I stole this image from the internet.
Well, No Meat Week 3 has included some meat. I ate ham and eggs on bread for lunch and then BBQed potato scallops on Monday (exchange faire. Don’t ask). Tuesday we had take away Thai that included duck, as I got home late from the airport, and bloody exhausted. Wednesday we had leftover spinach and ricotta canneloni. Last night we had roasted veggies with poached egg.
Tonight we had puttanesca with fettucini. Now, puttanesca actually involves meat – anchovies – but we are both a bit crook and grumpy with it. We had intended a curry, but that was too hard. We should have had vegetables with it, but we didn’t. We’ll probably get scurvy and die.
2 or 3 cloves of garlic, chopped up finely
generous tbsp of chopped flat leaf parsley
tsp chilli flakes
-> saute all that in some olive oil.
Then add these things:
tbsp of capers, chopped
handful of black kalamata olives, choopped
3 or so anchovy fillets, chopped
1 can tomatoes
Let it all simmer for a while, til it thickens. Do the salt and pepper thing if you like. Serve it on pasta, but don’t drown the pasta. The source should be kind of rubbed over the pasta. Use a long pasta like spaghetti.
I like this served with steamed broccoli, but we couldn’t be arsed as we are both crook. We’ll never get better at this rate.
This dinner is really easy to make, and can be quickly made from stuff in the cupboard. If you keep anchovies, olives and capers in the fridge in large jars from the Italian supermarket, it’s quite a cheap dinner too.