duration: 1:30 effort 5/5 feeling: good
HUMID. Sweated through two tshirts almost immediately. Felt really fit and good, though.
But DJing is really beginning to cut into my dancing time.
Weather: cloudyhot
duration: 1:30 effort 5/5 feeling: good
HUMID. Sweated through two tshirts almost immediately. Felt really fit and good, though.
But DJing is really beginning to cut into my dancing time.
Weather: cloudyhot
distance: 3.2 km effort 3/5, feeling good
Freeeeking humid.
23 days ago
Weather: cloudyhot
duration: 00:20, calories 180, effort 5/5, 1000 m
Kicked my arse a bit in the full on sun. Idiot swimming girl is an IDIOT for swimming at midday.
Weather: sunny
duration: 2:00, Currently feeling great, effort 4/5
Lots of hardcore work. Sweating buckets in the humidity. Good fun!
Weather: cloudyhot
It’s raining a lot in Brisbane, and I’ve finally managed to ascertain the whereabouts of the various family members who’ve been Left Behind while the rest of us fled south. I am now also sure my Brisvegan friends are safe and well. No one is injured or missing, and we southerners are very relieved. Meanwhile, I’ve had a flurry of emails from people I first met in Brisbane, and who are spread out all over the country and world. I think the shocking stories from Queensland have reminded us of each other.
When that man on the 7:30 Report, that Stalwart Australian Man began to weep a little bit as he told us about not being able to stop to help people who were floating away on the roof of their cars or in boats, crying out for help, I wept a little bit as well.
I liked it that he let us see that all that talk about Stalwart Australian Men being stony faced and impervious to emotions was rubbish.
But then I saw a story about fires in … Western Australia? South Australia? where another Australian Man was telling us about how his home and everything he owned had been burnt by fires started by an arsonist, and how he just didn’t know what to do. He was weeping too, but he was wearing dark glasses, so it was hidden. I think that was even more touching.
It has been a hard week for Australians all over the place. But I keep thinking about those folk who live in truly remote communities, where there’re no buildings to be washed away, and no sewers to flood sewage into people’s backyards. I feel sorry for those people, because when the army arrived there, they had their money controlled by the government and nobody let them tell the story about calling out to neighbours to see if they were alright, and we didn’t see the footage of the stranger helping that family rescue their belongings.
I’m trying not to think those sorts of thoughts, but it’s making me angrier and angrier to hear stories about ‘strong’, ‘good’ communities that ‘help each other’ when there’s just as surely child abuse and drugs and violence and so on in those communities as well. But we don’t hear those stories, because these people are all white.
I am trying not to think like that. It’s not helpful.
I like the look of Anna Bligh. She’s turning out to be a fairly awesome leader, politician and all-round rock star. Be patient with each other. That’s what she said. And Kirsty’s right, it is a good thought.
In other news, I spend a lot of time in Ashfield these days. Sometimes I go to Burwood. Sometimes to the city, or perhaps to another neighbouring suburb. But mostly I stay here. I haven’t got a job (yet) (yet?) and I haven’t many prospects. But I don’t much mind. I am feeling healthy and well and have getting a lot of exercise. These are all good things.
Be patient with each other. This is what I think when someone who’s not from Ashfield goes shopping in the veggie shop. Be patient. Don’t take up so much space. Don’t try to make eye contact quite so desperately/aggressively. Take time to make a joke. Help someone reach something. Ashfield isn’t for everyone. The streets are fairly dirty, and the underpass, the one under the train tracks, where the children painted all the pictures and there are photos from the olden days, that underpass floods badly when it rains, and very quickly. And then as it dries out it smells badly.
Be patient with each other. This is a nice thought. I like it as an instruction for timing. For dancing. In swing, you get back there behind the beat. Wait. Don’t rush. Be patient. And let that man finish his solo.
Here, I’m wondering why there just aren’t any women in these bands. It’s like Australian jazz is just one big Bechdel fail. There’s an occasional one singing. Or someone hidden in the brass section. But, mostly, it’s just men.
It’s raining here a bit. Off and on, a clear day here and there, to help us dry things out. But it’s still raining in Brisbane. And there’s more flooding to come. Do be careful, friends.
Currently feeling great 3/5, effort 3/5, distance 1000m, duration 0:27, calories 244
Easier than usual, probably because I stuffed up the lap count. Or because I’ve had a few days off swimming.
weather: cloudy
Currently 4/5 effort 4/5 duration: 2:00, feeling great
Excellent! The Unity Hall band plays excellently long, fast songs. They do take long set breaks, though, so these weren’t two straight hours.
Weather: cloudyhot
calories 428 effort 5/5 distance 4.4 km duration 00:33 pace 07:29
Kicked. My. Arse.
Should probably have gone running _before_ walking, and in the morning when it was cooler.
But still, didn’t stop and got as far as last time.
16 days ago
Currently 2/5 Effort.effort 2/5 distance: 3.4km, feeling great
Just a nice morning walk.
Weather: cloudyhotsunny