once again i’m wading through ethics application forms…
…and grant application forms. IÂ’m glad I handed in my applications with plenty of time before the due date. There are, of course, plenty of things to sort out. The biggest in both seems to be justifying why I need to go to Sweden to do my research. ItÂ’s funny, because “why Sweden?” is the silliest question to ask a swinger, particularly one with any sort of Savoy style lindy hop in their lineage.
So IÂ’m explaining why I need to go to Herrang. In painfully clear and simple terms. While itÂ’s an arse doing this, itÂ’s really helping me sort out in my own mind what it is exactly that I want to do on this research trip. Why go? What do I want to do? Who do I want to talk to? What do I want to ask people about? What will I look at? Pft. IÂ’m sure my project can only benefit from this sort of fiddlydiddly enquiry.