now i'm making trousers for dachelle (with plans for a pair of very short sailor pants style shorts), spent some time altering some old trousers of mine for corinne (with plans to help her figure out how to make them for herself), have done a bit of alteration for doris and still have multiple projects on the go for lotte.
i have pair of denim pants on the go for me, but i hate altering my own pants. and it's denim: too much work. i think i have an idea for a dress for me, but i'm still ruminating.
dachelle will colour my hair for me, corinne has been very good about lifts places, and doris provided an excellent afternoon tea. dachelle's past life as a cook has been a bit of a score as well.
this seamstress gig ain't so bad.
lotte's projects have changed. i've had a shitty time with the sleeves on the jacket of the suit, so i'm ditching it. or else making it sleeveless.
she has a pair of maroon trousers, a blue gingham tie-waiste, buttonup, sleeveless shirt, a blue collared, sleeved blouse done, and i've got a black and white striped shirt in progress, with plans for a pair of black sailor pants style trousers. those i'll make a bit quirky. lotte's not really into full on vintage, so i'll make them sailor suit themed, but actually kind of quirky. make the buttons out of alignment and different sizes (rather than a row down from each hip). i'll use a lighter, softer fabric so they're comfy. high waisted of course. though actually all these 'high waisted' trousers are actually normal waiste height. just feel high with today's fashions...
we also have plans for a pair of late 30s/40s overalls, high waisted, in a bright colour. orange or blue or turquoise, or red. in that order of preference. with a little contrasting colour blouse underneath. this is a very lotte outfit, which i know she'll adore. i'll match it with a bright headscarf.
for the black and white ball outfit i need to make a red beret to bring colour up around her face as she doesn't look so good in black and white. i'm also planning a red necklace of some sort. savers here i come.
there's also a blue blouse to buy to go with the blue plaid skirt i found in tasmania. i might also make up some white frilly knickers for that outfit (tres swinger).
and sorted!
what will i wear at mlx? oh, i don't know. clothes i hope. who cares.