everybody else is doing it…

But this doesn’t really look at all like me. I have short, spikey hair. I have little eyes. I have big hairy caterpillar eyebrows. I have a skinny nose and it goes down a long way. But my head is not wide like that. And I have a long chin. But I do like stripes.
btw, I’ve been sick since I last posted – that’s why I was feeling a bit crap that last post.
[edit: can you see it now?]

do i need to go on?

There are many disturbing things about this Prada ad, but the one that really makes me squirm is the female figure’s body shape and posture. Weirdly pre-pubescent almost-breasts, super long legs… she walks like a catwalk model even without the silly shoes. And that type of walk (helllooooo pelvis) is actually a bit tricky to master.
Do I need to go on? I mean, surely I’m not the only one who has trouble with the gender stuff here.


I’m going to miss the huge windows of this room when we move. I will miss checking in on the zillions of cats in the ‘wick.
Meanwhile, on to more important things (meme! from here):
1. Where is your cell phone? dunno
2. Your significant other? cbd
3. Your hair? short!
4. Your mother? hobart?
5. Your father? hobart?
6. Your favourite thing? books
7. Your dream last night? sweaty
8. Your favourite drink? tea
9. Your dream/goal? employment
10. The room you’re in? bedroom
11. Your hobby? sewing
12. Your fear? structurelessness
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? employed
14. What you’re not? skinny
15. Muffins? sure
16. One of your wish list items? cds
17. Where you grew up? many
18. The last thing you did? packed
19. What are you wearing? bad
20. Favourite gadget? sewingmachine
21. Your pets? nonexistant
22. Your computer? sweeeet
23. Your mood? snotty
24. Missing someone? nope
25. Your car? nonexistant
26. Something you’re not wearing? makeup
27. Favourite store? musicwithoutboarders
28. Like someone? yep
29. Your favourite colour? bright
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? today