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October 26, 2008
oh man
Posted by dogpossum on October 26, 2008 10:31 PM in the category true blood

Glen was right. After ep 3, True Blood is really neat.
It's addictive. I think I need to negotiate the politics, but for now, I'm just loving it. I Need. To. Watch. It. All. The. Time.
Other programs I'm watching:
- Dawson's Creek, season 2 (from the beginning, a consecutive viewing). Increasingly intolerable;
- Sanctuary (kind of dumb);
- season 1 of Buffy (if ever you feel a little oppressed by the patriarchy, Buff will help you out. But only seasons 1 and 2. Then it gets too dark);
- season 4 of The Wire (double awesome).
- Deadwood from the beginning again.
- Sarah Connor Chronicles.
- Some other stuff.
Cinema atm:
Robocop 2. So boring I stopped watching 2 minutes in. The Squeeze is enthralled;Persuasion, BBC version. Can't remember it, think it'll be neat;Escape From New York. Sweeeeeeet;new Coen Brothers' film. Disappointing and a bit boring;XMen. Again. Still ace.
Posted by dogpossum on October 26, 2008 10:31 PM in the category true blood