
look at this:

pretty, huh?
and i lifted this: . god i suck. it’s not like i think angel’s hot or anything – in fact, he infuriates me. i find buffy herself utterly irritating – all that ‘meee, i hate being the slayer. it’s so haaard being a slayer. meeee’ whinging. but i’m obsessed by angel’s terrible, terrible posture. so when i see him with his shirt off (flaunting this tat), i can’t help but be fascinated. how could his trainer possibly let him get so hunched? didn’t anyone ever say “dood – you need yoga”?

it’s even messing with the line of his jacket in that last one.
you know why he looks out from under those low brows? because he’s so hunched, his face looks doooown, naturally, so he has to look up from under those brows.
there’s no way he’d be able to kick arse in fights with that sort of terrible posture.
that’s some serious upper body tension.
looks like half the leads in melbourne.
look, i have to stop. i don’t want this to end up being one of those weirdo-fan unicorn sites.