Milenberg Joys

Here are four bands playing Milenberg Joys. They all have quite different styles. This is an interesting set of bands because they include some of the bigger name/most popular musicians of the moment, but each version has a distinct style, even though the bands have some members in common. The Hot Jazz Alliance The ‘HotContinue reading “Milenberg Joys”

How not to write a review, or anything really.

This review of Pokey Lafarge’s show in the SMH is the worst review ever written by anyone about anything. It’s completely useless, and doesn’t offer any helpful information about the band or the gig. The first three paragraphs are poorly written rambling messes using every cliche ever (and inaccurate when it comes to Lafarge’s musicContinue reading “How not to write a review, or anything really.”

Make it easy for me to hire your band

This piece is really a companion piece to How Do I Find New Bands, where I talk about how I use digital media to find modern jazz bands. In this post, now, I’m going to talk about the sorts of things I need bands to have to make my job easier. Basically, bands need anContinue reading “Make it easy for me to hire your band”

Flow Like Wine (more music from the New Sheiks)

I’m very late on this one. So very late. But this has been a very busy year for me, and sadly, recorded music has had to take a bit of a back seat while I get on with things like live music. Earlier this year Leigh Barker and his New Sheiks released a new album.Continue reading “Flow Like Wine (more music from the New Sheiks)”

Don’t be a poo: cross promotion in lindy hop

This is a post about cross-promotion, and the reciprocal benefits of not being weird about it. Quite a few swing dance teachers and event organisers won’t mention, let alone promote, other swing dance organisations in their own city, because they don’t want to ‘promote’ another dance business. I’m always a bit surprised by this attitude,Continue reading “Don’t be a poo: cross promotion in lindy hop”

Beginner lindy hoppers need to learn to swivel immediately*

I am insanely busy. So of course, here is a post. Also I am tired, so these words = rubbish. I find teaching with a few very good, very clever and observant follows teaches me so much about teaching and dancing. I am so lucky to get to work with such great dancers and teachers.Continue reading “Beginner lindy hoppers need to learn to swivel immediately*”

Everyday racism and lindy hop

I think Suzanne Nguyen and Daniel Reeders’ piece Defining and Responding to Everyday Racism is useful to the discussion about race, ethnicity, and anti-semitism in lindy hop happening at the moment. It gives me some tools for figuring out just why these recent events get right up my bum. I am heartily tired of peopleContinue reading “Everyday racism and lindy hop”

Herräng report part 2: organising my music collection for DJing

In this post I’m going to talk about how I organise my collection for DJing, as the topic came up in the DJ session at Herräng. I’m also going to talk about how I use this organisation and search tools to actually DJ ‘on the fly’, choosing and combining songs for particular effects. In thatContinue reading “Herräng report part 2: organising my music collection for DJing”

gender and solo blues dance

Christina has been doing the most interesting project I’ve seen in blues dancing. Ever. She’s addressing gender in a very fascinating way. Through dance. She’s written up her project Solo dance performance: once as a girl and once as a boy. I don’t have time to write about it now, but something I’m struck by:Continue reading “gender and solo blues dance”