And, because it's not all want, I'm quite enjoying the Loose Marbles CD the lovely D sent me. Check out their version of 'When I get low I get high' (yes, a drug reference, yes one of the bestest songs evah). You can hear and watch them here, playing one of my favourite songs, 'Four or Five Times', heading towards the version I most prefer (a la the McKinney's Cotton Pickers). The lyrics?
Four or Five times - McKinney's Cotton Pickers, 1928
I'm never about,
Just keep a-strolling,
Keep the ball a-rolling,
This isn't a boast
But what i like most
Is to have someone true
Who will love me too,
four or five times.
Four or five times
Four or five times
there is delight in doing things right
four or five times
[four or five times]
Maybe I'll sigh,
Maybe I'll cry,
And if I die,
I'm gonna try...
four or five times.
We like to play
We like to sing
We like to go scedadilah do
Four or five times.
Bibop one
Bibop two
bibop three
Four or five times
Yes, sure, ok!
Yes. ! !
Four or five times,
Four or five times,
There is delight,
In doing things right,
Four or five times.
There's a bunch of scatting in there I couldn't transcribe, but you get the point.
Oh, and yes, it's all about double entendre, yet again.
I love this song a whole lot, especially this version, though I never get to play it (too old, too fast, to obscure for mainstream lindy hoppers). I do play a pretty fabulous 1930s version by Woody Herman and his Orchestra which always really rocks the dancers. It's a lot straighter and safer and very lindy hoppable, but still lots of fun.
There's a version by Jimmie Lunceford (c 1935) which gets a fair bit of play in Melbourne, and I do prefer it, musically, though it's lower energy than the Herman version. I play the Herman far more often than the Lunceford version. I also have a fully sick version by Lionel Hampton, which I never seem to play. I have no idea why not - it's freakin' awesome.