ah, the markets

provider of welsh cakes.

an entertaining photo-essay on one of my favourite welsh things: the cardiff markets.

and here’s a detail from the entry…

i love the cardiff markets. what is that bird on the front there? is it an eagle? a phoenix? a gryphon? who can tell… i did read the info thingy inside, but i find the dual language thingy too distracting.

and the interior, from the balcony/balconi (i’m trying to be dual language, here).

just in the bottom left corner there you can see the edge of a stall called ‘the bread stall’. that’s where i get my welsh cakes. same stall, slightly different place, where i used to get me welsh cakes 5 years ago. what’s a welsh cake? think pikelet in shape, pikelet in form. but add sultanas, and make the texture more like a very soft scone. i think they’re cooked the same way. and cover them in castor sugar. make them soft and kind of crumbly, and let them leave that sort of bitter floury feeling on your teeth.

ah, welsh cakes.

the welshies seem to like sultanas.

welsh foods i have eaten this trip:
i ate some disturbing sultana-ry scones at the welsh life museum that were stuffed with tarnies. they also have these things called faggots.
no, not bits of wood. nor gay blokes. weirdo meatloaf sorts of things. i’m not sure i’m interested, thanks.
i’ve also eaten an awesome beef and stilton pasty, two packets of cadbury’s chocolate buttons, two packets of hula hoops (salt and vinegar and plain) and two punnets of beautiful raspberries. i’m almost done with nostalgia food: only jaffa cakes to go. and i’m particuarly keen to chase down some dried fruit i had from a market in london: tiny, delicate and wonderful dried figs (not like the big ones you usually see), dried strawberries, and other fancies.