underwater mapping

Barista has written a really interesting post here on the history of research into techtonic plates (or more specfically, on Marie Tharp and her work on the subject). This post makes for a really good read, but the line that caught my imagination was the last (bolding is mine):

Despite the fact that the plate tectonics debate spanned fifty years, several languages and many countries, I suspect the battles fought in that house full of maps in South Nyack were some of the fiercest and most personal.
Ironically, they were all wrong. Nowadays, we believe the planet is expanding.

I wish I could string together a few coherent thoughts (I am scarily scatty at the moment – all these half-bits of posts… I promise I’ll get it together soon. Ish.), but I can’t. But I like the thought – expanding v contracting planet.

not the sharpest knife in the drawer


Originally uploaded by carlosluis.

I’m always the last to latch onto cool things – you can guarantee something’s no longer cool if I’ve suddenly discovered it.

I don’t know if anyone else is as interested in flickr as I am (well, except for Jean of course), but if you’re a flickr person (and I’ve noticed that a great deal of the people who’s blogs I read are), then you might be interested in the flickr blog. My timing is perfect, of course – flickr went down, just as I discover all sorts of interesting groups and photos and things to look at. This photo is one of them.
There’s another neat one here.

christmas meme

via pav’s cat.
I am really enjoying having endless time to just sit online and talk and write crap. The last six months of insane teaching and busyness have made me realise what a luxery doing a phd is – you get to sit about and write and read and write and rewrite and edit as much as you like. I miss it all ready.
The nicest thing about this holiday with the ps is that we’re all superbusy people (The Squeeze does crazy late night systems admin support stuff, the mother … mothers and stuff, the father is a busy suepracademic) and we’re all really enjoying doing nothing. The father’s family are big on sitting about and talking and enjoying each other’s company. There’s been some shouting, but not as much as usual, and not me. Surpisingly. I have a history of Big Shouting, but as I pointed out to The Squeeze, we don’t shout at each other (though I do shout, generally, and sometimes in his direction. But not angrily), so it was actually strange to find my parents shouting at each other strange. But it wasn’t angry shouting – just kind of loud emoting.
Because it’s that time of year (and pav says it’s ok to be in the Spirit), here’s the most useful advise I’ve had all year:
The Squeeze said (when I was busy being worried about some nasty and insensitive comments from acquaintances):
think less about people you don’t like, and more about people you do like.
Or (the hardcore version)
think less about the people you hate (just give them a punch in the bum and fuck off) and more about the people you love.
It was the best advice ever.
But on to the meme.
1) Do you have a tree, and if so what is hanging on it?
Some nice white lights, some red/gold/green baubles. It’s a fake tree, but it looks nice.
2) What’s the most successful bit of Christmas cooking you’ve done so far?
Mince tarts!
3) And the least successful?
Fried rice with herbs. Boring boring boring. Too dry. Dumb. Waste of nice prawns and pink ling (that’s a fish).
4) Which bit of your Christmas shopping are you happiest with?
The p’s present: it’s one of those amazing toilet seats that’s clear plastic but with wonderfully tacky sea shells and things inside it. They will LOVE IT. Especially the father.
5) Have you opened any of your presents yet? What was it / were they?
6) Do you have any bad Christmas associations that will have to be tackled?
Well, family stuff with my sister in law. But that’s largely sorted. Because she’s in Brisvegas and I’m in Hobart.
7) What’s your favourite carol? Why?
The Holly and the Ivy (I think it’s called that), because it’s really nice to sing. But the other day I discovered that the tune of Deck the Halls works really nicely with all sorts of lyrics, especialy when you’re riding your bike.
8) Which part of your Christmas plans is most likely to go awry?
Turkey. It can suck if it’s over cooked.
We are also flying back to Melbourne Boxing Day for dinner with The Squeeze’s mothers and grandfather. That could be a bit tiring.
9) What’s your most favourite thing about Christmas?
I like the hardcore food (cooking, more like).
I like coming down to Tasmania.
I like the way The Squeeze is really relaxed and fun.
10) What’s your least favourite thing about it?
Spending so much money on crap (though we have become less present-centered since the year the mother was really ill. We had only a couple of days after she came out of hospital to get presents, and because we were all kind of preoccupied, we didn’t fuss about presents or food too majory – we were more mellow and just spent time enjoying each other’s company and plain old counting our blessings.
It feels like we now spend less time fretting about crap like whether we got people good enough presents or will have a ‘proper’ christmas (something that always seems on the mother’s (English) mind).
Now we just do nice things. And I like that. We’ve also learnt to really enjoy grownup christmases without kids…so I guess this is mostly a story about the good things about christmas.
11) What Christmassy thing have you seen or heard in the street or on the teeve or in the blogosphere that has
(a) touched your heart

Ummm a version of ‘from little things big things grow’ being sung by Paul Kelly. Not quite Archie Roach, pav, but still, it’s a wonderful song.
(b) hit a nerve
or (c) made you want to barf?
I felt a little nausious afte eating too much last night.
12) Who do you wish you had contacted to say Happy Christmas but haven’t so far?
Most everyone. I have been super slack this past six months, generally. I owe my friends some communication.

why not. i’ve got things to do

Now I’m going to do the other questions, because I’m watching rage (Goddess bless ABC2) and should be doing stupid mlx volunteer door sheets.
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
‘woah – you look tired, girl’
It’s allergy season. I always look tired in allergy season.
4. Favorite planet?
Neptune. No reason.
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
I don’t know. I didn’t know I had a missed call list. I wouldn’t know how to find it.
6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?
There’s more than one?
I HATE it when people call me when I’m riding my bike.
8. Do you “label” yourself?
I’m not sure what that means. But I don’t think I do.
12. What does your watch look like?
It’s a nice ‘ladies” (ie, it’s smaller) diving watch. Black face with slivery bits. It went through the wash the other day so I took it in to get it fixed up. The strap had broken in two places and was being held together with a blue rubber band. I have had it for many years and love it very much. A watch is more convenient than a mobile phone for telling the time when you’re riding a bike.
13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Lying in bed just about to fall deeply asleep.
14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
I’m not exactly sure, but it was the girl I was meeting yesterday telling me she was walking to the cafe and could I please order her a peppermint tea. I did.
16. What’s a word that you say a lot?
Cockwit. It’s something I say when I ride my bike and get scared by scary drivers.
18. Last furry thing you touched?
My pink, fluffy slippers – they’re kind of like eskimo boots but pink. They stink.
21. Favorite age you have been so far?
I am loving my 30s, so 30, 31 and (as of last week), 32.
22. Your worst enemy?
The Man.
23. What is your current desktop picture?
20s woman at mike.jpg
That’s me – DJ Snoopdoggydogpossum.
24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
“Goodnight – I love you” to The Squeeze before I went to sleep. He’s still in bed now.
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?
I think the money. Mostly because I think that if I could fly, I’d become a crap walker/dancer/bike rider. Though it depends on how I could fly. If it’s a magic thing, then I don’t want it (for those reasons). If it’s a flying-like-a-bird thing, I don’t think I want that either as I’d have to get really light bones and get more aerodynamic.
26. Do you like someone?
Sure. I like lots of people. But I like The Squeeze in a kissing way.
27. The last song you listened to?
Bones by… I think it was the Killers. Or another one of those retro-chic boybands. It was quite dull. I’m not impressed by any of the boybands I’ve seen today – Wolf Mother, Eskimo Joe, etc etc. They all look about 16, wear too much black and are far too mopey. That shit lit my fire when I was 16. But now I am a Woman and I have other priorities.
…. they’re actually showing that Blur concert (or parts thereof) again right now, so I’m busy preferring that Britpop action – lively blokes who’re actually old enough to grow facial hair.
28. What time of day were you born?
Midnight. After a very long labour. I have trouble changing my sleep pattern, but can be a late nighter or an early bird. I do my best thinking and writing in the morning when I’m in early bird mode.
29. What’s your favorite number?
11. Because I was born on the 11/11/74. I know that’s a dumb reason.
30. Where did you live in 1987?
Gladstone Street, Brighton, Brisbane. A rough-as-guts area on the seafront. With my parents and brother.
31. Are you jealous of anyone?
All the people whose blogs I read and make me think ‘gee, I wish I could get it together and write interesting posts’. Also, people who are fitter than I am. Also, people who can go travelling. I’d like to go somewhere interesting – thesis is done, time to move.
32. Is anyone jealous of you?
Who knows.
33. Where were you when 9/11 happened?
Dunno. I didn’t realise it had happened for a couple of days because I didn’t ever watch telly then.
The first time I saw the footage was on one of those massive screens in a lecture theatre. It brought tears to my eyes – I couldn’t believe someone would really choose to kill themselves and a plane load of passengers to smash into a building and kill lots of other people.
It was a bit embarassing as I was a tutor in that lecture’s subject.
35. Do you consider yourself kind?
Yeah, I can be kind. But I can also be scary. I am a bit stressy and premenstrual at the moment, so I am being horrible to The Squeeze (he has started rebelling, as of yesterday). But I was raised by hippies with really strict Rules about how we were to treat other people. So I feel incredible guilt when I say insulting things about people’s weight or how they look, so I don’t do it.
36. If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
Tattoos suck. I’m still waiting for my perfect skin. So why would I fuck it up with some ink. If I had to get a tattoo I wouldn’t be in a position to choose.
37. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
Italian, a Chinese language or French.
38. Would you move for the person you loved?
Yeah, sure. I like moving.
40. Whats your life motto?
Don’t lick knives.
It’s just a Rule.
42. Whats your favorite town/city?
I’m pretty easy going on towns – I like big cities. But I also like pretty cities. So I’m very fond of Hobart. …Actually, I thought Amsterdam was really lovely. Tiny, but interesting. I’m also very fond of Cardiff.
44. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?
Job application a few weeks ago.
45. Can you change the oil on a car?
Nope, but I can put air in my bike tires.
46. Your first love: what is the last thing you heard about him/her?
Can’t remember who my first love was.
47. How far back do you know about your ancestry?
Grandparent’s parents. They’re all English, Irish or Welsh. Not much to tell, really.
48. The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear and why did you dress fancy?
Wore ‘vintage’ yesterday for Spiegeltent gig (I have to). This week it was 3/4 black trousers (my new ones, side button fly, in a FABULOUS stretch cotton, ), black boots, white collared shirt, black waistcoat, maroon tie, tied in a double windsor and very short, a la 1930s. Oh, and the paper boy’s hat I made the other week. Kieran called me Oliver a few times. Young swingers today know nothing about history. I was going to wear my pin striped suit, but my bosom was too enormous to fit in the jacket without stretching the buttons scarily. I was a bit shitty as I really wanted to wear the spats as well.
I got hit on by a dyke chick from the Mornington Peninsula. I reckon she’s going to come to MLX so I guess I’ve sold myself for swing dance. Again. But I was looking pretty hawt. In a sweaty, tired, way. But there was that enormous bosom thing.
50. Have you been burned by love?
I’m not sure. I’ve been treated like shit by a couple of arsehole (cockwit fucker) blokes. But I’ve also been treated damn well by love.

everyone else is doing it so why shouldn’t I?

Everyone else is doing the last 15 questions of the procrastination meme, so I’m going to start with those and see if I can be bothered doing the first questions some other time.
1. What shirt are you wearing?
I am not wearing a shirt. I am wearing only a really threadbare, holey bit of vaguely hawaiin print fabric which my mother gave me. Because we lived in Fiji, my family (ie my bro, me ma and me pa) wear sulus. These are like sarongs, yet Fijian.
So now I am sitting here under a blanket wearing only a sulu. Because I came home from a very hot ride back from DJing at the goldfishbowl… uh, Spiegeltent, had a wash and a lie down.
2. What brand of shoes are you currently wearing?
No brand – I am wearing shoes of human skin. Which I made myself.
3. Bright or Dark Room?
Pretty dark because the sun is going down, but just turned on reading-in-bed light.
4. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
They all rock. Like John Bon Jovi.
5. Where is your nearest 7-11?
The nearest 7-11 is… um… oh, I know. It’s on Melville Road, about … look, I don’t know how far away it is as I’ve only been there once, at about midnight to buy crisps. I was with my two (much younger and hawter) female friends. A cab driver tried to pick them up. Not literally.
6. Who told you he/she loved you last?
The Squeeze. When asked to quantify said Love, he guesstimated ‘twelveteen’.
7. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
I took a couple of panadeines a little while ago because I had a nasty DJing-in-a-hot-room/riding-the-crimson-wave/hellooo-stress-and-tension headache. Now I feel much better.
I also had my first coffee in about sixty millions years at Don whatsits on Brunswick Street earlier on because they’re supposed to do good coffee there and I was waiting to meet the chick who’ll be coordinating the door sales at all our MLX events. It made me shakey and a bit anxious. I will go back to tea. I would have had a tea, but they only had crap T2 which I’m off as they use too many artificial flavours.
8. How many rolls of film do you need developed?
0I have a photographer-partner who does all that camera business. I do the dancing and play the music. He records it all for posterity. So he may have some film lying about (in fact, I know he does).
9. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
I don’t use them. But I wasted a $2 coin on a bung ticket machine on the tram the other day and was upset. I thought about trying to get it out with a bobby pin but was too shy because it was a crowded tram.
10. Are you touchy feely?
Depends. Dancers kiss a lot, so I kiss them. We are very touchy feely because you can’t partner dance without touching or feeling someone. At MLX there will be so much touching and feeling and kissing my skin will vibrate for weeks afterward and I will not be able to understand how people are letting other people know how they feel at the CSAA conference the week after.
I have recently decided I like the lip-kiss. That means kissing hello on the lips. I have a couple of friends who do it and I like the looks on people’s faces when they do it. I also like it when I have visiting friends from Europe who do 1, 2, 3 or 4 cheek kisses.
Sometimes I meet people who I do not want to touch at all. I think we should all pay very close attention to those feelings.
11. Name three things that you have on you at all times?
Underarm hair. Sweat. Big eyebrows.
12. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
Big bottle of water at a little newsagent in a foyeur (sp?) on Swanston Street. I knew I’d need a big bottle for dancing and couldn’t be bothered carrying my usual bottle in with me from home. The closest toilets to the Speegs are in the Arts Center and they have bullshit arty sinks where you can’t fill your bottle.
13. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
My headache has mostly gone, but i have a sore knee from riding my bike with poor core strength.
14. How much cash do you have on you?
$0. See question 1.
15. What’s a word that rhymes with “DOOR?”