teaching dance stuff

a few people have asked about the stuff i’ve learnt from bill borgida lately. so i’m going to add it in a link.
it’s fairly scatty, and could do with some editing, but people want it ASAP, so they’ll have to just cope. i’ll see what i can do about adding photos/demos etc later.

please note: while i’m keen to help, learning to dance from a bunch of notes on the internet is not going to work. you need to do it with your body, see people move and learn to see how things work in other people’s bodies. otherwise, i hope this is a bit useful. it is also only part of a basic approach, and only half way through.

i’m drawing extensively on bill borgida’s work, and stuff i’ve learnt about tango from jarny and i’m really only beginning to learn all this myself. so please allow for errors as i muck through all this.