Hire me

Email me: sam@samanthacarroll.com

  1. DJing
  2. Event Management
  3. Workshops and lectures
  4. Social media management and promotion
  5. Writing

1. DJing
If you’d like to book me for DJing, drop me a line on samantha at samanthacarroll dot com.
This is my legit DJ bio and pic.

I don’t work for anyone who hires rapists, racists, or sexual harassers.
I’ve done lots of huge events (Lindy Focus, Herrang Dance Camp, Snowball), but I do really like (prefer?) working on smaller and unique events in interesting cities.

I might sound casual here, but when I’m working I am 100% business time professional. I am very serious about doing a good job, and I am ridiculously organised. I turn up for gigs 15 minutes early, and I bring all the gear I need. I over-prepare for meetings, and I am always on time with copy and drafts.

If you’ve got a good idea – let me know!

2. Event management
As you’ll see on my about page, I’ve also run lots of events (big and teeny tiny) and I love working on unique things. If it’s unusual, I’m interested.
I can:

  • Put on a dance or event for you (balls, parties, dances, shows, etc)
  • Manage live band programs (ie finding you good bands, and then wrangling them at the event)
  • Manage DJs (same)
  • Put together programs of performances and interesting shows with musicians and dancers (incl. writing and directing shows)
  • Run workshops (as a producer, speaker, or moderator, on a range of topics)
  • Run ‘feminist fika’ (afternoon tea sessions for talking about activist things like feminism, anti-racism, and so on).

3. Workshops and lectures
I have a lot of experience with lectures and workshops (both in university and dance settings). I can:

  • Deliver lectures (though I’d rather a practical session where people do more than just listen to me blabber on)
  • Run practical workshops (on DJing, event management, DJ and band management, sexual harassment prevention, etc etc)
  • Chair your panel session (I can wrangle your speakers and ask them questions that get people talking).

I prefer sessions that have people actively engaged, rather than just listening. I can help you develop an event program that does more than just offer 1 hour of history talk. I am especially interested in antiracist and feminist sessions.

4. Social media management and promotion
I can:

  • Conduct a social media audit to help you see what’s working for you already,
  • Help you develop a social media strategy,
  • Create media and write copy for your social media,
  • Work with you to develop a brand identity (that means helping you choose colours and fonts, articulate your values, and engage in a meaningful way with your audience),
  • Help you develop a digital marketing strategy for promoting your event across platforms (email, website, in-person, and social media).

5. Writing
Most of all, I am very good at writing. I am an experienced copy writer, which means I can write a bunch of words for specific projects:

  • Social media posts
  • Website copy
  • Marketing and promotional copy
  • Lectures
  • Information sheets
  • Accessible Terms and Conditions documents for teachers, musicians, volunteers, and DJs.

I brag about this one because I have lots of experience and received awards and grants for my writing. I have written for:

  • Academic settings (university lectures, tutorials, workshops, conference papers, journal articles, etc)
  • Marketing (promotional emails, social media copy, adverts)
  • The dance world (website copy, social media, T&Cs and agreements, emails, info packs)
  • The music world (CD liner notes, media packs, T&Cs)
  • Websites and social media.

I also have extensive researching skills, and can produce anything from a formal white paper to a casual and accessible email for your volunteers. I can also help you develop policy documents for things like your dance school’s covid policy, or your organisation’s antiracism strategy, and then translate that to normal human language for training and media posts.

Email me! sam@samanthacarroll.com