i am addicted to patience

with the arrival of The Squeeze’s imac a few weeks ago (that’s a neat little wireless internet-enabled palm pilot, everyone), i have discovered a new addiction.
i’m totally addicted. i can regularly win on the palm pilot. i brought a deck of cards with me to tasmania and finally figured out how to win at least a few times in every sitting (where a sitting is a few hours worth of back-episodes of angel).
i also explored patience on the little laptop – spider solitaire. oh yeah. beating that too.

i am insanely addicted. i don’t know why. and i’ve found that the more i play, the more aware of patterns and strategies i am. the better i get.

i am so hooked.

i love games. not games of chance or role-playing games. but strategy games. strategy as in scrabble which involves some sort of manipulation of the odds.

is this leading me to a gambling problem?

i don’t dare go looking for the game on my pc. it would make the already-difficult task of getting back into my thesis impossible.