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December 23, 2006


Posted by dogpossum on December 23, 2006 2:42 PM in the category tasmania

I don't want to perpetuate any stereotypes about Taswegians, but...

Yesterday we were walking down Collins Street (a main street in Hobart Town) when we saw a man walking along with a small wombat over his arm. He had his hand palm up, supporting the sleepy-looking thing under its chest and belly. It's little legs were dangling, giant claws displayed to advantage. It wasn't a very big wombat, and it looked a little like we felt - in need of a serious nap.

The Squeeze told me to "Pat the wombat! Pat the wombat!" but i was too shy.

I don't know where he was going with the wombat, nor what he'd do with it once he got there*, but it's not everyday you see a wombat being taken to the shops. But I guess it is Christmas time...

*The Squeeze did say he saw it coralled in a sort of 'suitcase enclosure' (to use his words) in the mall later on.

Posted by dogpossum on December 23, 2006 2:42 PM in the category tasmania