i've been working on some outfits for lotte to wear during mlx this year. i'm going for a vintage 30s theme. some of it is historically accurate, some is sort of 30s themed, but more loosely interpreted.
lotte has the perfect figure for early 30s stuff, pre 1935. long legs, slim build, tall. but that earlier stuff isn't too practical for dancing. she also prefers trousers, and while women were wearing trouser then, it really wasn't until later (with the beginning of the war and women's mobilisation in the conflict in various capacities) that trousers became common-place.
so i've had to compromise and go for later 30s stuff, for the most part.
i am keen to do some nice earlier 30s stuff, though. i'm also very interested in some deco-styled garments, late 20s stuff. but that's not really the clothing of swingers...
hm. we'll see.
meanwhile, that picture up there is of my prelim plans for lotte's outfit for the ball.
my movable type is totally rooted at the moment.i cannot upload images at all. not even on fsp, i don't think. if anyone can help me out with that, i'll love them forever...
, which is black and white themed. and difficult to work with. bit naff and over-done if you ask me. i reckon black and white cinema would be way excellenter, and give people something to really work with, as they did in 2002.