dull post that’s poorly written?

When I first listen to new music, I assess it in a few ways. I’m usually thinking of playing this music for dancers, or I’m thinking of this as music-for-dancing. So I don’t have all these thoughts about the latest Uncle Earl album. Music for DJing – for my type of DJing – needs to do a few things:

  • It needs to make me (and other people want to dance).
  • It needs to be of a reasonable musical standard and to fulfill a few criteria (does it swing, is the band capable, is the arrangement decent, etc).
  • It has to be a decent digital file. This one isn’t a problem when I’m ripping my own CDs, or if I’m downloading from a reputable online provider. But it can be a massive problem for people who share files, or who download torrents, simply because you can’t control the quality in those settings.
  • It has to be of a reasonable standard in terms of recording and mastering.

I’ll address the last point here. Mastering and recording.
I don’t know much about this stuff, and I’m usually just going by my own ear. Which is a bit of a problem as my hearing is steadily degrading. So I’m going to talk about this issue using my own words and the way I think about the topic. I don’t have the language or knowledge to talk about it any other way. So please be warned: this could be a heap of bullshit.


Firstly, recording technology and reproduction of music media has changed steadily since the 1920s. I start with the 20s because that’s really where my interest begins.

(Image stoled from here where they write “The Columbia Orchestra in Columbia’s New York studio. Date is unknown, but the conductor is not Charles Prince, probably dating this photo to some time after his departure in 1921”. Image is originally from the Library of Congress).

Things about early recordings:

  • the shape of the room was important as it funnelled the sound to the microphone(s)
  • different instruments and musicians play with different pitches and loudness, so where you place them in the room is important;
  • recording was expensive and there were very rarely more than one or two takes of a song until a) the later 30s, and b) the musician(s) became very famous.
  • songs were recorded individually, as ‘singles’, rather than as part of an album;
  • musicians did not always (if ever in many cases) choose which songs they recorded – their label or the recording studio chose their songs to reflect market forces, ideas about racially appropriate music and so on;
  • once a song was recorded, that was it; there was rarely any postproduction fiddling.

Here’s a fun little video about making records in 1937:

(Direct link here).

All this means that when you listen to an early recording in particular, you hear a very well rehearsed performance (if these guys were professionals). You don’t get stereo. You often hear instruments in a frustratingly flat way – trebles are often too shrill, mids are muddy. You might be listening to the product of cutting edge technology of that time, but it will not compare to today’s technology.


Many cheap CD versions of old recordings (ie from the 20s and 30s) are simply recordings of a record being played, often presented as poopy quality digital files. This means that you not only get the mess of an old recording, you also get the staticy, crackly, scratchy mess of a record and a shithouse digital file.
It’s better if a CD or digital version is taken from a master take – the original ‘master’ recording from which copies are made. It’s even better if that master has been carefully restored. Jazz nerds can crap on and on about remastering ad naaaauseum. Mosaic records have a nice example of that here.

As a DJ, I might purchase a cheaper version of a song (usually by digital download) with dodgy recording quality if I don’t have access to previewing. I might risk it on a new artist if I just want to hear what they did. But these days I tend to have a more general idea of what’s about – I don’t need to take a punt on Ellington; I know what he did. So I don’t often buy those very cheap, bottom end CDs with shitty quality digital files. In fact, I’m now regularly going back through my collection to replace shitty quality files.

So when I look for ‘sound quality’ in digital files, I want:

  • None of that staticy ‘record’ sound. Unless it’s a very hard-to-find song.
  • As clear a sound as possible – I want to hear every instrument, properly balanced. This can be compromised by the fragility of the original tape or record used to create this digital file. It can also be compromised by a shit remastering job, where someone’s done something like just dampen down all the highs to ‘remove’ the static, etc.
  • A nice, clear digital file. In simple terms, I don’t want to hear that swishy, washingmachine sound of a very small digital file that hasn’t translated all the complex levels of a song (or the entirety of the soundwave action), or has translated things poorly. Songs that are torrented or shared in huge hard drive dumps are often compressed (made smaller), and this usually stuffs up the sound quality. I also really hate a digital file that’s got a nasty squawk or distortion when the volume gets high. I find that inexperienced DJs, DJs with dodgy hearing or DJs with a lack of care tend to use these sorts of songs without noticing. Something that can mark your set as pirate-central if you’re not careful.

‘Quality’ in context

If I’m just listening to a song at home, I can hack poor quality recording and limited remastering (if they’ve done as much as they can). But when I DJ, I need more. Because DJing never ever happens on the perfect sound system. There are always challenges: room size and shape, sound equipment, crowd size (a large crowd absorbs sound and reduces echoes).
But each room and each sound system is different. So a song I mightn’t risk at one venue, I will play at another because it will sound fine. My very best DJing experience was at the Famous Spiegeltent, where I could play anything I wanted and it sounded great. That sound guy had mad skills – he perfectly balanced the oldest, scratchiest songs. Unlike other sound guys I’ve worked with. There’s one here in Sydney who tends to up the bass because (and I quote) “it gets them up and dancing.” I’m quite capable of getting them up dancing myself, thanks buddy. In his case I always try to do a thorough run through of all the types of songs I might play (30s small band, 30s big band, 50s hi fi big and small bands, contemporary small and big bands) just so he understands the difference, and so I can hear him balance each song.

‘Quality’ and the dancers

When I first began DJing in Melbourne in 2006 there was a marked resistance to ‘old scratchy’ songs at the main social dancing venue. The music at this event was usually a combination of neo, supergroove and shithouse modern reworkings of swing songs (crooners, mostly) by people like Michael Buble and that actor guy. It was utter rubbish. I still can’t listen to Van Morrison without feeling a bit nauseous. There were one or two (literally – one or two) DJs who played other things. But they were, for the most part, finding it a bit of an uphill battle.
So I couldn’t just come in with a set of solid, big band classic swing from the 30s and 40s. Not only was the style unfamiliar for most dancers (argh), but the quality was challenging. I solved the problem by playing a mix of musical ‘qualities’ – moving from hi fi to lo fi and back again – and a range of musical styles. I am forever indebted to bands like the Campus Five for their excellent reworkings of classic swinging jazz.

I could have just played what I wanted. But that would have alienated the dancers, shat off the event organisers and generally done terrible things for my DJing reputation, ensuring no more sets for me. Ever. So I was sneaky instead.

Today, six years later, music in Australia has really changed. Most scenes see a lot of classic swing, in fact, the ‘chic’ music is more pared-down NOLA or hot jazz combos. Every now and then I get a ‘why can’t you play some RCR/Buble/whatevs’ and I have to stifle irrational rage. Eight years of dancing to that rubbish before DJing has fostered a deep and abiding hatred for dancing to it.

But when I do a set, I still pay attention to the dancers. I find that a set of solidly lofi stuff in a mixed room can be a bit challenging. It does sound dynamically a bit flat if you’re used to modern bands and hifi recordings. So I will drop in something hifi every now and then to change things up a bit. It’s a very useful tool – a bit of hifi to shift the mood. But I still won’t play neo/crooner/rubbish.

I have also heard the argument that new dancers find it difficult to ‘find the beat’ in older lofi music. I think this is partly bullshit. Old school swing often has solid, driving rhythm that’s impossible to miss. But the band as a whole swings, and this is more challenging for dancers who’re familiar with neo or modern music which might accent the back beat or not swing at all. If a DJ only uses poor quality lofi recordings, then they are going to be difficult to dance to. But that’s the DJ’s problem, not the actual song’s.

Summing up…

So, in summary, once again, this is a fairly in-depth issue, one I’m not really able to address concisely as there are so many factors at play, most determined by my own personal ideas and preferences for DJing and dancing.
But I will say, clearly, that a DJ who’s playing for lindy hop should definitely and without a doubt have a thorough understanding of classic swing. Swing music from the 30s and 40s. Because that’s when this dance really got cooking. And also when the musicians were fucking HOT.

If I’m preaching, I’d say that DJs should have a solid collection of this stuff as well – they should DJ it and listen to it regularly. Keen lindy hoppers should do likewise, simply to better understand the musical structures and rhythms that developed with lindy hop. You can’t know lindy hop without knowing the music it was danced to in The Day. Modern bands are great, but they’re recreating music of a particular style and period. And you’re doing yourself a massive favour by checking out the Original And Best.
Having said that, I am eternally grateful for modern bands creating classic swing and other hot jazz styles. These guys are so useful in a set, and they’re the guys we dance to when we go to see live bands. And at the end of the day, live music is the reason for dancing.

assessing ‘quality’ in music for djing: part 1, the ‘good song’

NB: When I DJ, I don’t think about all this shit. I just do it.

A little while ago someone on teh twittz was talking about song quality, and I didn’t quite get the chance to write about it then. But I’d like to now, because it’s interesting. It’s also a massively controversial topic, or at least a topic that every single DJ and every single dancer has an opinion about. If you’ve ever been with a group of dancers trying to decide where to go and eat, you’ll understand…

I had intended to cover all aspects of this topic in one post, but I’m rubbish at doing things succinctly. So I’m going to have to do it in parts. I’m not sure I’ll get to them all, but I’d like to talk about song quality in terms of :

  • Is it good for dancing?
  • Is the song (or ‘text’ as we cultural studies types like to think of them) of high quality in a technological sense – was it recorded and mastered well? Was it remastered well?
  • Is the digital file of high quality?

I’m going to talk about first one here in this post, because it’s the biggest one, and it’s the most controversial and also the most subjective. I talk about the second one in the post Assessing ‘quality’ in music for DJing part 2: scratchy.

Firstly, a sort of get-out clause: when I say ‘quality’, I’m usually using the term fairly loosely, and with plenty of provisions. It’s quite a subjective word, and is used in lots of different ways by lots of different dancers and DJs. I use it in different ways myself.

I’m going to talk about how I think about quality of a particular song in terms of DJing for dancers live, while you’re there with them on the dance floor. Not DJing over the radio or by other broadcast. I also want to note that when I’m just sitting around the house listening to the stereo or playing songs on my ipod, the ‘quality’ of the song isn’t at all important.

When I first add a song to my laptop’s music library, I consider a few key elements when I’m assessing ‘quality’. The most important one is Is it ‘good for dancing?’

Most importantly, the song must make me want to dance. Not every song I love makes me want to dance. This usually means that they don’t swing (in a rhythmic sense). Or that they’re not a style appropriate for dancing.

I love 50s southern gospel, but it’s often not great for dancing, particularly if it is intended as religious or sacred music. I have a category in my music library called ‘kissing songs’, which are songs that are between about 90 and 120bpm, often have vocals, have quite romantic lyrics, can be very beautiful, wonderful songs, but do not make me want to dance. Unless that dance is with The Squeeze and we literally have our cheeks squeezed together while we cuddle. I don’t DJs those songs for dancers. There was discussion on SwingDJs recently about ‘beautiful swing ballads for dancing’ which I read as a discussion about these ‘kissing songs’ which has made me rethink my position. A little bit.

I think this definition of quality is perhaps the most personal or specific to each DJ. We each have different ideas of what constitutes ‘good dancing’, and a large part of this definition is determined by our own experiences as dancers. So our own individual ideas of what constitutes a ‘good dance’ or ‘fun’ or whatever it is we look for in a dance, as dancers shapes the way we assess a song as a DJ.

I also feel that this is why it’s really important to dance as much as you can when you start DJing. But also to continue to dance as much as you can once you’ve been DJing for a while. That last one can be tricky, as sitting on your clack DJing makes it a little difficult to dance.

Not only will you see musical trends in the contemporary scene come and go, but your understanding of music as a dancer will change as your dancing changes, and as you experience dancing to more DJs and bands and with more and more people. Your experience of different dances and dance traditions will also shape your experiences of music on the dance floor. I do feel (and this is a fairly contentious point, and one I almost hesitate to write) that a very new lindy hopper – someone with only one or two years dancing – really isn’t going to do the best job as a DJ. They simply haven’t experienced the rhythms and structures of swing music in their bodies, as a jazz dancer. So they don’t really understand why a particular song might be a bit shit for dancing.

The follow up point to this is, of course, that there is no point at which you can say – as a dancer and as a DJ – that you have ‘learnt everything’ or ‘know everything you need to know’ about music. Most of us dancing lindy hop today do not come from a culture where dance is a part of everyday life. I don’t mean something that you do ‘every day’ in a distinct block of time, but something that permeates your everyday life – from skipping rope as a child to singing in church telling stories in a particular way.

This means that most of us will never quite catch up, musically. DJs and dancers should be always looking for the next learning experience, and always open to new things. As The Squeeze says, “Don’t deny knowledge!”

This is why I’m always very sceptical of dancers who think they’re too good or know too much to attend a particular dance class, or who think they’re too good a dancer to participate in a level assessment exercise at a dance camp. Not only is it an arrogant declaration (which everyone present sees) that they are ‘the best’ and ‘know everything’, but it’s also declaring that ‘learning is done’, or that that person can only learn in particular circumstances, which they control.

I feel that even the most poorly taught dance class teaches you something. Not just how not to teach, but also real things about movement and dance. About understanding how your body works, and how variety and difference in types of movement affect dance.

As an example, I’ve always liked dance classes where you rotate partners because you can guarantee you’ll feel one version of the move that’s ‘wrong’ and that you can’t really recognise ‘right’ until you know what ‘wrong’ feels like. Dancing only with one or two other people in a learning environment (which can include the social dance floor as well as a class) will limit your understanding of how a movement works or feels.

I guess I can sum all that up by saying that my assessment of a song which is ‘good for dancing’ is the product of my experiences as a dancer. I am not trying to make authoritative rules about what constitutes a ‘good song’.

When I’m listening to new music, I look for these things in the song itself (ie not the recording quality or digital sound file quality, but the actual song):

  • Does it make me want to dance?

    If I can find the beat quickly and easily, if it makes me want to tap my feet, if it makes it difficult to sit still, if I find myself imagining moving to the song, if I have that intensifying of emotion that is a bit like the music has gotten into my body and made me feel its rhythms emotionally, then it’s a good song.

  • Can I imagine people dancing to it?

    This is one of those things that makes it useful to have a wider range of dancing experience. I have to be able to imagine dancers making use of what they hear in the song. Do the rhythms and timing and structure match up with how we move in lindy hop or balboa or blues or whatevs? Is it complex enough to keep more experienced dancers interested? Is it simple enough to make it easier for new dancers to join in?

    One song mightn’t contain both these qualities, but it should have something that makes it possible for me to imagine people dancing to it.

    This is a problematic definition. Because, of course, it depends on my own experience of other dancers. Who have I seen dance? Do I have the experience to understand what I’m seeing?

    As an aside, in a recent conversation with a friend I noted that there are some dancers who are so technically and rhythmically (and so on) beyond me, that I can’t see where there weaknesses are. So I can’t look at Frida Segardahl’s dancing and see the errors in her dancing that are beyond my own ability. I can only assess her dancing by what I know about dancing. Which of course means that I’m going to fall very short of really understanding what she’s doing. I’m probably going to be full of wrong.

    So when I choose songs that are suitable for more experienced dancers, I’m really only working from my experiences. As a DJ, you do get to know music and begin to understand what you see on a dance floor in a way you don’t if you’re just dancing, but I feel it as a definite limitation in my DJing. If I were a better dancer, I could be a better DJ.

    But let me be clear. I do not want to suggest that a terrible DJ is a terrible dancer. There are plenty of really awful DJs who are fabulous dancers, for all sorts of reasons. There are plenty of excellent DJs who are ordinary dancers. And of course excellent DJs who are also excellent dancers. I do, however, want to retain the idea that a DJ must have some level of dancing proficiency to really do a good DJing job. And that the more dancing experience and skill a DJ has, the more useful this will be in DJing.

    Hmm… as I write this, I’m finding it difficult to really figure out where I stand. So I’ll just say: my DJing gets shit when I don’t dance much; the more dancing I do, the dances I learn, the better my DJing becomes; the best thing I can do for my DJing is to pay really close attention to the dancers on the dance floor while I’m DJing, and to understand how what I see might feel if I was dancing.

  • Is it a technically decent song?

    Basically, are the musicians skilled? Is the arrangement pretty good? Is the band actually working together as a team? These are the sorts of questions that have led to my preferring older bands to new. I know it’s a stupid old fuddy duddy point, but I do feel that the old school doods were better than most modern day musicians. Not all of them. There were some real duds getting about then. And there are some fabulous musicians around today. But the day to day realities of living in the 1930s and being a professional musician were quite different.

  • Does the song have something that catches my attention?

    Having said that about technical ability, I will overlook some technical weaknesses if a song or a musician has a little something that overcomes their limitations. So I really like the Midnight Serenaders, even though there are some problems with their songs. But there’s something about the bouncing lightness of their delivery that makes me feel bouncy and light inside. The female vocalist isn’t really all that amazing, but she has a confidence and musical relationship with the rest of the band that I really like.

    I really like the Firecracker Jazz Band, even though they can be a bit rough and ready round the edges. They really feel like a bunch of firecrackers, all up in your face. Their songs are energetic, exciting, and each musician really feels as though they’re bringing everything. I don’t know I can know these things, or where I get this feeling from. It could be the way a guitarist touches and releases the strings, or the way a trumpeter sustains a note without the slightest tremor – or adds a quivering tremor to heighten emotion.

    Again, these are all quite subjective readings of the band and the recording. They probably tell you more about me than about them. I guess this is why DJs develop a particular style, that you can pick from a mile off. I tend to favour high energy songs – songs that really kick me in the guts. This is because I’m DJing for lindy hoppers most of the time, and my favourite type of lindy hop has lots of energy and fun. I find it really difficult to adjust my sets to include less upenergy songs, even though I have masses of them in my collection. I like a sense of humour, I like a song (and a dance) to have a joke at the ready, a bit of sarcasm and irreverence.

    My favourite sets are to loud, shouting rooms full of adrenaline-crazed fools. I wonder if it’s because DJing is a bit like getting a bit emotional hit yourself. You sort of feed on or absorb what the dancers give off. When you stand in a room full of dancers, if you’re engaged with what they’re feeling, you feel that way too. It’s just how crowds work. So perhaps I DJ this way because I want to feel that way? Who knows. And I’m not sure I want to think about that :D

All this assessment of songs when I first buy them or add them to my collection is really just a preparatory step. I have so many zillions of songs, I really have to sort them in some way before I begin DJing. Not all DJs do this. But I don’t listen to music often enough when I’m not DJing to keep all the relevant information in my head.

I do have some fundamental facts glued into my brain: I know what to expect of Count Basie’s big band in 1939. Or of Benny Goodman’s sextet in 1939. And so on. I also have an idea of how a song will work because I’ve played it for dancers before in lots of different circumstances. Or because I’ve DJed similar songs before, or seen how a particular type of room responds to certain songs in other circumstances.

But I like to sort my music a bit before I DJ, so that I don’t have to clutter my brain with yet another shitty version of Honeysuckle Rose. And as I collect more and more music, I like to be able to get rid of lower quality recordings or remasterings of familiar songs. Or to make sensible decisions when purchasing new versions of songs.

So, to sum up, assessing the ‘good’ of a song is entirely subjective. This is why when I’m booking DJs for gigs, I don’t bother to think about whether they play songs that I would consider ‘good’. I look for DJs who can work the crowd, filling the dance floor and making them crazy. I look for DJs who are professional and easy to work with. And I do look for DJs who use sound files of a high quality and understand the importance of a good quality recording. Or of juggling sound equipment and the acoustics and mood of a room to make lower quality recordings work.

At the end of the day, a good DJ has a playlist full of good songs. But a brilliant DJ makes a crowd crazy with the way they observe the crowd.

speakeasy superfun

(Direct link to the 8tracks playlist)

A set list from a gig I did at the Speakeasy on Saturday night (22/1/11, 11pm – 2am or so; I DJed 12-1am or so). I haven’t done this in a while, but I was so inspired by the gig itself, and my previously-shitting-me DJing so reinvigorated, I had to post the set list with a long, boring talk about what’s in it and why I played it and so on.

Firstly, why was my DJing giving me the shits? Basically, I’d done too much of it before christmas. Too many frustrating gigs in less than great conditions at a time of year when I was totally buggered. One shitty ‘christmas’ party after another. Fuck that.

I’ve also been doing a lot of unpaid gigs, which is really soul destroying, particularly after being paid in Melbourne. Unpaid gigs make you feel as though your work has no value, particularly when you do them _all the time_. I don’t mind doing the odd gig for free, particularly if it’s for charity or for a special gig for friends who really want to put on a socially right-on gig (like this one I’ll be discussing in a second). But if I’m (one vertebrae in) the backbone of a social night, I really need to see some of the $$ being paid by the punters at the door. My music buying habit also really needs the $$.

I’ve also been doing so much dance work myself, I really want to dance. And there’s nothing more frustrating than sitting on my clack watching other people dance.

(Image lifted from here. If you’re liking this Bill Steber photo, I’ve linked to a few more here.)

So why did I take this gig? Basically, it was because the guys who run this Speakeasy event have some very nice goals:
– make it as cheap as possible for punters;
– run a socially right-on event: make it fun, make the food and drinks good (no fairy bread here), make the vibe friendly, make the music fun;
– be environmentally friendly – avoid non-recyclable cups and so on, and where you can’t be energy or environmentally efficient, be reusable;
– be good to your DJs;
– complement other events by being on after the main dance/event, and working as an ‘after party’ or complement to the main event.

I’ve DJed for them a few times, and the first time I thought ‘fuck, this is what DJing an exchange would be like if the organisers were professional and relaxed, the venue was good and the event was relaxed and fun and not riddled with politics and tension.’ I’ve done a few gigs with them since, and each time has been as good as the first one. The organisers are really nice to me (which, shockingly, isn’t as common with other gigs as you’d expect), the gig is chilled with an equal mix of dancing and socialising (which is really nice – less pressure to ‘facilitate good dancing experiences’, more emphasis on ‘playing fun songs and having fun’) and I feel relaxed and enjoy the actual DJing experience.

This really surprises me as I’m always squeezed into the middle of a crowded room, surrounded by people talking. Usually I hate that crowdedness when I’m trying to ‘work’, but with this gig it feels totally ok. The punters can come and tell me when they like a song or if they want to know who sang it, they buy me drinks, and I can ask them what they’d like to hear or what they’re in the mood for. They’re usually interested in music which isn’t oriented towards hardcore lindy hop, and I play a combination of blues, soul, funk and other fun party music. This is often a sticking point for me. I don’t usually like doing gigs with a mix of music, but I enjoy these ones. I get to play the faster blues music which isn’t ok for lindy hop, really, and isn’t wanted at straight blues nights. And I get to toss in the odd Aretha Franklin song. Which is so sell-out, but also, so wonderful.

So when I was asked to do this gig, I said yes immediately and without stopping to think. Pete was also after some help setting up and I also said yes immediately to that. I really like being involved in dance events which have their politics in the right place: make good events that are fun and friendly and good. Don’t fuck people over. Have fun. I also really like working with these guys as a DJ as they’re so friendly and lovely, I knew that doing prep work would be lots of fun. And when you’re doing volunteer work at dance events, the most important part of the experience is that it be fun and friendly. Which, once again, it’s often not.

The venue, Cross Over Dance Studio was also really nice. Pete and I went along to scout it out earlier in the week (we spent a week putting the event together, which was also nice: less long lead time to get stressy). The guy who runs the joint is really nice and I really liked the mood in the studio. It was busy, with lots of people coming in and out to dance. And as we were checking things out, a huge group of young women arrived for a badass hippity hop class, and that was beyond wonderful. The manager was ridiculously accommodating of our slow hippy-paced consensual decision making process, and I felt really good about going into that space to work with someone who was as stupidly in-love with dancing as I am. Often the venue managers we work with in dance are jaded and burnt out. Working in shitty night clubs we see too many fairly unhappy people, and it’s not nice working with them.

The space itself is nice and fresh and clean – you can see some photos on the site. We used the foyer area, with the option of breaking out to one of the studios if we needed it. Which we did. Sound proofing between the studios was GREAT, which is often an issue when you’re using multiple spaces and DJs. We moved the sofas around in the large foyer area to clear a ‘dance floor’, but plopped little bunches of couches together to making ‘conversation spaces’. It worked well – people flowed between the couch areas and the dance floor, into the studio, around the centre admin island (where we put the DJ), to the ‘kissing room’ which was a bit quieter and darker for calmer conversations. I liked the way the main area had general ‘party’ music, and that that was also where a lot of hanging about talking happened. The studio was really more for more hardcore dancing, and that sort of space isn’t really conducive to good talking and socialising, but is good for more hardcore dancing. I actually didn’t dance in there at all – I preferred the more party/pub/bar atmosphere of the main room.

We put the DJ at the main ‘island’ in the centre of the room, which was a great idea. You could see the entire room, keep the ‘in the mix’ feeling of these guys’ other events, but have a secure table for laptop and a good, somewhat raised vantage point for keeping an eye on things. The lift to the space opened straight into the room, in direct line of sight to the DJ. This was really GREAT for DJing, as I could work directly with the energy of the lift’s ‘bing’ and the sudden influx of a crowded lift’s worth of people. I aimed at making the room feel ‘full’ of sound and party with my music. The speakers were in the middle of the room pushing out from the island, and while they weren’t really up to the job, they worked ok.

People ended up dancing in a few different areas, which was also good – it kept things from feeling really crushed and it kind of messed up the usual hierarchies that happen on a dance floor. I also liked it that dance floor space was also traffic space. That would interfere with hardcore dancing which really needs safe, clear areas for dancing, but it keeps you connected, as a dancer, with the people in the rest of the room when you have to keep your eye out for people moving through to get a beer or to call out to you. I like the way that sort of room makes me dance – I feel connected to the whole room, not just my partner. Perfect for late night party feelings.

Incidentally, Pete put on some great food, free beers and wine, all included in the entry price. The studio is right in the middle of Sydney’s China Town, though, so if you’re looking for late night food, for once you needn’t chase shitty take away. Dumplings for all! The public transport was also really good, which meant a bunch of us went home on the night bus together, rather than having to get cabs.

The only real draw back to the space was the heat. We had heaps of fans on, but it got REALLY hot. This isn’t always a bad thing, though. It gets really sweaty, but I’ve always found a hot room much easier to DJ than a cool room. I think it has something to do with the way the heat affects our bodies. It makes us flush and sweat, which no doubt pumps hormones into the air. It makes our muscles looser than the cold, which makes it easier to dance. I also find it keeps people moving around the room, from the dance floor to the drinks, to the bathrooms to wash their faces, to the fans and back again. But we really could have done with a bit more air conditioning.

Ok, so what did I do with the music? I had fussed a bit over it earlier in the week. We were following the Sydney Festival Night at the Trocadero event, which was apparently AMAZING in the Sydney Town Hall, though there wasn’t much ‘real’ dancing to be had. The second part of that event included a Royal Crown Revue gig. My brief was to provide ‘mostly swing’ with ‘some neo swing’ to complement RCR. These Speakeasy gigs usually include some soul and funk, so I was to drop in some of that. Because they also usually do blues, I was to add in some blues. We talked through it a bit, and I wasn’t to do hardcore old school scratchy swinging jazz.

I ended up putting together a short list that included:

  • early jump blues and rhythm and blues stuff (eg Kansas shouter guys like Jimmy Witherspoon and Walter Brown, Jay McShann’s earlier stuff, some favourites like Lavender Coffin and other late 40s Lionel Hampton stuff, some later Louis Jordan, some Louis Prima, Wynonie Harris, etc);
  • some neo (mostly Swing Session and a few other bands, but I didn’t really emphasise this as I have very little);
  • hi-fi or modern bands who do dirty, gutbucket blues or saucy upenergy party music (this was a mixed group including the Asylum Street Spankers, Preservation Hall band, Tuba Skinny, Gordon Webster’s new album, etc);
  • some early soul and rnb (including Tina Turner, Big Mama Thornton, etc).

I do this sort of set quite often at exchanges (minus the soul), and I have to say that they’re often my very favourite. The energy is high, the tempos are really accessible, the rhythms are often more familiar than earlier swing and hot jazz, and the lyrics are lots of fun. The shouting and clapping always feels good. I felt that I pushed it a bit this time, and included some newer stuff (to me – not just my same old stodge) and worked the transitions in a more dynamic way. I really pushed the high energy vibe. I wanted the room to feel really crowded and loud and full of shouting and drinking and party. I think I got that happening. I felt really good about the set, and I really enjoyed DJing it. I’m fairly sure the punters liked it, though we had some people leave when they realised it wasn’t entirely like the previous events, or because they were just plain buggered after three different events in one night.

Righto, this is what I played (the modern artists have links to their websites – I recommend all of their albums):

[title, artist, album, bpm, year, time played]

I’m Feeling Alright (fast version) Big Mama Thornton (with Muddy Waters, James Cotton, Otis Spann, Sammy Lawhorn, Luther ‘Guitar Junior’ Johnson, Francis Clay) With the Muddy Waters Blues Band, 1966 126 1966 2:28 23/01/11 12:11 AM

All She Wants To Do Is Rock Wynonie Harris Greatest Hits 145 2009 2:34 23/01/11 12:14 AM

My Man Stands Out Di Anne Price Barrel House Queen 145 2010 2:54 23/01/11 12:17 AM

Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen Gordon Webster (with Jesse Selengut, Matt Musselman, Cassidy Holden, Rob Adkins, Jeremy Noller, Adrian Cunningham) Live In Philadelphia 151 2010 5:16 23/01/11 12:22 AM

Sugar Blues Terra Hazelton (feat. Jeff Healey’s Jazz Wizards) Anybody’s Baby 113 2004 3:44 23/01/11 12:26 AM

Knock on wood Ike And Tina Turner The Ike & Tina Turner Archive Series : Hits & Classics Vol.1 119 1998 2:31 23/01/11 12:28 AM

Respect Aretha Franklin Greatest Hits – Disc 1 114 2:25 23/01/11 12:31 AM

Hound Dog Big Mama Thornton Very Best Of 76 2:52 23/01/11 12:33 AM

Lemonade Louis Jordan and his Tympany Five Louis Jordan And His Tympany Five (vol 5) 117 1950 3:17 23/01/11 12:37 AM

Lavender Coffin Lionel Hampton and his Orchestra with Sonny Parker and Joe James Hamp: The Legendary Decca Recordings 134 1949 2:47 23/01/11 12:40 AM

Blue Monday Jay McShann and his Band (Jimmy Witherspoon) Goin’ To Kansas City Blues 125 1957 3:40 23/01/11 12:43 AM

Play the Blues Walter Brown Kansas City Blues 1944-1949 (Disc 2) 145 1949 2:39 23/01/11 12:46 AM

In The Basement – Part One Etta James The Best Of Etta James 122 1966 2:21 14/06/10 3:55 AM

Let’s Do It Terra Hazelton (feat. Jeff Healey, Marty Grosz, Dan Levinson, Vince Giordano) Anybody’s Baby 126 2004 4:28 23/01/11 12:54 AM

Shake That Thing Preservation Hall Jazz Band Shake That Thing 157 2004 6:30 23/01/11 1:00 AM

When I Get Low I Get High Linnzi Zaorski and Delta Royale (Charlie Fardella, Robert Snow, Matt Rhody, Seva Venet, Chaz Leary) Hotsy-Totsy 165 2004 2:36 23/01/11 1:03 AM

Do Your Duty Tuba Skinny (Erika Lewis, Todd, Kiowa, Shaye Cohn, Barnabus, Alynda Lee, Robin) Tuba Skinny 122 2010 3:47 23/01/11 1:07 AM

Shave ’em Dry Asylum Street Spankers Nasty Novelties 131 1997 4:21 23/01/11 4:40 PM

I followed Tom, who’d been playing quite an eclectic mix of old school, funk, super groove and general party. There weren’t millions of people there (perhaps a dozen or so), but they were all talking and cheery (the layout of the room was really what made this happen) and the room felt ‘warm’ in a social sense.

I came in with Big Mama Thornton because I’ve just blown a zillion emusic credits on her and that album with Muddy Waters is beyond excellent. It was a pretty full on start, and I was taking a punt by coming in pounding like that. But I managed to pitch and time it just right, so it worked out. Though The Squeeze had to come tell me to turn the volume down. :D

I followed with that Wynonie Harris song because it’s a nice transition to ‘swing’ and jump blues, and that gave me more options for the following songs. I wasn’t sure whether I’d want to go to straight ahead lindy hop, or to soul or what, so I tried to keep my options open. I was basically thinking ‘big shouting voice’, ‘simple rhythms’, ‘clapping’, and a basic blues structure.

Then I went to Di Anne Price because she’s more in the ‘swing’ category, though this song is pretty much solid jump blues or early rnb, a cover of Julia Lee with a slightly more modern sensibility in her voice. She has a gravelly, dirty voice that complements Big Mama Thornton. From here I could go to lindyhoppable, to blues or to something more modern.

I went to Bei Mir Bist du Schoen, from Gordon Webster’s new album because it has lots of energy and a lovely, gravelly shouting vocal (NB you can download that song for free from the site. The whole album is definitely worth buying). It’s also live, which is a sure fire way of building energy. The beginning is somewhat quieter and more chilled, but that’s ok because I wanted to kind of ease off a bit and give the crowd a bit of an emotional break. But it ends massive.
We had a massive crowd of solid lindy hopper types arrive during that last song, so I went with more conventional lindy hoppable stuff with Terra Hazeleton after that. They looked a bit tired and shell shocked, so I went with something that has a fairly simple rhythm and less intense sound, so they could acclimatise.

After that I was kind of ready to shift gears. Too much swing and hot jazz and early blues type stuff can really kill the energy in a room when most people aren’t really hardcore dancers. I think it’s because it can be a bit unfamiliar, structurally and rhythmically, and people associate it with ‘serious’ dancing, or dancing you have to learn in a dance class. So I went to some Tina Turner. Which was a bit of a leap, but still shouting female vocals. And it’s a song everyone knows. But a vastly superior version to the one most people know. It jumped the energy up in the room.

Then I went to Aretha, as she’s an easy punt. I was also giving people arriving a chance to put their stuff down (we had a steady stream arrivals as the previous gig ended at 12am). But I didn’t want to go too soul or into funk as that can be too off-putting for serious lindy hoppers, or for people coming from the RCR gig.

Hound Dog is my overplayed song. But goddamn it’s good. And people know it well now, and like it. They especially like howling along with the dogs in the chorus and at the end. I was thinking ‘ok, now I’m getting serious again’ with this song. It’s a good one for bumping energy up, but it’s slow, so it’s not tiring. Big Mama is so goddamn awesome, you can’t help but love it. More shouting.

Then I played Lemonade as we had a bunch of lindy hoppers ready to really dance and I needed to give them some familiar rhythms and melodies. Still really not hardcore lindy hopping music to my mind – it’s too late, historically, and too close to blues. Too rhythmically simple. But it’s a great party song. And a nice transition from Big Mama to older, more swinging jazz stuff.

Lavender Coffin. Overplayed favourite. Perfect party song. Something everyone knows. Lots of shouting and clapping. Perfect for tired lindy hoppers. From this point we really were crowded, and people were really ready to dance. But dance in a ‘I’m at a party!’ way. The way people dance at live band gigs here (like Puggsly Buzzard or Unity Hall) where you happily dance one song then go for a drink or a chat. Or where you have to watch the people around you carefully because it’s crowded, or where you have to do some showing off for your friends on the sidelines. It was nice to see quite a bit of that last stuff, actually, and not just from my idiot friends.

Jay McShann and Walter Brown. More of the same for a couple of songs.

Then I changed it up. I’m not entirely sure this was the best song. I got distracted and had to talk to Pete, then we had a few announcements and cheering and stuff. So I started in again with something completely different – Etta James. More shouting. A clear shift back to dirty soul. I didn’t really feel it working properly, though, so I shifted again.

This time more Terra Hazelton (gee I’m overplaying her atm), because it’s a familiar song that people love singing along. It’s a nice version that starts kind of mellow (I often use it to start sets), but builds up and gets really shouty. She sings more mellowly at the beginning, then shouts more later. It’s a funny song, so the lyrics are fun. I always think of Tank Girl singing it when I play it. It’s good for lindy hop.

Now we were solidly in badass lindy hop territory. But not super fast – people were too tired, it was too crowded and it wasn’t a fast dancing scene. It was a beer drinking scene. So I pulled some Preservation Hall. This song can go really badly with the wrong crowd. I think it needs a crowded floor, and people with stamina. Preservation Hall are the ultimate party band.

But it’s a really intense song, emotionally, and really loud with a big, solid sound. So I eased it off a bit with Linnzi Zaorski, who is very popular with a lot of dancers in Australia atm. This song is also overplayed, but it’s familiar and that’s good at a party: singalong factor. It feels less emotionally intense, even though it’s a bit faster. So it feels like a nice break. I always see the floor fill or at least change over, with a new wave of dancers coming on, when this songs starts. I like that because it gives me a chance to try a new angle or work in a new direction because the dancers are ‘new’ (as in, had a song out just before) and bring a new energy to the floor.

Then Tuba Skinny. This is another mellower sounding song. It has fewer instruments, and a sparser sound. The vocals are a bit laid back. It’s a Bessie Smith song, though, so it has the right dirty energy. I’d have preferred to play the Smith version, because it is beyond wonderful. But I was heading in a particular direction and wanted the hi-fi. It also feels a bit less intense because it is a less solid sound. I dunno. Anyways, it’s a nice song, and a good lead up to the next one.

I played Shave em Dry, one of the most overplayed songs on earth, because it is loud, shouting, live, dirty, high energy, hifi, funny, has a great chunky rhythm, is lots of fun. I often play it when I want to shake people up a bit. It has a full-on live energy feel, with lots of call and response type interaction with audience. For first time listeners it’s a bit of a shock because it’s so explicit. For familiar ears, the anticipation of dirty lyrics is good. I like the way it makes explicit the innuendo of Do Your Duty, the previous song. And I played it because Jase was DJing next, and there is no song more appropriate for Jase. And I wanted to leave him with a crowded, high energy room.

And that’s it! I had a lot of fun doing this set. I liked moving between styles. I really liked playing that particular room. I liked the serious change from my usual sets. I didn’t feel I had to ‘achieve’ anything. I just played loud party music. It was just a whole lot of fun. Then I went and danced like a fool, working through three tshirts in an hour.

dull with a side of dreary

The rain has eased a bit, and Brisbane is recovering. Slowly. Here in Sydney the weather turned mild, but the humidity increased, and we’ve had drizzles of rain off and on every other day.

I’ve been crocheting like a crazy person (you can see some of the amigurumi I’ve been doing here) and watching lots of Jane Austen television, mostly because I have a dentist’s appointment tomorrow, and I’m beginning to get really scared. No real reason for all that fear, but since I had that horrible root canal I’ve had dentist fear. So I’m doing lots of crocheting and watching lots of television, occupying my brain entirely so I can’t think of anything else. During the other parts of the day I’m exercising obsessively, which is helping with anxiety.

I’m also doing job applications, which sucks. The pgrad diploma I did last year didn’t actually teach me anything useful about cataloguing or library routines, which is the stuff they actually want in new employees. This shits me no end. But I’ll keep doing the applications, and try to get better at writing my CV. I’m rubbish at it.

In other news, the neighbour has gotten a cat, which she lets out during the day, and which has taken to harassing the birds in the gardens. I have taken up the hose and become cRaZy Cat Watering Lady. I fucking hate the way cats kill everything. I particularly hate it that someone in a block like this has an outside cat kills all the birds that the rest of us enjoy in our shared gardens.

I DJed a set the other night that didn’t go very well. I had lots of excuses: the dancers had been dancing to too much live rock and roll music and that had screwed their lindy hop. The rest of us had been dancing to too many good jazz bands and that had spoilt us for recorded music. It was hot and humid. I was out of practice.
But buggered if I actually know why I did an ordinary job. I didn’t feel connected. I haven’t really practiced DJing properly in ages, and, to be honest, I’m much preferring dancing these days. I’d really rather be dancing like a fool than sitting on my arse, fussing over music while other people get to dance. Time to have a break, I think.

This is turning into a dreary post, isn’t it? I hadn’t meant it to be. But I guess things are a bit frustrating round here. I really need some sort of job or something. I think I’m going to go into the library next week and do some hardcore discography work. I have lots of music that I’ve bought from emusic which just has one artist’s name and a date that may or may not be accurate. And I need to tidy it all up.

Otherwise, I’m involved in the usual round of DJ coordinating gigs (MSF in Melbourne later this year for a start) and I’m helping a friend run his irregular late night dance gig, which is going to be lots of fun.

I’ve also finally gotten the Big Apple choreography under control. Now I need to really make it good. That means learning the trickier transitions and getting the arms right. And doing proper, clear, performance-ready weight changes and shapes. So it stops looking like a bunch of jiggling on the spot and starts becoming a series of complex, dynamic shapes and contrasting movements that’re actually fun to look at. This also means videoing myself dancing and then watching it over and over til I figure out what’s going on and how I can improve it. This, once again, is quite satisfying for ob-con girl.

I don’t really have much else to write about, so this is going to have to be a boring summary of my boring days, all framed by some fairly dreary self-pity. Sorry about that.

raging ham should not plan DJing short lists

I am full of hayfever and premenstrual rage. I am, of course, excellent company. The Squeeze is in the garage with his earplugs in, podcasts a-blasting as he rebuilds his bike.

Thinking more about music I might play for the Gangbusters set.
Brief: > 180bpm, high energy music that gets people dancing like crazy fools.

Classic big band swing rock stars
These guys are the top ten, Christina Aguileras of the swing era. It sounds a bit same, but that’s because you’re listening to the popular music of one very specific period, music whose primary purpose was dancing. The large bands are firmly managed by serious, competent (and often quite gifted) arrangements. The musicians are highly skilled, and the bands themselves were playing to live audiences, on the radio and in recordings every week, travelling all the time. These are professional musicians with serious skills. Solos are usually pre-planned, if not scored ahead of time.

Musicians are grouped by section (eg ‘brass’, ‘rhythm’, etc) and you often get a number of people playing the same instrument – a couple of trumpeters, a couple of clarinetists. This grouping and concentration of instrumentation allows the bands to bring a solid wall of sound. I like this stuff as a dancer because there are layers of sound – different parts, multiple parts to the melody happening at any one time. Beyond notes, there are layers of rhythms which can be very simple (the chunk chunk chunk of a walking bass line) or very complex (the brass, rhythm section and woodwinds all playing contrasting and complementary rhythms as well as notes). Solos are often contrasted against a ‘background’ of supporting instruments. There’s lots to hear, and lots to work with in my body.

Smaller groups of the same period
These are smaller groups, usually made up of smaller sections of a big band, of a group of like-minded musicians or of groups put together for promotional or creative purposes. The arrangements are sweet, but there’re usually more opportunities for improvisation. Each instrument is showcased in a way large bands don’t allow. There aren’t the same walls of sound or complex layers of melody and rhythm. Bands like Benny Goodman’s small groups often had quite sophisticated, complicated relationships between the instruments, but in his case in particular, they were also quite delicate rather than ear-shaking thumpers. I’m very fond of Ellington’s small groups for the way they show cased particular instrumentalists and matched chunky rhythms with interesting melodies and musicianship. I like the Chicago boys of the late 20s for their raucous exuberance. People like Joe Venuti and Django Reinhardt add a more string-driven sound that feels a little less chunky and a little more visually interesting. I’m also fond of bands like the blokes from Glenn Miller’s band working in France after his death, or Roy Eldridge’s smaller groups.
There are lots of smaller bands from this same 30s-40s period, and I tend to think of them as complements to larger projects (like Ellington’s smaller groups or Basie’s work with Benny Goodman’s small bands). There are also New Orleans revivalist projects, or, to put it another way, smaller or medium sized bands featuring New Orleans stars, but doing a more swinging version of New Orleans style hot jazz. Sidney Bechet, Louis Armstrong, Kid Ory – all these guys were involved in projects like these. Sidney Bechet’s groups in this vein are massively popular with lindy hoppers, though they’re not quite the super-hot stuff they were five years ago. And then there are vocal groups and groups with a humorous or novelty twist. Slim and Slam. Cats and the Fiddle. Stuff Smith’s groups. Fats Waller. Teddy Wilson. And so on.

Working with all this stuff, I’ve certainly got plenty to get me through the set. But there are lots of less well-known musicians and groups to add. Western swing doods like Bob Wills. British acts like Danny Polo. The Harlem Hamfats (who have gotten quite popular lately, but who I’m not entirely sure are top shelf acts). European bands like the Harlem Kiddies and Leo Mathisen’s various bands. Smaller combos or bands led or fronted by vocalists like Una Mae Carlisle or Maxine Sullivan. Willie the Lion Smith’s bits and pieces.

…and so on and so on…

There’s so much to work with even before I get to contemporary bands. And I tend to feel there just aren’t modern bands who were as good as some of these bands when they were at the best. There are the odd contemporary bands who are really, really good. But the social and lifestyle factors which produced the musicians of the swing era just don’t exist today.
I know this makes me a bit of a boring old stick, but I guess I am quite conservative. But that doesn’t mean I will ignore or not play contemporary bands that are good. My sets are loaded with new bands. Loaded.

Who are my go-to guys for this set, then?

  • Count Basie, 1930s-40s. Kind of a blunt object, but his rhythm section really pounds along. 1937-1949, for the most part. I don’t have anything between 1932 and 1936, which seems odd to me – I’ll check it out. But I like this late 30s/40s big band sound. Lots of musicians, thoroughly organised, pounding out solid, four-on-the-floor, commonest of common time swinging hits. Good fun for dancing, solid rhythms, catchy melodies. This Basie period is pretty much the archetypal swing era, and many of his band’s biggest hits are iconic songs in the contemporary swing world.
  • Chick Webb, Ella Fitzgerald and the 1930s Webb’s band did some really amazing stuff without Ella, and then Ella did some really good stuff with the band after Webb died. I’m not talking about the cheesy novelty lyric stuff she sang, but the bits where she led the band in some really freaking amazing live recordings. This stuff is exactly what I’m talking about when I say ‘classic swinging big band for lindy hop’. There’s a reason they were the Savoy house band. And this stuff is built for excellent, up tempo lindy hop.
  • Fletcher Henderson, early 1930s. Henderson’s early 30s band was super hot and super good. Lots of fast, hardcore songs which are just perfect for lindy hop. I think the band tailed off a little in the later 30s, but his arranging work with Benny Goodman during this moment demonstrates his badassery.
  • Jimmie Lunceford, 1930s. This was one of those bands that is, in my mind, associated with the American (and mainstream Melbourne) lindy hop world shifting from groover to more old school music. I don’t have quite as much Lunceford as I’d like, but my preference is for the 30s stuff. Big, solid swinging orchestras kicking it extremely hardcore.
  • Lionel Hampton Someone I used to play a lot, but really someone I’ll put in this basket, mostly because I tend to lump him in with the 40s guys. Which is a bit silly. There are great songs like ‘Gin For Christmas’, ‘Flying Home’, ‘Munson Street Breakdown’ and so on. But he’s not really my go-to guy for this sort of set.
  • Duke Ellington, 1930s I have a lot of love for Ellington’s big band. At times he can be a bit too finicky or precise for dancing like a crazy fool. I find the discordant, experimental elements of his 40s and later stuff irritates me when I’m lindy hopping. But he wrote some amazing pieces of music, and I adore his 30s band. I actually prefer his late 20s big band stuff above all others, but it’s not quite swinging enough for what I’d think of as second wave lindy hop. There are a few songs I’d like to stuff into this set, though – ‘Stevedore Stomp’ (1929), ‘Hittin’ the Bottle’ (1930), ‘Jungle nights in Harlem’ (1930) and so on.
  • Other people: Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, Willie Bryant, Andy Kirk. I love these guys, but I don’t have a whole heap of them. Andy Kirk because his band didn’t do that much before they got too sweet and mainstream. Willie Bryant because… I just don’t. Artie Shaw I have quite a bit of, but most of it is not exactly where I’d like to go. Not counting, of course, songs like ‘Traffic Jam’, some of the Grammercy Five stuff and so on. I have masses and masses of Goodman small group stuff, but not quite enough of his big band to really work him properly. I have the hits, but I don’t really have a thorough understanding of his big band. Which is a shame, as songs like ‘Bugle Call Rag’, ‘Roll em’ and so on are great. I have quite a bit of his live stuff, but the quality is just too crap. Charlie Barnet, the Dorseys, etc. All good. Will play.
  • Mills Blue Rhythm Band and related acts. ‘Big John’s Special’, ‘Algier’s Stomp’ and so on. All win. I tend to lump the McKinney’s Cotton Pickers in with the MBRB. No real reason, other than I got into them at about the same time. Henry Red Allen. Joining many of these bands together. Luis Russell’s bands, for linking up Allen, Louis Armstrong and other folk. At this point I tend to follow artists and pick them up in various bands.

preparing for gangbustering

I’m currently preparing for a set at the upcoming Melbourne Lindy Exchange, and figured I might annotate the process.

[Rereading, this has turned out to be a really boring post. I’ll post with interesting band names and song ideas later. Hopefully that’ll be more interesting.]

MLX is currently the largest event in Australian lindy hop, except perhaps for Camp Oz in Adelaide, which is a week of workshops. MLX is an all-social event. By ‘big’ I mean that it attracts more registrations from dancers than other events. Its program is also ‘big’, but there are bigger. Before 2005 it was a workshop weekend with some social bits. It was the first Australian camp or exchange. In 2005 it changed completely, coordinated by the non-profit Melbourne Jazz Dance Association. I was part of that group. We ran it as a social weekend partly because we didn’t have enough time or money to book international teachers, but mostly because we wanted to run the sort of event that we would really like to go to: good floors, good bands, good DJs, all at as low a price as possible. Everything else was secondary. That last point about money is important as the previous year MLX had cost $500 for a full pass (which did cover 8 days rather than 4). We were, basically, a bunch of hippies. Five years later, MLX is far bigger than it has ever been before, attracting dancers from all over the country and world. It is the premier social dancing event in the country.

It’s also the one event in the calendar where I feel I can really DJ to my limits. I feel as though the dancers are most willing to experiment with new songs, have the highest level of fitness and a real passion for exploring new music. I have to note, though, that I haven’t been to Hullabaloo in Perth for a while, and I remember that as a similarly quality weekend, but with workshops. The all-social program means that dancers will stay up all night, to the very end.

So, anyway, whatever, where am I going with this?
The point is that in 2006 we ran two rooms on the Thursday welcome night dance. Which was a first time thing. Downstairs was straight ahead lindy hop, upstairs was Gangbusters. This is what we wrote about it on the website:

The Cats and Fiddle vocal group recorded Gangbusters in 1939, a song whose chorus – “bang bang bang!” – echoes the feel of this high-energy Hot Side. The MLX6 Gangbusters features superfast tracks for speedfreaks, balboan and lindy hopper alike.
The MLX6 Gangbusters features DJ Trev Hutchison (Perth).

It was immensely successful, which is in no small part due to the word of mouth promotion and general building of excitement carried out by dancers before the weekend. There was much mutual challenging and commitment to dance every song. Trev did a really, really good job.

This was in a year when Melbourne had only recently made a sort of transition from extremely slow music to something a little quicker. There was still quite a bit of resistance to older music from the 20s, 30s and 40s from most dancers. So we were taking a punt. But it came off. We could have run it again the next year, but I can’t remember.

So now, four years later, I’m not involved in running MLX and haven’t been since we moved to Sydney in 2008. And I’m DJing a set in the Gangbusters bracket!

This year MLX is also hosting the Hellzapoppin’ contest, which is really just a very fast lindy hop contest where dancers battle in a phrase by phrase format. I think it’s the most interesting competition in the country. The phrase battle format makes it interesting, the tempos make it exciting and the lack of fluffy rules makes it feel a bit real. There’s also a strong audience enthusiasm component – the audience’s response contributes to the competitors’ score.
What this means is that the competition will have people’s interest in fast music up. Hopefully it’ll also mean that there’ll be dancers there with better fitness and better dance skills who can hack those tempos. But I am actually following the comp night (admittedly with a two hour gap) at the late night, DJing first at the late night. I’m quite ok with a first set – I like setting up the room and I prefer to DJ first if I’m planning a big night of dancing. And I am.

Here’s how I’m approaching the set:

  • Warm the room from nothing to a set where the tempos don’t go below 180bpm. This is tricky if the room is empty. I’m probably going to start lower (no lower than 140, probably at about 160) and when I reach critical mass, I’m going to chunk it up. But it’s going to be something I do very carefully. In fact, it’s a bad idea to plan how I’ll handle this part of the night – you really have to pay attention to the people in the room, figure out how they’re feeling, and then respond to that. In this setting, as the first DJ, I tend to avoid coming in with a wall of massive energy sound because it just feels too aggressive. But if I start too chilled, I’ll never get up where I need to be. So I’m thinking higher tempos with a mellower sound or energy. Light, fun, but not too massive.
  • Set up the room for the next DJ. This means that I need to get the room ‘warm’ before the next DJ starts. She’s expecting hot, fast tempos, so she’ll be a bit shitty if I’m grooving along at 120bpm when she arrives. It also means that I can’t totally kill the dancers before she gets there – I have to work the energy so they have little emotional and physical breaks. And yet still keep the energy, enthusiasm and excitement up. I predict the Gangbusters will peak about midway through the second DJ’s set, if she keeps the energy building. I think it’ll stay hot for an hour, and then mellow a bit by the middle of the last DJ’s set. Over all, that’s about four or five hours of very fast music. If you assume most people jog at about 150bpm, then a tempo range of 180-350 is kind of serious. Other things will affect the session though – the aircon (or lack of), availability of water, what’s happening in the other room at the same time, the social make up of the room and so on. When I’m warming a room, I often like to check with the following DJ where they’d like to start, so I can kind of move things that way.
  • Keep it old school – in style at least. I’m going to aim for recordings from the 1920s-1950s, but I have a few modern bands I like who do some seriously hot stuff. So I’ll just see how things go. The newer stuff might be a good starting point.
  • Favour the big bands and classic swing. There’s a lot of smaller New Orleans band action getting about at the moment, and while I do like that stuff, I think that the big, solidly swinging powerhouses of the 30s and 40s are where it’s at for massive energy lindy hop. I’m going to try to play like the Savoy in the 30s. I’m into bigger bands from the 30s for my own dancing at the moment because they’re BIG and that means they have to have some serious arrangements – the band has to be organised. And organised well. And that means they’ll actually be putting down some pretty bad arse songs. I also l like the depth of sound and rhythm and melody in a big band – there’s lots there for me to work with. I’m into a few smaller bands as well, but I’m going to avoid vocal groups like Slim and Slam and the Cats and the Fiddle, because I want to build sound and energy, and those guys often drop the energy. However, there are a few of these types of songs which are very chic with dancers at the moment, so I’m going to use those judiciously. Which leads me to…
  • I’m going to work the wave. Which means that I’m going to work up and down the tempos, from 180-350. It also means I’m going to work up and down the emotional scale – from massive, full on excitement to more relaxed, lighter feelings. Just because the room is ‘fast’ doesn’t mean it has to be dull. I find that sitting on one tempo is boring, no matter what the speed. And using just one mood or energy level can be equally dull. In a room like this I will need to be sure I keep the energy up, though, so I won’t sit on the mellow stuff much. I’ll use it to offer dancers an emotional break. I think of this as starting at a base, calm level, then working dancers up to a climax, then backing off (but not back to where we started), then building them up, then backing off, then building up. The trick is figuring out where the final climax is, and just how much people have left in them after that. There’s nothing as horrible as a DJ who just keeps pounding away.*

Well, that’s my list of ‘rules’. The first rule of DJing, of course, is there are no rules. And as soon as you play to an agenda or try to work a plan, you fail to work the room, you fail to connect with the dancers, and you fuck up. Badly.
So my real preparation for this set involves my listening to all my fast music (which is quite a big task), weeding out anything that’s not totally top shelf. I’m looking at a range of tempos and styles and energy levels, so I have a little of everything on hand. And I’ll be able to respond to whatever I see.

*Which reminds me. At both exchanges lately I’ve seen DJs with their heads down in their laptops, headphones on, the volume up really high in the room, playing some loud song, and the floor empty because people have literally gone home. Meanwhile the poor volunteers who have to clean up and close up after the gig are exhausted and/or asleep in a huddle. This is not a cool thing. My rule for the last set of the night: there has to be 2 or more couples on the floor at all times. If I get 2 songs in a row with less, I end the set.

last night

Last night I went dancing and it was nice.

There was a crowd of non-dancers there generally milling around the pub, which was useful as it provided a sort of crowd-filler that really adds to the mood in the room. They were all cheery and well lubricated, which is a lovely antidote to dancers who can be a bit serious and uptight. But the dancers were also feeling cheery last night, and there was a nice mix of people, all of whom were looking for some fun dancing and were ready to socialise. I was happy with the way my set went. I just played a lot of favourites, though I did play versions that aren’t usually played. Which was nice.

Then I danced and danced. An hour and a half without stopping, only sitting out a couple of songs. All that charleston practice and swimming and running has really built up my stamina, which is satisfying. It hasn’t done much for my following, though, which is only to be expected.

And then I came home and watched Vampire Diaries in bed, eating peanut butter on bread and chocolate ice cream and explaining the plot to The Squeeze, who was still up when I got home.

lots of talk about exercise

Another long post!
I’m making sure there’s more talk about feelings and gender and power in DJing and dance. Even if they’re just mine. :D

I’ve been doing some pretty hard core exercise lately, which you’d know if a) you follow me on twitter, b) are a real live hooman friend of mine, c) I’d kept up with posting my dailymile posts here.
I guess I’ll get on that last one soon.

So what’s the deal? I started running in March or so this year, loved it, and used to run three times a week and go social dancing once. But that hurt my knees. So I dropped one run and added in yoga. Didn’t help. I went to see my podiatrist/physio (bless his blessed cotton socks), he gave me some exercises to toughen up my knee, and I started back at running twice a week with an aim for three. Sore knees. I started doing dance work on night a week, properly, in a hall and everything. Then I started swimming laps twice a week at the pool to complement my two runs per week, my one social dancing night and my one night of dance work.

It’s gold.

I love swimming. I used to swim a lot, doing swimming club in school until puberty put a stop to that, we grew up swimming a lot, and I’ve done laps at various points. But this is different. It’s so wonderful. I love the way it’s not impact exercise – no knee or joint pain. Just lovely stretches and a serious arse-kicking. Right now I’m running Mondays and Fridays, swimming Tuesdays and Thursdays, dance work Wednesdays and social dancing Friday or Saturday night (with the odd Sunday session) and lots of incidental walking and the odd long walk in between. It’s perfect. I love it.

It’s the perfect balance, so long as I don’t push the swimming too much. Right now I’m really not swimming as hard as I could. I do 1km in 30minutes and I could do more. I did more on Tuesday and ended up with a sore shoulderback (I think it was my trapezium, on the left side) on Wednesday. So I’m taking it easy, working up to more laps gradually. Unlike running, I have some swimming Skillz, what with that swimming club work as a youngun and some sort of bizarre genetic predisposition towards it (I think it’s actually the strength in my shoulders). So I feel good about swimming.

I still love running. I love the way it seriously kicks my arse and leaves me all tremble-muscles and sweaty. But it’s rough on my joints at the moment. I have added in lots of stretches and strengthening exercises, but I’m not quite there yet with those. I don’t want to suggest that running itself is bad for you or your joints. The issue is that it’s a repetitive exercise – you do the same exact movements – over and over again. And gravity is involved. And if you’re heavier, and without proper muscle tone, you tend to just flop down into your joints. That’s me. I’m pretty fit from dancing, but I’m not running fit. And you do need to strengthen your muscles for running.

Hellz, you should really be doing lots of stretches and strengthening exercises for sitting on your arse all day. I’m 36, so I’m not at my prime, running wise. But that’s ok. I think it’s a good idea to work up to being a ninja runner. I’m gradually strengthening my muscles so that I am more efficient. That means making sure the muscles in my legs work properly, so I’m not knock-kneed any more.

That’s a real issue for a lot of women, especially ones who don’t do much exercise – arses out, no core strength, knees falling in towards each other. The opposite is often true of many men – crotch forwards (so it looks like they have no arse), no core strength (but too much upper body strength), knees opening out like bow-legged cowboys. These sorts of physiological (should that be biomechanical?) issues are party socialised, but also to do with the physiological differences between men and women. And you do get men with the ‘female’ issues and vice versa.

I’m focussed on getting good at running because running is really good for basic aerobic fitness, and also for being efficient when you’re moving quickly. Which is perfect for cross-training for lindy hopping. Which is really just lots of running. With lots of jumping and leaping and bending and stretching and…
I love swimming because it makes me apply the same principles of biomechanics I use in dancing and running, but to my body while it’s suspended in a resistant environment. Gravity doesn’t kick my arse (especially not mine – I’m still ridiculously buoyant), so I’m free to experiment with movement in new ways. It’s kind of like yoga – when you’re inverted, you get to see how your everyday movements and muscle use are shaped by gravity and habit. Tipping all that upside down, literally, helps you become aware of your habits and also more aware of how your body works. Swimming is kind of like that. But you’re in WATER.

As per usual, I’ve thrown myself into this routine with somewhat obsessive enthusiasm. I am a little ob-con, which means I’m good at things like PhDs, exercise programs and other tedious tasks with perceivable goals. You usually see the results of a new regular exercise routine at six weeks or so. Provided you’re actually doing the exercise regularly and with some sort of discipline. And I am.

My results? Dancing is much easier – I can breathe and jump and leap with more energy and control. But my improved fitness and muscle and control means that I can actually do more while I’m dancing. I can experiment with new ways of moving. Which was one of my main reasons for doing this in the first place: decreased fitness and increased physical girth (as in not-muscle but just generous flesh…ooo, I do like that thought – generous, bountiful flesh!) make it difficult to do some movements. They also prevent you doing movements for longer periods of time with more repetitions. Which is what you need to practice something. I find my decreased size means I have a greater range of movement – I can move my legs at the hip within a greater range, I can bend further, extend further and jump higher. It’s quite exciting. It’s also very interesting.

I want to make it clear. I’m not rushing this. We started changing our lifestyle a couple of years ago. I don’t want to ‘drop a lot of weight’ or suddenly get really fit really quickly. I wanted to make slow, gradual changes so that they could be sustainable. It is nice to be slimmer – it simply feels better to be able to do more exercise with this increased fitness and smaller physical size. It’s less weight on my poor foot and joints, and it means I do have that greater range of movement and flexibility and strength in my joints.

I also want to be clear: you can carry lots of flesh and be fit and healthy. But you can’t be fit and healthy if you don’t do at least five 30minute blocks of sustained exercise per week. That means a brisk walk (not a slow stroll) FIVE times a week. One of the consequences of this exercise, though, is that your muscles develop. That means you get stronger, not just in the muscles your body is using to move you around, but also in other systems – respiratory, digestive, pulmonary. You also use food more efficiently – you use food. So you’re less likely to ‘put on weight’ because your body isn’t storing as much ‘excess’ calorie as it was when you were spending your whole day on the couch.

And – best of all – exercise fires up your body-chemicals, and improves your mood. Exercising regularly just makes you feel good. It’s really hard when you’re weighed down with depression or caged in by anxiety to get out there and walk or run or swim or cycle or dance or stretch or tai chi or yoga or whatever. But once you do get out to it regularly, your general mental wellbeing improves. I find I have far less trouble with anxiety when I’m exercising regularly. Without it I can find it difficult to leave the house, to go do social situations, to even catch a godDAMN bus without freaking about missing it.

Exercise sort of dissolves those feelings. It lets me out. I think that this is the part I like the most. It’s like exercise makes me strong enough to do things I can find very difficult. It makes me strong, emotionally, but also socially. It helps me free my sense of humour and my wit. I make better jokes when I’m exercising regularly. It also lets me do creative things like dancing or telling stories or whatevs.

For me, this is where exercise becomes a feminist issue. Because happy, healthy women with confidence and creativity and happy, healthy bodies are in a very good position for fucking up the patriarchy. And because happy, healthy men with confidence and creativity and happy, healthy bodies are also in a very good position for fucking up the patriarchy.

At this point I want to write about wellness and (dis)ability and health and feminism, but I don’t have the space. I have a post brewing, though. But let me state this, very very clearly:

The ‘right’ amount and type of exercise for YOU is determined by your body and by your self. There is no point whatsoever in comparing your exercise with someone else’s because:

  • you are unique;
  • you have a unique genetic makeup, therefore your physical/emotional/mental potential is unique.
  • your lifestyle is unique – you might be a mother like other people, but you are mother to your children, living your lives, not someone else’s; you might be a student like other people, but you are student in your body, not their’s;
  • Your body and your brain – the way they work together – is unique.
  • You are the sum of your life to this point, and that means you have to take that into account. You might have had some troubles with alcohol or with depression or with your parents. You might have been a hardcore sprinter as a teenager. You might be wondering where your gender is at, and what or who you are. You might have broken a bone years ago and have it left more fragile. You might have some serious long-term illness. All this stuff comes with you on every run and every swim and every walk. So you have to be gentle with yourself.
  • You’re here for your whole life, not just a weekend of it, so you have to plan your exercise for your whole life. Don’t think “I have to lose weight for my wedding” or “I have to get fit by christmas”. Think “I deserve to feel really good, and I deserve to feel better every single day” and work on that. Long term goals, short term pay-offs.

So my fitness and exercise plans aren’t ones that will work for everyone. You have to find your own balance point. That might mean yoga once a week or it might mean cycling to work every day. This brings me to my other serious point:

Exercise should be fun. If it’s not, change what you’re doing. Really, seriously, it should make you feel fucking AMAZING. It might pound and pummel you, but not in a bad way. It might leave you buggered and breathless, but it should also leave you thinking “YES! I am doing that again tomorrow/next week!” You mightn’t have any interest in exercise that’s hardcore – that’s also cool. It might be the way your gentle yoga leaves you feeling light and calm and centred and full of happiness. But it should be good feelings, not guilt or frustration or shame or anger or unhappiness.
For me, dancing is the very finest thing on earth. When I’m dancing, when the music is good, and I’m feeling good, it is the best feeling I’ve ever felt. It can be any music and any dancing. But the way I feel at that moment is beyond words.That’s why I run and swim and stretch – because it improves that. Sure, I enjoy running and swimming and cycling for their own sakes as well, but dancing gives me direction. It’s the payoff. I also find that fostering that part of my life – with its creativity and physical challenge and partnership with other dancers – fosters the other parts of my life which are about stillness and calm and quiet.

So I think we should all seek out exercise that pleases us. Running isn’t for everyone. You mightn’t be a runner or swimmer. You might be a trapeze artist or a juggler or a ninja or a climber or a hiker or a gardener. Keep looking until you find that thing that makes you feel that good. And the best part is that the more exercises you try, the better able you are to try more exercises, and more things generally!

For me, that’s the other best bit. Hurting my foot made me suddenly think “oh shit, I might never be able to run/dance/garden/hike again!” so when I did get some mobility and freedom from pain I was NOT going to put off trying new things. No fucking way. Our bodies are phenomenal things – there is no way I’m going to miss out on trying as much as I can.

This is another thing that makes exercise feminist. It makes us strong and convinces us to seek out good stuff. Good stuff that mightn’t have anything to do with heterosexual monogamy or buying shit.

Here’s another thing I want to mention. Being fat does not equate to being unhealthy. I actually don’t like to use the expression ‘being fat’, because it’s meaningless – it’s relative and requires comparison with other bodies. And that way leads bullshit self-loathing and division between women. Not to mention paranoia, depression and unhappiness. Exercise is about being strong – physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s about feeling good. It is NOT about comparing yourself with other people. So you can have lots of lovely booty – you can be a lushly fleshy creature – and still be fit and healthy. But not if you don’t get your heart rate up, work your lungs and muscles and sweat a little. Sorry, sex, heavy drinking and sixteen course banquets do not qualify. :D

I want to end with another point. One that’s really at the heart of this. Simply ‘being skinny’ – ie just some bones covered in skin – is not a good goal. Aim to be ‘healthy’, and aim to be well. I wish some of the women I know would realise that muscle tone is the sign of good health. Every now and then I see a sister cringe when I talk about my muscles. It’s not ‘mannish’ to have muscles. And, to be honest, ladies, you’re going to have to work really hard, for a really long time to even approach a man’s musculature.

I really think of my muscles as proof of my strength. Not just of my physical strength, but of myself. I’m strong enough to get out the house, or to make a joke or to tell a story or to manage a relationship or to run my household or hold down a job. I’m strong enough to know how to ask for help, and I’m strong enough to help other people. I think this idea of strength is the opposite of what a lot of women are raised to think. We’re raised to think – constantly told by telly and advertising and almost every single relationship we have with other people – that women are physically weaker than men, and that we aren’t strong enough to make decisions or to run our own lives.

I also see a lot of women using ill health or physical weakness – pain in particular – to gain control of their lives or relationships. If you have a headache you don’t have to go to work/deal with that conflict/solve that problem. You have permission to go to bed or to be looked after. I mean – most women I know carry pain killers in their bag. How many men have pain killers on them all the time?

This was a big one for me, because I used to get horrid headaches which were stress related. I find exercise keeps anxiety and stress headaches at bay. I’ve also learnt that when I feel a headache brewing I can reach for a painkiller (because sometimes you just need to), or I can go for a walk or get a massage or choose to let go of that trigger point (saying ‘no’ to a responsibility, for example).

I think that my relationship with medical professionals is a good example of this. Pain in my foot or knee? I could take a bunch of pain killers or stop running. Or I could go see my physio, who then works with me to set up a strengthening program where I work to manage my pain. This is the sort of pro-active, empowering relationship many men have with their sports coaches, but which women don’t have because they don’t do sport, competitive or otherwise. For me, this is the most exciting part of all. Having a ‘bung foot’ doesn’t mean not dancing or not walking or taking lots of pain killers. It means getting orthotics, doing an hour of strengthening and releasing exercises per day and managing the amount and type of sport I do.

Yoga taught me: you don’t skip yoga because you’re injured. That’s when you most need to go to yoga. So exercise has taught me that your physical (dis)ability is not about opting out. My physical limitations aren’t actually limitations – they’re just part of how my body works. So I need to work with that, rather than in spite or or around that. Dancing helps with that thought too – an unusual body shape is a very useful and creative thing.

I’m not really sure how to end this, other than to say that I think it’s a very great shame I didn’t do much exercise between 15 and 25. A very great shame.