Author Archives: dogpossum
I’ve just asked myself ‘what is the optimal pitch for an A-frame roof in a location* that gets snow’?
I have never lived in a climate where this sort of snowfall is likely or possible. And I have never built a house….
…out of anything but paper.
I’ve just spent far too long googling ‘what type of triangle has two equal sides and angles’ and ‘how do you find the perimeter of an isosceles triangle?’ Maths 1 is so many years ago. And there’s a 50/50 chance I didn’t pay attention in that unit.
*Rotterdam, and the year would be pre modern climate change, ie 19th century or earlier, when the snowfall was far heavier than it is now, but also not as heavy as somewhere like… Stockholm.
Cockatoos. Actually rubbish at social distancing.
Image source
Siamese cat: my gene pool is so small my vision is impaired and i can’t reproduce without human assistance.
Cockatoo: i am an apex animal on my continent, use tools, live for decades, and have no native predators. Also i enjoy pranks.
…desperately trying to distract myself from the fact that our deputy PM actually said ‘all lives matter’ and his government hasn’t actually publicly disapproved of white American fascists staging a (failed) coup.
test early test often
Sydney: test early, test often.
Check NSW Health on fb for testing locations.
The 2 pillars of our orsm covid response are contact tracing and testing.
Apparently we aren’t testing as much as we were when we were shitscared a couple of weeks ago.
If we don’t test, the contact Tracys can’t do as orsm a job tracking us.
Got a symptom? Get a test.
Tests are free. Private clinics may require a GP’s referral.
What are the covid symptoms?
Say it with me:
fever (37.5 ° or higher)
sore throat
shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)
runny nose
loss of taste
loss of smell
Other reported symptoms include:
acute blocked nosed (congestion)
muscle pain
joint pain
loss of appetite
Hunting hound. Hunts.
Ok white Australians, NO MORE CRICKET FOR YOU. Goddammit ENOUGH with the racism.
Small Axes
I’m part way through ep1 of Small Axe, a BBC short film series about the West Indian community in London in the 1960s-80s. It’s directed by Steve McQueen and has a w o w cast (incl. Letita Wright and John Boyega).
If you want to know about the Black migrant history of the UK during this period, AND want regular doses of everyday eating, dancing, singing, and FIGHTING THE MAN, i reccomend. It’s a great companion piece to that BBC podcast series about Black music in Europe.