things that’ve happened lately:

– i have caught two mice in my room in traps. i totally killed them.
– two bunnies came to stay with us while their owner is off at a dance camp. out with the old rodents, in with the new.*
– i got a new gym instructor. the lovely robert, who is – he informed me with justifiable smugness – a level two instructor. we speak only of centers, while i admire his marvelous moustache and struggle through core-endurance-inducing exercises involving swiss balls.
– i took The Squeeze to a tango lesson with jarny and he surprised me by thoroughly enjoying it. i forebore** saying i told you so.
– i became queen lead of the universe and in so doing made a Serious Point: men are not necessary for dancing pleasure.
– The Squeeze became tango following king of the universe, and heterocentric order was restored to the universe.
– i bought a big ham cheap and planned to bake it and feed it to people. the plan does not eventuate.
– the washing machine died (after surviving a house fire, years in a sharehouse and several moves) and i decide to buy a new one.

*yeah, yeah, photos will follow. i promise.
**is that, like, actually a word? did i say that right. no, don’t tell me. i don’t care.