fitness: c25k w1r2

km tracked: 3.63, duration: 00:30, feeling: great, effort: 2/5, calories: 389, pace: 08:15
Still doing the first week of c25k because it didn’t give me any pain the other day. Had shocking allergies last night, so a nice walk/run in the sun helped get rid of the snot, but kind of made me tired. Not sure whether to keep going with the supergentle program or to risk it with something more…. Might keep it mellow for a month, til the podiatrist-enforced unloading period is done.

fitness: c25k w1r1

km tracked: 3.51, duration: 00:30, pace: 08:32, calories: 389, effort: 1/5, feeling: great
Did the first c25k run this morning because I _really_ wanted to get out and do some running but couldn’t trust myself not to overdo it. It was frustrating to have to stop running during the intervals, but the gentler program was a very good idea.
Now have about sixty million exercises and stretches to do post-running, so that takes me _longer_ than the actual runs.
It was very nice to get out again, and my knees feel ok atm. We’ll see how they feel tomorrow, though.
I think I’ll keep going with c25k from the beginning 3 days a week, but alternate it with some cycling and yoga to get a proper amount of exercise. If my joints can hack it. Will take it easy for now, though, until the podiatrist’s exercises get me full of strongs.

E210k: wk4, run1

distance: 6.16 km, time: 00:45, pace: 07:18, calories: 584, effort: 4/5, feeling: ok
I’ve decided to stop pushing my bad foot with the Bridge to 10k program as it was leaving me really really sore. So I started at week 4 of the Ease into 10k, which is essentially starting 2 weeks before the B210k begins. So I did 4 x 8 min runs + 3x1min rests and 10 min warm up and down. This is heaps gentler than the 3 x 15min blocks I was doing.
I’m still very tight in the calves (a side effect of bad foot) and had to use my 1min intervals to streeeeeetch. New shoes are wonderful but a little snug across the toes, so I also had to stop to adjust them during the 1min intervals.
But, overall, it was a nice run. And I made better time over this distance than I have done during the C25k. I think. :D
humid, sunny
Edit: My knees hurt a _lot_, so I think I’m going to have to take a serious break from running for a while to get over the impact of the longer B210k runs. I wish I’d followed my initial instinct and gone with the easier runs at first. Oh well. But the pain is quite debilitating – I’ve got very sore knees, and I’ve had trouble with pains in my shins (like shin splints, but actually almost certainly related to my bung foot) and begun to get some ache in my sore foot.
So it’s time to ease off. This is quite demoralising. I’m addicted to running, mostly for the way it improves me mood, and makes it easier to manage stress and anxiety. I am going to need to find some sort of exercise substitute so I can keep my fitness and mood up. Cycling, unfortunately, is terrible for my sore knees. Dancing isn’t much good either.

B210K: wk2, run1

distance: 7.28 km, time: 00:57, pace: 07:50, calories: 740, effort: 5/5
Tired, now. It was a long run and I was puffing like crazy at the end.
Some arsehole in a 4wd yelled out his window at me for about a minute because I ran past him on a zebra crossing. This is the first time this has happened to me running rather than cycling.
I didn’t yell back, mostly because I was 2mins from home and puffed, but I kept thinking ‘wish he’d check his speedo for me – I bet I’m pwning this’.
Why do these sorts of arseholes think the worst insult they can yell at a woman is ‘fat cow’? Particularly when they’re _stitting_ in a car?
Motorists are fuckwits. I, however, am a running ninja. 7km _and_ I pwned the patriarchy. All in one run.

B210k: wk1, run3

distance: 6.53 km, time: 00:53 08:06, calories: 688, effort: 5/5
The running is still hard, but not as hard as Wednesday. Had seriously tight calves/hamms though, so I had to spend my first two 1min walking intervals stretching. Dunno if I’ll be able to hack the jump to week 2’s longer intervals. We’ll see.
The stupid B210k app is SCREWED and restarted my third run again. So I ended up running further than planned (by about 5minutes) in that section again.

c25k: wk9, run3

distance: 4.51 km, time: 00:40, pace: 08:52, calories: 519, effort: 4/5
The streets were really empty and it was strange running without an audience.
I feel really good, and I even managed to pick up my speed a bit in the last few minutes to get back to my starting place. Now I need to work on getting my time down – I do just under 1k walking to cool up and down, so I really need to get my running speed up to get to 5k in 30minutes.