hey man, dancers!


i’m feeling terribly clever. this photo’s of two friends from dancing (crinnie and brannigan’s law), which The Squeeze took at the mlx. i’ve actually done some fiddling with the original in photoshop, which looked like this.

i must credit the photographer: well done Dave Cheney. i’d send you to his site, but it’s bung.
seems every hardcore IT nerd i know has a crappy or defunct website.

but i adore this pic. it’s just a wonderful moment in the swingout – right there, somewhere round 1 and 2 or 7 and 8, where crinnie’s pulling out her gorgeous swivel and b.l. is pulling it right out.
i love the way they’re oriented towards the camera with their bodies, but looking at each other. i like the way b.l.’s eyeline suggests he’s checking out crinnie’s awesome shit. and look at those fabulous big arms!
i also like it that they’re sweaty and look like they’ve been working. this isn’t some poncy staged shot.
the fact that b.l. is in sharper focus draws our attention to his face, and then this draws our attention back to crinnie with his eye-line.
i also like the way their clothes are coordinated.

oh, aren’t lindy hoppers clever and pretty?