ITB exercises

I have ongoing knee issues. These are partly because I’m Ms Slack Muscles in the ITB. I have some exercises the podiatrist gave me, but these are some other interesting ones:

‘Runner Dude’ lists about 4, but the ones involving steps are murder on my knees, so I’m interested in the last two.

Dr Charles rocks it with a couple of foam roller (aka Instrument Of Torture) stretches which are good because he offers a low-impact and higher-impact versions.

fitness: c25k w7r1

km: 4.4 km duration: 00:30 pace: 06:49 feeling: good calories: 389 feeling: good

I had started doing the 3rd run, but realised half way through that my calves were not going to make it. So I changed to the slightly less intense run 1. I think the extra dancing I’ve been doing is trashing my calves. And I haven’t been as good at stretching as I should be.
But otherwise – nice run!

fitness: swimming @ Ashfield indoor heated pool

km: 1, duration: 0:30, calories: 271 feeling: good

Nice to be swimming again. Good not to be doing impact stuff that hurts my knees, and to be getting some upper body work. Bit worried about my ears, though.
But not sure about the really warm, really populated germ-fest of the heated indoor pool. Next time I’ll go in the outdoors one, just to soothe myself.