cab calloway (vol2) – 1935-1940 – on JSP

Cab Calloway (vol2) 1935-1940 on JSP
That’s some hot shit. 4 discs of Cab goodness. Almost every single song I’ve listened to so far (starting in 1940 and working backwards, for a change) is danceable, and every song rocks. I love this man. I love his kick-arse band during this period. Oh, this is SWEET.
…this is the second set from Cab on the JSP label, which is cheap, but better quality than the Proper stuff. I also adored the first one, Cab Calloway the early years, 1930-1934.


  1. I like it! If you like that, you’d enjoy that cab collection – it reminds me of you when i listen to it. it makes me want to dance like a fool. most of the earlier stuff has fewer vocals, and there are quite a few instrumentals, so if you find cab’s vocals annoying in his more well-known stuff (like ‘everybody eats…’, ‘don’t falter at the altar’ etc) you’ll probably prefer this stuff.
    the band is really amazing – he attracted a lot of totally top-shelf performers during the 30s, so there’s some sweet stuff happening….
    unfortunately there aren’t many scratchy fans in town atm (last night i looked up, mid-set, and realised there were no scratchy people there at all. sigh. so i had to play groove and hi-fi. though mora’s m.r. helped me trick them into having fun with old music)

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