feeling: 4/5 effort 4/5 duration 01:30
I find 2 hours is a bit much for my brain, but not too much for my body. So I use some of my allotted 2 hours to warm up and down.
Pretty warm tonight, but things went well.
Weather: hot
feeling: 4/5 effort 4/5 duration 01:30
I find 2 hours is a bit much for my brain, but not too much for my body. So I use some of my allotted 2 hours to warm up and down.
Pretty warm tonight, but things went well.
Weather: hot
feeling 3/5, .effort 3/5, duration 01:00
More humidity! Sweating like nobody’s business. But feeling quite fit and well, surprisingly.
Weather cloudy, hot
feeling 3/5, effort 3/5, duration 01:30,
Started slow and boring but improved. Need a goal to keep me motivated at the moment.
Huuuuumid. Hooooot.
Weather: cloudy, hot
feeling: 3/5, duration 01:00, effort 3/5
Dancing on and off for an hour. Not at all hardcore, but very hot and humid.
Weather: cloudy, rainy, hot
feeling: alright, duration: 0:45, effort 1/5
2 hours reduced to 45minutes. I was too boring even for me to handle. Boring dancer is BORED.
Weather: cloudy rainy sunny
Currently 4/5 Effort.effort 4/5, feeling: great, duration: 5:00
Not 5 hours straight, but 5 hours over the evening. BEST couple of hours dancing at the late night.
Weather: cloudy, rain
duration: 5:00, feeling great, effort 4/5
Not 5 hours straight, but 5 hours over the evening. BEST couple of hours dancing at the late night.
Weather: cloudy, rain
duration: 5:00, feeling great, effort 4/5
Definitely not 5 hours straight! Lots of social dancing over the evening, from about 9.30pm. Still feeling good.
Weather: cloudy, rain
feeling: great, duration: 04:00
4 hours of dancing, off and on (definitely not 4 hours straight). Felt good!
about 1 month ago
Weather: cloudy, rain
duration: 1.30, feeling; good
Not at my most inspired. Did some solid work, and a little hi-impact stuff, but I need inspiration. Also, learning new routines is a slow, low-impact process and I’d kind of a like a little more adrenaline…