mixed emotions

I have a love-hate relationship with Jimmy Witherspoon. There are some songs of his that I really love (such as ‘Good Rockin’ Tonight’ from Jazz Me Blues), but the man is sooo sexist. If I listen to the lyrics I just can’t bear him. At all. The only cure is a sudden, harsh dose of Dinah Washington.
I’m currently infatuated with Lionel Hampton. I especially like ‘Loose Wig’, ‘Lavender Coffin’, ‘Hamp’s Salty Blues’, ‘Drinkin’ Wine, Spo-dee-o-dee’ and ‘Hey Ba-ba-re-bop’. The first and last are fairly obvious choices, but still. How could you not?
I also adore Fats Waller, big time. He’s such a disgustingly crude man – I love it. And he’s infinitely preferable to Witherspoon because he obviously adores women – can’t get enough of us. Or drink for that matter, but that’s another issue. When he sings ‘Tain’t what you do (it’s the way that you do it)’, you know exactly what he’s singing about. And how could you not like a man who’s favourite dish … is fish! ?
I’m also nursing a serious Thing for the McKinney’s Cotton Pickers. I thought it’d wane, but it hasn’t. I really really love the song ‘Four or Five Times’ (and Hamp does a good version too – as does Jimmy Lunceford). I also love early Ellington with a fierce and burning passion. ‘Hittin’ the Bottle’ is my favourite atm. Though I do love ‘Flaming Youth’.
I will always love Billy Holiday the most. Any era. Any song. Two favourites: ‘Comes Love’ (from the 50s) and ‘Your Mother’s son-in-law’ (earlier stuff).
Louis Armstrong is lighting my fire atm, with his later All Star stuff. Though I’m partial to the Hot 5s and 7s as well. Especially ‘Hotter than that’.
You can always make me smile with Cab Calloway (‘Who’s Yehoodi’ by preference), or Slim and Slam (‘Laughing in Rhythm’, ‘Jump Session’ – all the usuals).
I used to adore Ella Fitzgerald, but she’s not really gripping me these days… though I do still adore her early stuff with Chick Webb.
Django is my man, as is Sidney Bechet. Hoorah for Rex Stewart, and I think I’m going to love Bix Beiderbeck in an unnatural way fairly soon.
… and I could go on and on and on and on…..

a Thing

i’m currently nursing a Thing for gillian welch, who i’d heard before, but finally chased up this weekend, after hearing her name on twang.
and it’s not helped that i’ve just seen that she’ll be in europe when i am. luckily (?) i’ll be in herrang, then, so there’ll be no conflict.
sheesh. swing over good goddamn music? am i on crack?

i’m listening to all her 4 albums back to back. i can’t really decide which one i like most, but i think it’s time (the revelator), or perhaps hell among the yearlings.
it’s the only thing to have kicked natalie merchant out of the cd player.

now i’ll chase two soundtracks – the o brother where art thou one (which i’ve lusted after for a while) and the songcatcher one (loved the music, kind of got bored in the film).