the legend of D4E

Whenever I see D4E (which is a few times a year at a lindy exchange – in Sydney, in Perth, in Melbourne) we plug our earbuds into each other’s mobile music devices and play each other music.
This is where I learn about music that isn’t jazz and wasn’t released in 1992 on Shock Records.
I only play music – he makes it.
the legend of D4E Hip Hop Mixtape
(I’m not sure if he rocks, though)

facebook = virus!

Listening to this discussion about Facebook, I was struck by the guy’s description of face to face and telephone communication ‘inefficient’.
The entire presentation emphasises ‘efficency’ in communicative and networking practices. An interesting project for someone who’s interested in how men and women and different people communicate in person and online?

“unbelievable teaching tool!”

I’ve been spending a fair bit of time on YouTube lately – can you say
“Unbelievable teaching tool!”
Why, yes I can.
But while there’s a whole host of fantastic things on there, from 1980s Solo ads (go solo man, go) and weird Japanese ads for McDonalds, some of the very weirdest things start off extremely normal.