feeling: 4/5 effort 4/5 duration 01:30
I find 2 hours is a bit much for my brain, but not too much for my body. So I use some of my allotted 2 hours to warm up and down.
Pretty warm tonight, but things went well.
Weather: hot
feeling: 4/5 effort 4/5 duration 01:30
I find 2 hours is a bit much for my brain, but not too much for my body. So I use some of my allotted 2 hours to warm up and down.
Pretty warm tonight, but things went well.
Weather: hot
feeling 5/5 Effort 5/5, calories 271, distance 1000m, duration 0:30
Oh man, after two days with shocking hayfever swimming was HARD. Got through the laps ok, and my new swim shirt was a relief. Though I think it’s a bit big, so I’ll alter it.
Weather: sunny
feeling 3/5, .effort 3/5, duration 01:00
More humidity! Sweating like nobody’s business. But feeling quite fit and well, surprisingly.
Weather cloudy, hot
feeling 5/5, .effort 5/5, distance 4.4km, duration 0:43, pace 09:46, calories 558
Walked 5min, ran 10min, walked 3min, ran 15min, walked 5min.
Was doing a week 6 run of c25k because I was feeling sore and still tired when I started, but added in 5minutes extra running because I felt ok. The humidity was MASSIVE and I was sweating buckets. But run felt ok, and I think I can ease back into the proper runs next week. Will start with run 15, walk 3, run 15 (+ warm up and down walks).
Then I’ll be back in the game!
Weather:cloudy, hot, sunny
feeling: 4/5, effort 4/5, distance 1000m, duration 0:30, calories 271
Easier than Tuesday. I figure I’ll be back to normal fitness by the end of next week. Hopefully. The running is still hard, though. But the swimming was much easier. NEED a swim shirt.
Weather: hot, sunny
feeling 3/5, effort 3/5, duration 01:30,
Started slow and boring but improved. Need a goal to keep me motivated at the moment.
Huuuuumid. Hooooot.
Weather: cloudy, hot
feeling: 4/5effort 4/5, distance: 1000m, duration 0:30 calories: 271
Golly, still feeling less than amazing. But did the laps (very slowly) and struggled up the hill on the ride home. I figure if I just push through, doing my usual exercise I’ll eventually get back up to speed.
feeling: good, distance 4.6km, pace 10:52, effort 5/5, calories: 649
Started out doing a usual run but realised that I just wasn’t up to it. Not feeling all that fit at the moment, it’s hot, new shoes, etc etc meant that I couldn’t face a full on run. So I flicked through the c25k runs and picked one at random – wk5day3 which turned out to be a bit easier than I could handle. But I did all the run bits happily, and I figure it’s better to feel good about an easy run than bad about a hard run. I’ll work up to serious running again gradually, I think.
Also: HOT and HUMID. I need to be up and running earlier.
Weather: hot, sunny
feeling: great, effort 4/5, distance: 7.6km
To lunch, to the shops, all over the place. Huuuuumid!
Weather: cloudy, hot, rain
feeling: 3/5, duration 01:00, effort 3/5
Dancing on and off for an hour. Not at all hardcore, but very hot and humid.
Weather: cloudy, rainy, hot