distance: 4.48 km, time: 00:30, pace: 06:41, effort: 4/5, feeling:3/5, calories: 389
Still not quite as fast as I’d like, and a bit puffy today. I think 3 days a week is better for improving, but I’m just easing in to it so I don’t hurt myself again.
Next week I should be up for 3 runs per week again, and I should see more improvement. But otherwise, I’m quite happy with this – no pain, reasonable rhythm.
Author Archives: dogpossum
fitness: yoga
duration: 1hr, effort: 4/5 feeling: great
Lovely yoga. Dealt with some incipient knee ache. Going to aim for 2 yogas and 2 runs this week. Because I love yoga a lot. Next week we’ll see if I’m ready for 3 runs and 2 yogas.
archives sites
fitness: 30min run
km tracked: 4.01, time: 00:30, pace: 07:29, calories: 389, feeling: 4/5, effort: 4/5
Back on shorter runs so I can get back to running three times a week without lasting pain. Once I’m there, I’ll work on increasing the distance/time again. Today was good: no cramps, no pain, and I ran evenly and well the whole time. Not as far as I’d like to run, but a _good_ run. We’ll see how the knee/ankle/foot/hip combo fairs after this.
(5min warm up, 5min warm down in addition)
fitness: social dancing
time: 03:00, effort: 4/5, feeling: 4/5
Felt really good and had lots of fun til I gave my knee a good bump being stupid. Was benched for the after party. Boo.
fitness: 30min run
km tracked: 4.72, time: 00:30, pace: 06:21, calories: 389, effort: 4/5, feeling: 4/5
Cramps! Cramps! All that work in yoga yesterday probably contributed to calf cramps.
I’m back to 30min runs because I want to build up again slowly. It feels a bit poo to only run 4.7k, but it feels much worse to nurse all those aches and pains from pushing it too far.
It might have been a short run, but my knees and hips and so on are still feeling good, post-run.
fitness: yoga
feeling: great, effort: 3/5, time: 1:00
Lovely. It’s so good for my sore joints. I avoided the scary shoulder stands for a session of getting-things-right and aiming for perfect alignment.
interesting reading
An interesting article about governance and the importance of independence for archivists and librarians.
And one about Australian indigenous knowledge and libraries.
It’s bits of research like this that give me the strength to continue my course, despite the terribly poor scholarship of some of the assigned readings. Information management is actually interesting.
fitness: Einto10k wk5, run1
km tracked: 5.75, time: 00:40, pace: 06:57, calories: calories, effort: 4/5, feeling: good
Tired. Had to stop at stupid traffic lights a few times (!) and it sucked too much time out of my run. Boo.
fitness: social dancing
time: 02:00, feeling: ordinary, effort: 2/5
More ordinariness, health wise. Danced a bit of 20s charleston which proved a really bad idea. It’s really bad for bung foot. Boo.