See Jewel from about 0.33 pulling out another round of insane swivels and switches.
Author Archives: dogpossum
Women’s History Month: Marie Bryant!
Singing! Dancing! Best switches of all time. OF ALL TIME!
I actually love her most for her performance in the Bli Blip short for Ellington’s song: She is the queen of excellent facial expression _as well_!
That’s made particularly clear in her gorgeous delivery in the film They Live By Night.
Women’s History Month: Florence Hill AND Bessie Dudley!
Florence Hill AND Bessie Dudley!
I can’t confirm this, but apparently Bessie Dudley worked with Snake Hips Tucker, and he gave her a black eye for doing his act.
Women’s History Month: WillaMae Ricker!
How awesome? This awesome!
Read a little more about her here.
Check out the photos from the Life Magazine photo shoot(s) here
Edit: I’m going to try to add all the clips featuring a dancer I can find to each of these posts. Try.
“Jitterbug History” features the Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers from 2.01, and Willamae Ricker (with Al Minns) is the third couple (thanks to Bobby again for the cast list.
media coverage of the Big Apple in 1938
I’ve just hurt myself doing some dance work, so I’m going to sublimate my anxiety with some research into newspaper coverage of the Big Apple dancers’ tour to Australia in 1938/39.
Nine black American performers came to Australia (eight of whom were dancers, one of which was Whitey whatsit, their manager). The group included Frankie Manning. They were part of a revue performance – a series of acts presented in one program – called ‘Hollywood Hotel’.
Here are some interesting articles (I’ll add to this if I can be bothered):
- an advertisement featuring a photo of the dancers (looks like a familiar publicity still)
Women’s history month:Josephine Baker!
While the theme is ‘Women in the Business of Food’ Womenshistory.com.au I’m going to see just how many brilliant women jazz dancers I can come up with. One per day. Is it possible? Will I need your help?
Josephine Baker!
There’s an interesting issue of Scholar&Feminist Josephine Baker: A Century in the Spotlight.
prawn salad
In the new red, plastic bowl.
This is pretty much all supermarket food, because we had to.
cos lettuce (not supermarket)
tomatoes (not supermarket)
baby asparagus (not supermarket)
avocado (supermarket)
yellow capsicum (not supermarket)
mushrooms (supermarket)
cooked prawns (supermarket! cheap! impulse purchase!)
cucumber (supermarket)
The best bit is the dressing:
– 1tsp grated lemon zest and
– 30ml/2tbsp lemon juice (supermarket)
– 1.5 tbsp fresh grated parmesan (not supermarket)
– 2 tsp chopped parsley (garden)
– 150ml olive oil
– 1tsp sherry vinegar
– 2 crushed garlic cloves (not supermarket)
– salt and freshly ground black pepper
This dressing is supposed to sit a while, but we love it fresh, when the zest is still perky, so I like to eat it when it’s freshly made. I especially like this dressing with avocado and fresh bread. But it is PERFECT with prawns.
Hans Monderman
Hans Monderman
did away with traffic lights,
made people negotiate
prevented accidents.
Hans monderman.
Shared space Wonderman.
djing is spelt v-a-g
Look, just to be clear, the posts about getting your rags, emotions, feminist rage, fucking over the patriarchy, food and badass cooking are the heart of this blog. That means that every post about DJing or dancing or any of that other ‘objective’ ‘rational’ stuff is actually a post about vaginas or fighting the power or being a badassmotherfucker crocheter.
All right?