TELL ME i’m not the only one

You know that Scorcese film the Departed? When I went to see it at the cinema it struck me as so ridiculous I laughed out loud during the really serious parts. I mean, really – am I the only who thought that film was completely shithouse? I mean jesus, the RAT running along the (window sill? I forget) at the end – surely I wasn’t the only one who laughed out loud?
Any film with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jack Nicholson is heading for crapsville. I like Mark Whalberg, but Matt Damon?!
TELL ME I’m not the only one who thought that film was utter crap?!

1 Comment

  1. I enjoyed it! I thought it was pretty hammy- so I didn’t take it as a serious movie. Infact, it’s almost a cartoony, stylised version of the original (Korean) film.
    If you haven’t alread seen it, I’ll lend you the original. “Infernal Affairs”. It’s good. The Departed is very, very similar to it, but has Hollywood actors hamming it up.
    I like Mark Whalberg’s haircutt.

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