Author Archives: dogpossum
travel squee
Ambitious plans to accompany partner to states at end of September. My plan: ULHS. Partner has conference thingy in San Francisco in mid-October, so we’d probably combine the two.
Is it too late to get tix or whatevs for showdown?
Is there anything fun on in SanFran during October?
More importantly: why are BOTH my passports expired?
Plan: Fog City Hop in SanFran at end of October.
IF I can get my passport(s) sorted by then. This is my lesson: don’t let your passports expire.
Are you going to this event? Do we know each other? Would you like to meet up and be fronds in real life? I would like this very much.
pokey lafarge and his tighty whitey manvoice are a source of pleasure
I am still enjoying this immensely. It is better than the album version.
I’ve also bought a poster from Pokey Lafarge’s site, and it is hand-printed and quite wonderful. It’s also only $7, which is fucking nuts – BUY IT!
men and feminism
After Chick
I’m probably last to the bar on this, but look at this still from After Seben, featuring Chick Webb. !!!
(from Jazzlives, of course – the best source for jazz tidbits)
we should all be feminists
I don’t really understand why this had to be an animated gif series, but it’s cool.
Chimamamda Ngozi Adiche, We Should All Be Feminists
(cyberteeth, via carrionlaughing)