lesson: colour blindess has wider consequences than those particular to the realm of website design.

ok, so i’m a complete tight-arse. too tight to pay for a hair cut or colour. so i cut my own hair (very excellently, with more enthusiasm than… well, anything other than randomness). and i get The Squeeze to colour it.
now, i’d thought his inability to get it right last time was just inexperience. so i figured i’d give him another go.

sunday afternoon, i’m half covered in bright red colour and he mentions that his colour blindness means that he can’t really tell which bits of my hair he’d coloured already. it seems he was just ‘getting it all wet’, or ‘colouring in the blonde/light bits’.


so i did the front bit again myself. who knows what the back looks like. who cares. but the front is still crappy.

lesson: colour blindess has wider consequences than those particular to the realm of website design.