distance: 4.24 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:04, calories: 389
week2 run3 –
It was good not to have so much humidity.
Running after a night of hard dance classes was challenging.
Author Archives: dogpossum
c25k: wk2, run3
distance: 4.24 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:04, calories: 389, feeling: good
week2 run3
It was good not to have so much humidity.
Running after a night of hard dance classes was challenging.
twitter continues to swallow up my intertubes brain
Things are kind of rolling along here in Sydney.
It rained all last week, every single day, and that was terrible. But today it’s sunny again. SUN!
This is what it was like last week (and this is WHY I couldn’t go out running yesterday morning when it was raining, TWITTER):
I’ve started doing the couch to 5k, which is really just an interval training approach to running 5km. So far I walk/run about 4km. It makes me feel like a gun. I didn’t think I’d like running this much, but the endorphines are fabulous and helping me stave off a case of the unemployed-understimulated-uninteresting-s. It also helps me keep my mood stable – no ‘what am I doing with myself?’ introspection and anxiety… well, a little bit. But mostly that sort of thinking is under control. I’m also delighted by the effect just a couple of weeks of the program has made to my dancing. That, as well as finally ditching the wedding-exchange cold has me feeling fit, collected and energetic on the dance floor. Yay.
In other news, I’m all signed up for a pgrad diploma in Information Management. It will cost a ridiculous amount of money, but at least this degree will get me a job. I’m especially interested in digital archiving and increasing the accessibility of public collections like the Powerhouse’s, the National Archives, the State Library, etc etc etc. It’s all a bit exciting. I was asked to teach some undergrad subjects when I contacted the postgrad coordinator, but I said no because a) that’s too weird, and b) I want to focus on my own study and to (brace for ridiculously over-achieving ambition) do really well and kick arse. There’s a complicated online enrolment process (not like in my day, when we had to line up at the office to hand in our forms in person) and a heap of screwing about to do yet, but it’s all happening.
This is a fairly demanding course, so I’m not sure just how much traveling for dance I’m going to be able to do this year… not that we could afford much, what with the zillions of dollars this course will cost. But I will make do with local Sydney and Canberra stuff and a mid year trip to Melbourne and November trip to Melbourne for MLX. The latter are combined with family visits, of course. This means, sadly, that I won’t be able to go to Hullabaloo, which I tend to think of as one of the Big Australian Events, both in terms of DJing and dancing. The dancing is good and the music is good at Hullabaloo, and Perth always puts on a quality event with lots of attendees. I’d also have liked to DJ at Hullabaloo (if they’d have me), but we simply can’t afford $1000 in plane fares plus assorted expenses. That’s a subject and a bit of my course right there.
In other news, I’ve been experimenting with bread baking. I’m not hugely good at it. It looks ok, but it tends not to taste too good. Sort of sweetish and overly yeasty. I’m going to try some sourdough next (as inspired by Tammi to see if that improves the flavour. A different sort of yeasty taste. But I’ve not had a chance to get the starter going, yet, so that’s a way off. In other food thoughts, we’ve been eating well, but the shitty humidity has sapped our appetites. Lots of boring salads and little interest in anything else.
On the DJing front, things continue as usual. Lately Sharon has been DJing like a demon, inspired by international travel and an unfortunate laptop theft. I think the theft was actually a good thing, as she’s been going through her music, re-adding CDs and transferring files from her other computer, rediscovering forgotten stuff and adding new things. It’s meant that her DJing has suddenly had a burst of inspiring energy, and is absolutely great for dancing. She’s a madkeen balboa dancer, and much of the music she loves dancing bal to is my perfect cup of lindy hopping tea. Yahoo.
The tempos in Sydney have also jumped up quite a bit (interstate visitors over the wedding exchange weekend last month commented on the speediness), and I have to say that this also delights me, as I really do prefer the higher tempos for dancing. By higher, of course, I mean over 160bpm. Tempos at other Sydney venues remain ridiculously low. I’m not interested in a majority of songs below 120bpm (srsly) with the odd dodgy ‘faster’ song for ‘balboa’. Egads.
We’ve also got a Swiss DJ in town who’s also a bal nut and a solidly swinging classic jazz fan, so nights at the Roxbury have been really, truly great dancing. For me. One thing we’ve noticed, though, is that the beginners have sort of dropped away a bit. In part, I think because the first half hour (8.30-9 or so) is super-fast tempoed for bal-nuts and crazyjazzlindyhopfools. By 9, things return to normal, but the tempos over all have been a bit higher.
This is great for me, and great for the scene as a whole, I think, as Sydney really needed a wider range of tempos in the classic swing vein. There’s lots of superfast neo at Jump Jive and Wail, but that’s not much good for lindy hop (well, for my lindy hopping taste). So we just needed some faster stuff. Right now, though, I think we could perhaps re-administer a little more at the lower end of the spectrum (120-140) just for variety’s sake, and then we’re laughing.
When I DJ I’m very conscious of working the wave (moving up and down the range from 130->200 and down again), and the mega-humidity and heat have made this even more important. My last few sets have seen me working a fairly predictable wave: 140-160-180-200-180-140- etc. It feels as though I’m covering the tempo bases pretty well and managing dancers’ energy levels more effectively. I think in the recent past I’ve tended to clump at specific tempos, neglecting the wave. I’ve also tried hard to manage energy levels as well. Though dancers are more interested in higher tempos, now, they simply can’t hack the physical demands of fast lindy hop in 90% humidity (which is where we’ve sat for the last two Roxbury nights) and mid 30s temperatures. It’s just too draining – the humidity in particular.
I think that balboa has, once again, to be thanked for many dancers’ comfort, or willingness to experiment with, faster tempos. Faster tempos simply seem less threatening when you hear them more often. And when you hear really fast tempos, 180bpm just doesn’t seem too fast at all. Which is very nice. My own increasing fitness has made it much easier to deal with the humidity and to enjoy faster dancing again. Yay.
Though we have perfect growing weather now (warm, wet, sunny), we still haven’t put in a proper herb garden. We are feeling its lack quite seriously, but we just haven’t had time to get to the markets for plants, or to get some seeds sprouting. We must get on that ASAP, as fresh herbs are so important in our day to day cooking.
Twitter continues to swallow up my intertubes brain. It’s the instant gratification that I like. I’ll try to do better.
I’m sure there’s more to write about, but I can’t think of it. So, enough, then.
dancing: classes
time: 2.00
My bad foot was a bit achey.
It was hoooooot.
c25k: wk2, run2
distance: 3.92 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:38, feeling: good, 389 calories
wk2 run2 –
Cooler weather made the massive humidity easier to handle.
humid, overcast, rain
fitness: dancing
time: 2:00, feeling: tired
Really felt better now that I’ve gotten rid of that cold. Danced a lot and my knee is pretty sore today as a result, but badfoot is actually ok.
It was insanely humid and hot. Again
c25k: wk2, run1
distance: 4.21 km, time: 00:30, pace: 07:07,389 calories feeling: good
c25k wk2 –
First run of week 2, it wasn’t too bad. I don’t run very quickly, but i keep running. The humidity is intense, but that’s not too bad. My bad foot hurt a bit, and my hip, but that might improve if I rest it.
hot, humid, overcast, rain
c25k: wk1, run 3
distance: 3.63 km, time: 00:30, pace: 08:15, feeling: good
wk1 run 3
ok – some aches in my bad foot, but it’s more the reactive pain in my hip that troubles me. It’s definitely not enough to stop me using it.
humid, rain
the 4 clefs
The 4 clefs version of the song I Like Pie, I Like Cake is very popular here in Sydney at the moment, played by at least two DJs. I did a little google and found this site discussing them. It’s worth a peak, as they have pics like the one above and a few songs you can listen to.
Personally, I prefer the peppier version of I like Pie, I Like Cake (But I like you Best of All) by the Goofus Five, which Trev pointed me to in late 2008, but which I still haven’t played…