Baz and mandarin peel

I am trying to improve my drawing, so have been taking requests and illustrating friends’ tweets. This is Basil (friends’ companion who usually lives over at Sorrow at Sills Bend) with mandarin peel.
It is winter, here, and mandarins are in season in a major way. I ate so many at MSF I gave myself a rash. My favourites are Honey Murcotts, but they’re harder to find than the ubiquitous, people’s favourite Imperial. The Murcott has a stronger, more orangey flavour and scent and isn’t as loose in its skin as the Imperial.
Basil is an internet rockstar.

fitness: c25k w1r1

km tracked: 3.51, duration: 00:30, pace: 08:32, calories: 389, effort: 1/5, feeling: great
Did the first c25k run this morning because I _really_ wanted to get out and do some running but couldn’t trust myself not to overdo it. It was frustrating to have to stop running during the intervals, but the gentler program was a very good idea.
Now have about sixty million exercises and stretches to do post-running, so that takes me _longer_ than the actual runs.
It was very nice to get out again, and my knees feel ok atm. We’ll see how they feel tomorrow, though.
I think I’ll keep going with c25k from the beginning 3 days a week, but alternate it with some cycling and yoga to get a proper amount of exercise. If my joints can hack it. Will take it easy for now, though, until the podiatrist’s exercises get me full of strongs.

balboa DJing

So this past weekend we had the Sydney Balboa Weekend, and my recent flush of dance-love (as prompted by MSF) helped me decide that I might like to do workshops. I’ve very glad I did. I’ve done some balboa DJing in the past, but not a whole lot, and I’m not hugely confident about it. The problem, really, is that I don’t dance the dance, so I can’t read the crowd terribly well, and I can’t translate musical figures to dancing figures – I’m not entirely sure what will work and what won’t.

Continue reading “balboa DJing”


I am slowly recovering and feeling pretty ok up the top. Full of strongs. Knees are still pretty sore, though, and a weekend of bal hasn’t really helped.
But I’ll keep doing my podiatrist-reccommended exercises. Then I will be MADE of strong.

8track: songs that might work for balboa

Or check it out here.
Image stoled from Shorpy.
I’m trying to get my brain around some balboa music. Buggered if I know what I’m doing. All this stuff is songs that I love, but which don’t really always work for flatout badass lindy hop. What the hey – maybe they’d be good for bal? Who can say.
title artist album bpm year length
Chris And His Gang The Cairo Club Orchestra Sunday 180 2004 2:40
Swingin’ On The Campus Cootie Williams and his Rug Cutters The Duke’s Men: Small Groups Vol. 2 (Disc 2) 196 1939 2:42
Stompy Jones Duke Ellington The Very Best Of Duke Ellington 199 3:04
Stealin’ Smack’s Apples Glenn Miller’s G.I.s (Peanuts Hucko, Mel Powell, Bernie Priven, Joe Schulman, Ray McKinley, Django Reinhardt) Glenn Miller’s G.I.s in Paris 1945 175 1945 2:36
Boo-Woo Harry James and his Boogie Woogie Trio (Pete Johnson) Pete Johnson 1938-1939 209 1939 2:59
Zonky McKinney’s Cotton Pickers (Don Redman) Zonky 226 1930 3:03
Sugar (That Sugar Baby O’ Mine) Teddy Wilson and his Orchestra (Billie Holiday, Roy Eldridge, Benny Carter, Milt Hinton, Cozy Cole) Lady Day: The Complete Billie Holiday On Columbia (1933-1944) (Disc 05) 170 1939 2:48
I’m Crazy ‘Bout My Baby (05-20-38) Una Mae Carlisle with Dave Wilkins, Bertie King, Alan Ferguson, Len Harrison, Hymie Schneider Una Mae Carlisle: Complete Jazz Series 1938 – 1941 201 1938 2:41