km tracked: 4, time: 00:45, pace: 10:20, calories: 584, effort:4/5
Managed 15mins of running before sore knee/foot combination put a stop to that. I'm really not happy with the pain I'm getting. I think I'm going to have to give up and go and see the podiatrist. Boo.
Meanwhile, I'm going to do walking instead of running, because I can't handle doing so little exercise.
Oh. It took me 5 minutes longer to walk a route I usually run.
Slow runner is slow.
"fitness: running" was posted by dogpossum on May 31, 2010 8:07 PM in the category fitness and running | Comments (0)
duration: 00:02:00
Sore knee is sore.
"fitness: social dancing" was posted by dogpossum on May 28, 2010 8:06 PM in the category fitness and lindy hop and other dances | Comments (0)
duration: 01:15
Vetoed the kneeling poses and had much less pain afterwards. But discovered that the salute to the sun motions are actually really rough on my knee.
Will these aches and pains never end?
"fitness: yoga" was posted by dogpossum on May 27, 2010 8:05 PM in the category fitness and yoga | Comments (0)
km tracked: 4, time: 00:30, pace: 06:53, calories: 389
Argh! Under 5k again! I guess I just can't run 5k in 30mins... though I reckon I get a bit faster each time. If I ran 3 times a week I reckon I could get it happening.
First time running at night. Cars! Wore my glowy cycling jacket for safety and was very grateful I did.
"fitness: running" was posted by dogpossum on May 22, 2010 8:03 PM in the category fitness and running | Comments (0)
distance:5.40km, time: 0.30, pace: 05:57, calories: 389
Think my timer got stuffed up, so I ran further than usual, and ran faster. Though I was running in the afternoon rather than first thing... either way, I got cramps so I had to walk for about 5mins at the end. Argh. But I still got i 5k of solid running. Yay.
"fitness: 30min run" was posted by dogpossum on May 19, 2010 4:26 PM in the category fitness and running | Comments (0)
Pinky articulates my latest... persistent problem with my course.
Can has critical reflection?
"do museums love us back?" was posted by dogpossum on May 18, 2010 12:42 PM in the category clicky and curating and collecting and learning | Comments (0)
effort: 5/5 , feeling: good, duration: 30min, distance: 4.4 km, pace: 06:49, calories: 389
Felt pretty good. Had to run with a long sleeve tshirt over my normal tshirt because I can't hack the cold mornings any more!
A bit cranky I haven't made 5k in 30mins, but I figure I'll get there. Slowly but surely.
No pain and recovered well from last run. Yay yoga, yay taking it a bit easier. Thinking about 3 runs this week.
"fitness: 30min run" was posted by dogpossum on May 17, 2010 1:01 PM in the category fitness and running | Comments (0)
effort: 4/5 feeling: good, duration: 02:00
Tireder than I usually am - need those 3 runs a week to keep my fitness up.
Felt some bad pain in my right foot (the bung foot) at first so had to do some stretches.
"fitness: social dancing" was posted by dogpossum on May 15, 2010 1:00 PM in the category fitness and lindy hop and other dances | Comments (0)
distance: 4.48 km, time: 00:30, pace: 06:41, effort: 4/5, feeling:3/5, calories: 389
Still not quite as fast as I'd like, and a bit puffy today. I think 3 days a week is better for improving, but I'm just easing in to it so I don't hurt myself again.
Next week I should be up for 3 runs per week again, and I should see more improvement. But otherwise, I'm quite happy with this - no pain, reasonable rhythm.
"fitness: 30min run" was posted by dogpossum on May 13, 2010 12:58 PM in the category fitness and running | Comments (0)
duration: 1hr, effort: 4/5 feeling: great
Lovely yoga. Dealt with some incipient knee ache. Going to aim for 2 yogas and 2 runs this week. Because I love yoga a lot. Next week we'll see if I'm ready for 3 runs and 2 yogas.
"fitness: yoga" was posted by dogpossum on May 11, 2010 12:56 PM in the category fitness and yoga | Comments (0)
Archives next
Collections Australia Network
"archives sites" was posted by dogpossum on May 11, 2010 10:59 AM in the category clicky and curating and collecting | Comments (0)
km tracked: 4.01, time: 00:30, pace: 07:29, calories: 389, feeling: 4/5, effort: 4/5
Back on shorter runs so I can get back to running three times a week without lasting pain. Once I'm there, I'll work on increasing the distance/time again. Today was good: no cramps, no pain, and I ran evenly and well the whole time. Not as far as I'd like to run, but a _good_ run. We'll see how the knee/ankle/foot/hip combo fairs after this.
(5min warm up, 5min warm down in addition)
"fitness: 30min run" was posted by dogpossum on May 10, 2010 9:53 PM in the category fitness and running | Comments (0)
time: 03:00, effort: 4/5, feeling: 4/5
Felt really good and had lots of fun til I gave my knee a good bump being stupid. Was benched for the after party. Boo.
"fitness: social dancing" was posted by dogpossum on May 8, 2010 9:52 PM in the category fitness and lindy hop and other dances | Comments (0)
km tracked: 4.72, time: 00:30, pace: 06:21, calories: 389, effort: 4/5, feeling: 4/5
Cramps! Cramps! All that work in yoga yesterday probably contributed to calf cramps.
I'm back to 30min runs because I want to build up again slowly. It feels a bit poo to only run 4.7k, but it feels much worse to nurse all those aches and pains from pushing it too far.
It might have been a short run, but my knees and hips and so on are still feeling good, post-run.
"fitness: 30min run" was posted by dogpossum on May 7, 2010 9:49 PM in the category fitness and running | Comments (0)
feeling: great, effort: 3/5, time: 1:00
Lovely. It's so good for my sore joints. I avoided the scary shoulder stands for a session of getting-things-right and aiming for perfect alignment.
"fitness: yoga" was posted by dogpossum on May 6, 2010 8:08 PM in the category fitness and yoga | Comments (0)
And one about Australian indigenous knowledge and libraries.
It's bits of research like this that give me the strength to continue my course, despite the terribly poor scholarship of some of the assigned readings. Information management is actually interesting.
"interesting reading" was posted by dogpossum on May 6, 2010 5:35 PM in the category academia and curating and collecting and learning | Comments (0)
km tracked: 5.75, time: 00:40, pace: 06:57, calories: calories, effort: 4/5, feeling: good
Tired. Had to stop at stupid traffic lights a few times (!) and it sucked too much time out of my run. Boo.
"fitness: Einto10k wk5, run1" was posted by dogpossum on May 4, 2010 8:06 PM in the category E210k and fitness and running | Comments (0)
time: 02:00, feeling: ordinary, effort: 2/5
More ordinariness, health wise. Danced a bit of 20s charleston which proved a really bad idea. It's really bad for bung foot. Boo.
"fitness: social dancing" was posted by dogpossum on May 1, 2010 8:04 PM in the category fitness and lindy hop and other dances | Comments (0)
The Dictionary of Sydney is a pretty good resource, if you can navigate it. I remember seeing a job going with them a while ago - either as a research position through its host uni, or through the tool itself as an information management person.
It could be really awesome. I'll use it a bit more and see what I think. The home page has some usability problems, though.
....this is my life, isn't it? Every site I see, I'll assess for usability. Geez.
"dictionary of sydney" was posted by dogpossum on May 1, 2010 1:08 PM in the category academia and curating and collecting and learning and research | Comments (0)