feeling: good, distance: 3.99 km, duration: 00:30, pace: 07:31, calories: 389
Nice. I’m kind of ready to get back to proper running in my brainz, but I will resist and keep taking it easy so my knee doesn’t explode.
less than a minute ago
Author Archives: dogpossum
fitness: c25k w4r2
km tracked: 3.9, duration: 0:30, pace: 7:41, feeling: good, effort: 3/5, calories: 389
A bit stiff and sore in the hammies after yesterday’s bending and scrubbing work.
2 minutes ago
fitness: walking
km tracked: 3:21, feeling: good, effort: 2/5, calories: 22
Who could resist a nice walk on a clear afternoon?
I did feel it in my knees, though, and it was a mistake to walk on the same day I ran just as I move up a level. Oh well, we’ll see how things pan out tomorrow. After I dance my arse off.
fitness: c25k w4r1
km tracked: 3.72; duration: 0:30; pace: 08:03; feeling: great; calories: 389; effort: 3/5; humid, overcast, sunny, warmer
HUMID! And much warmer than usual.
The slightly longer run sections were nice – came home feeling just a little bit more adrenaline charged. I’m going to have to watch I don’t overdo it and bust up my knee again.
fitness: c25k w3r3. again.
km tracked: 3.39; pace: 8:50; calories: 389; feeling: great
Wk3 run3 _again_. I’m pretty sure I’ve done this about a million times. But then, I’m not really supposed to be running properly on the bung knee yet.
I’m looking forward to proper running, but I’m also enjoying the dawdley pace.
good hair, that man
This is Josh Billings from this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5QFR4whDdoo.
The band is of course the Mound CIty Blue Blowers. This type of music is v popular with dancer-musicians atm. But no one is as fun as these blokes were.
This hair inspired my hair.
fitness: walking
km tracked: 3.2 km
A nice, easy, short walk.
fitness: c25k w3r3
km tracked: 3.39, duration: 00:30, pace: 08:50, calories: 389, feeling: good
Nice. Knee held up fine, especially after a good rub-down yesterday.
…though now I wonder if I was supposed to be doing run 1 of wk4 instead of wk3r3… ? Whatevs. Slow and steady is _definitely_ my mantra (although ‘gaining without pain’ might be good).
…looks like I’ve gotten all confused with the weeks and done run3 of week 3 twice, but not done run 1 or 2 of that week. I’ll try to remember to do the same run again on Wednesday (ie a third run from week3, as they’re all the same. I think). Doh.
fitness: nice walk
km tracked: 4.17km, feeling: great;
A nice, easy walk to help loosen the kinks.