It’s like a sickness
Author Archives: dogpossum
Dean and Bing
Dean Martin and Bing Crosby, 1958, photographed by Alan Grant from Life Magazine
I bought some of these Clarks shoes today because superheidi said they were good. AND THEY ARE. These are teh most comfortable shoes ever.
That’s the internet for you. A person you’ve never met, but who you consider an acquaintance/futurefriend, who lives in some other country (I don’t even know which one! Somewhere in Europe, I reckon), recommends some shoes she bought. Then you look at those shoes and then you love them too! And then you buy them! OMG FRONDS!
I have taken up pilates.
God, my fucking abs. My arse. Oh god.
No news
[rage edit]HEY, if you’d like to give me a serve about being some sort of elitist, how’s about you a) read some of this blog, b) read my comment below. Because I am onto your shit, and I will NOT tolerate it. While I’m at it I DO HAVE A CLUE ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ETHNICITY, CLASS AND CULTURAL CAPITAL IN LINDY HOP, YOU IDIOTS.[/]
I’d write a post about gender and DJing, but nothing has changed since the last time I wrote about it. Women do most of the local DJing, men dominate the DJ line ups at big events. Women DJs problem solve collaboratively, male DJs don’t. Men mansplain technical problems to me when I’m DJing (even if they know nothing about sound gear). There are one or two exceptions.
I’d write a post about labour and pay in the lindy hop world, but nothing has changed since the last time I wrote about it. Teachers, DJs and volunteers are overworked, underpaid and exploited. Dancers refuse to pay more than $40 for a big live band playing for four hours, even though they’re getting the best goddamn dancing of their lives in a restored ball room with the best musicians in the country. Fuckers still make volunteers work for hours and hours, and DJs still aren’t being paid properly by large events (if at all). No, comping entry is NOT THE SAME AS PAYING.
LINDY HOPPERS: stop being such bloody tight arses. Pay more money for live music. Pay more for events run by dancers, just so you can dance. $6 for a DJed gig? IT IS NOT ENOUGH. $20 for a live band in a large, clean space with a good dance floor? INSUFFICIENT. Refusing to pay more than $10 for a four or five hour late night party featuring two rooms of music, six DJs, free food and requiring about 25 people’s worth of labour? YOU ARE TOO TIGHT, DANCERS.
Just in case you thought things were totally fucked, they’re not. This past weekend I counted three or four women who only lead, who I had not seen out social dancing before. They were all wearing nice waistcoats and trousers and jackets and ties and were PWNING ALL. Male leads: you need to level up, because the sisters PWN YOU; your half-arsed leading, your lack of triple steps, your bullshit lazy arse lack of bounce is being shown up. It’s not too late: GO TO CLASS. LEARN ALL THE THINGS. GET GOOD. Male follows: GET ON THE GODDAMN FLOOR.
My enthusiastic approach to solo dance has led to the explosion of two waistcoats. Need a) smaller boobs or b) stretch fabric. #ICHOOSEB
Whitey’s lindy hoppers
Herbert ‘Whitey’ White at the Savoy with some Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers. Ann Johnson on the left, Long Legged George Grenidge opposite her, Al Minns to the right.
I can’t remember where I found this photo online (it’s just been sitting in my pictures folder waiting for an opportunity to shine), but I got the info about the dancers from Savoy Style, a very useful website.
Geoff Bull and the Finer Cuts
Weekend of fun
This weekend looks like fun.
Geoff Bull and the Finer Cuts are doing their first explicitly-for-dancers gig at the Performance ball on Saturday. SQUEE (linky)
The Speakeasy is on again after the ball, and that will be FUNTIMES as they are doing the usual excellence, but also including a jam style battle. There aren’t any rules for this battle, really. You go in as an individual, as a lindy hop partnership, as a solo partnership, and you dance what you need to dance, then you get out. There are real prizes and everything. I have no idea how it’s actually judged, but as per usual Speakeasy style, audience participation and general enthusiasm will no doubt be deciding factors.
I’m DJing a set at the Speakeasy in the main lindy hop part of the space, and I’m really looking forward to that. FUNTIMES.
The details:
Performance Ball
– Saturday 25 August, doors open 7.30pm, close at 11.15pm
– Free class with Sam (aka me) and Alice from 8pm
– Balmain Town Hall
– $25 online purchase or $30 at the door
– Featuring live music by Geoff Bull & The Finer Cuts and live dance performances.
and then
Speakeasy Late Night Party
– Saturday 25 August, doors open 11.30pm, close _very late_
– Entry $10
– Crossover Dance Studios, level 1, 22 Goulburn St CBD
– DJed music for srs party time dancing (2 rooms of music)
– lots of (free) cakes, snacks and goodies
– late night jam-style battle (open to and welcoming all solo and partner dancers)
NB: if you’re short of cash or want a chance to meet some peeps, both events love volunteers and comp them with free entry.
prints, jazz and community practice?
Remember that A snot-addled, animated wander through San Francisco I wrote a little while ago? Well the Riverwalk Jazz people read it and thought it was so great they did their own show on San Francisco jazz.
You know that’s a joke, right? Good, just checking.
Anyways, it’s an interesting episode, and the highlight is of course the live material by Jim Cullum’s band.
Above image is from the RWJ page linked above, and they credit it with “Handbill for Turk Murphy Band at Earthquake McGoon’s, San Francisco. Image courtesy”. Here’s the direct link they forgot to add. I think this handbill is actually the most interesting part of this story, mostly because I’m a nut for promotional ephemera, particularly the sort that involves some sort of creative work. I’m very interested in Redback Graphix, an Australian printing cooperative business with radical political roots that I remember from the 80s in Queensland, and I’m also a big fan of 1920s art prints as well. And then I do have a passion for 70s, 80s and 90s music PR posters and print making. Here is where I’m tempted to insert a sad little whinge about digital media sucking the life out of print media and art, but that would be ridiculous, because digital media has brought me things like that Old Handbills website, digital archives of Australian prints, and of course lots of new ideas and information about printing.
NB While I’m crapping on about RWJ, I have to say, again, how very disappointed I was by their bullshit work on women in jazz history for Women’s History Month this year (and last year). Just one story, out of a month’s worth, on the topic, and the same boring old musicians. Even I managed more, and I’m hardly a jazz historian, and certainly don’t have their resources to draw on.