firehouse five

My desire for the Firehouse Five (specifically this album) has forced me to think, even more seriously (as in, will probably do it) about emusic.
This band is in the vein of the New Orleans Jazz Vipers, the Firecrackers and other recreationist bands. Excepting the Firehouse Five are actually from the revivalist period (mostly). I’ve just bought this CD, but I think I could go on and on and on. I know it’s tighty-whitey cultural appropriation, but dang. The quality is good. And, well. You know. I want it. And thinking about music means I don’t have to think about the masses of reading I have left to do.
But the sudden plummeting dollar has meant that buying CDs is expensive, mostly because of the postage. I like to have the liner notes, emusic will hit me with an extra bill each month, but… instant music. Sweet. Cheaper music. Double sweet. I think I will use it for ‘taster’ songs, finalising my departure from itunes, and for albums by newer artists where I don’t need the liner notes. I think I’ll also keep back up copies on CD with copies of the album cover (just in case, and because I’m a bit ob-con).


  1. i heart firehouse five, even if my boyfriend does occasionally squinch up his nose when they do something a little too novelty. they’re just such happy music.
    i tell myself that if i have the emusic account, i won’t get too extravagant with the music purchases elsewhere. it works, at least a little. at the very least, though, they’re non-DRM, which is a nice change from iTunes.
    (oh, and hi! i wandered over from one of the other lindy hop blogs and have been reading for a while, but this may be my first time commenting here?)

  2. Hi Kait. I did try commenting on your blog the other day but I don’t have/can’t remember my ID for blogspot. :(
    My first F5 (tee hee) CD arrived yesterday and I gave it a good, hard listen. It _is_ a bit cheesy – in fact, almost painfully so. But I think I’ll like it if I only listen to a song here and there, rather than bingeing. There are a couple of songs from that F5 story CD that I’d really like, though – including the versions of Blues M N Sweety and Frankie and Johnny.
    I can’t really get over the fact that they were Disney animators… bizarre.

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