Here are the most useful things I've learnt about DJing, from other DJs:
1. Begin as you mean to go on. Russell from Canberra used that line, and it's useful. If I don't want the tempos to be too low during the set, I try to make my first song the slowest I'll go during that set. No lower. From there, the only way is up.
2. Come in loud and proud - get that party started. Andy from Melbourne taught me the most useful tip for DJing blues I've ever learnt. He plays a loud, spankin' blues set - no quiet kissing and cuddling. I once heard him start a set in the back room at a late night at MLX by yelling "let's get this party started!" and playing some loud, chunky hippity hop. Only Andy could get away with that shit - his energy and enthusiasm is infectious.
3. Be really into the music you're playing.
Trev from Perth is a big, fat music nerd. He loves the music he plays. Sometimes I find myself getting frustrated with DJing for dancers because I'm not happy with the music I'm playing. I feel like I'm playing stuff I don't really like as a way of compromising between what I do like and what I think they like. But Trev doesn't seem to compromise - he plays what he likes. What he loves. I find that I do a better set and have a much better time DJing when I play music I love, and when I (consequently) really get into the feel of dancing. I figure, if it's good music, people will dance despite themselves. And as DJs, we're really doing this as a community service (as well as as a chance to show off), so why not buy and play music we like?
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