The other day I was reminding myself that the Les Red Hot Reedwarmers are French - from France - when I suddenly realised:
Holy Shit! This band is FRENCH. So they're not the The Les Red Hot Reedwarmers, a Jimmie Noone tribute band led by Les(lie) Red! They're Les Red Hot Reedwarmers, as in The Red Hot Reedwarmers.
It was a freeking revelation. And yet... also a little disappointing.
Btw, if you don't have this band's albums and you like Jimmie Noone or early 30s NO-inspired Chicago action, then you're ON CRACK. Their CDs are really, really good.
Posted by: dogpossum at October 22, 2009 3:42 PM
I've been listening to so much Australian New Orleans revival stuff, and so much NO revival stuff _generally_ (and most of its from the 50s, 60s and 70s) that Les Red just seemed a perfectly reasonable name for a band leader. Especially as there's a band here in Sydney called something like the Trevor Rippingdale Rippers...
Posted by: dogpossum at October 22, 2009 3:42 PM
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