the wedding's on saturday (my cousin owen and his wuzza lucy), and there's a massively full household here in cardiff. there's some low-level wedding jitters in action: how to fit champagne, favours for guests and bouquets in the fridge? how to do bridesmaids' hair without any bands or bobby pins? most important (to my mind, anyway), is how to fit all these loud welshies/australians in one little welshy house. answer? some go elsewhere. it'll still be 8 adults in a small 3 bedroom house. 3 beds. 8 adults. mmm-mm. luckily this adult (who's thankfully an inessential part of this endeavour) has been relocated to another relative's tiny studio apartment just around the corner. i will take the laptop and my freshly repacked backpack and set up house round there. i've been instructed that i must return for all meals and outings, though. hokay. i do as the bridal party instructs.