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October 24, 2005

thesis update

Posted by dogpossum on October 24, 2005 5:33 PM in the category thesis

A thesis round-up:
- I have completed a full draft of the thesis. Yes. My candidacy technically runs out on the 7th February, but I took a month or two (or 6 weeks?) of sick leave when mum was ill. So I guess I'm to finish up at the end of March? I'm thinking of applying for the extension. I have some completion anxiety.
Last meeting with the supes (or the meeting before), we decided to ditch the last chapter on camps and to replace it with a chapter on schools. Or institutional bodies, really. So the thesis will be:
ch 1: afro-american vernacular dance
ch 2: contemporary swing dance culture
ch 3: AV media
ch 4: DJing
and then ch 5: schools
But we're thinking maybe the schools chapter should go after/before the contemporary swing dance culture chapter (it seems to make the most sense there).
We are having Big Question issues. We meaning me.
And I haven't written that schools chapter yet (though it is so thoroughly planned). I have a little resumption anxiety. I don't know if I can start that chapter again. Eeeek. I reckon it's a manifestation of my completion anxiety: once I finish the chapter, I'll be that one step closer to completing. And that is some scary shit.

So I'm distracting myself with the Ears Nose and Throat doctor I have to go to (bad ears, bad ears). I turned up there at 11.15 today to realise the appointment is tomorrow. Yay. So I'm going back tomorrow. More yay.

But maybe the schools chapter won't be so bad.

Posted by dogpossum on October 24, 2005 5:33 PM in the category thesis