the cranky poo

I can now do all this part of the (renamed by The Squeeze in light of recent displays of dancing ineptitude in our house) Cranky Poo:

Well, the whole first 40 seconds of that routine. Then I get confused (it’s not really my fault – we didn’t have the timing solid for the next section when we were learning it). I’m also suspecting that Mike is a bit too ahead of himself in that clip and this one with the amazing Frida:

Now, I could be wrong on Mike’s timing (most probably, considering my wonderful work learning this routine to date), but…
Having said that, he does have lovely arms, and lovely, big movements.
My admiration for this young man is, of course, entirely G-rated.


  1. Yeah, I hate that screaming too – imagine how that dood feels, now that that clip has been so widely circulated internationally. Plus the fact that Frida is Swedish, and Mike learnt this routine in Sweden with the Hot Shots kind of complicates the whole ‘god bless America thing’. Though I guess you could read all that screaming as an indication of how worked up dancers get watching shows – especially ones by dancers as rock starry as Frida and Mike…

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