Hey homies.
I did take a lot of prep shots of the barbeque, but that was a hundred years ago, and we’ve been very very busy since. I went to bed at 4am Friday morning, then got up at 2.30 Friday afternoon, then to bed at 7.30am Saturday morning, then up at 2.30 Saturday afternoon, then to bed at 7.30am Sunday, then up at 3.30, then… ok, so I got up at 4.30 this afternoon.
The MLX was fucking awesomely successful. We had hundreds and hundreds of dancers and DJs and everything. I will post full details in due course. Once I’ve slept more. Or perhaps in a couple of hours when the insomnia kicks in.
But to tide you over, I’ve added this photo of me DJing at the Spiegeltent (c/o Thai – thanks dood). This was taken early on in the night before the jugggling show (!) and before they took down the mini-stage. Later the floor was full of idiot lindy hoppers and drunken fools til 3am. The venue management gushed and gushed – the manager was dancing like a fool, and one of the staff came to all the MLX events over the weekend (I don’t doubt the presence of all the hawt Perth girls helped).
It was a fabulous venue and I’m there again this Saturday if you’re around town and want to catch up.
BTW the BBQ food was awesome.