i'm currently nursing a Thing for gillian welch, who i'd heard before, but finally chased up this weekend, after hearing her name on twang.
and it's not helped that i've just seen that she'll be in europe when i am. luckily (?) i'll be in herrang, then, so there'll be no conflict.
sheesh. swing over good goddamn music? am i on crack?
i'm listening to all her 4 albums back to back. i can't really decide which one i like most, but i think it's time (the revelator), or perhaps hell among the yearlings.
it's the only thing to have kicked natalie merchant out of the cd player.
now i'll chase two soundtracks - the o brother where art thou one (which i've lusted after for a while) and the songcatcher one (loved the music, kind of got bored in the film).