i'm home again.
early morning arrival yesterday, though the plane was delayed in heathrow for 3 hours we made incredible time and were only about an hour late in to melbourne.
the flight was ok: quite empty as the delay had stuffed up people's connecting with us. i scored a three seater to myself on the second leg from singapore, and slept a bit.
melbourne was a chilly, wet shock. we retired to bed as soon as we got home and though we'd only intended a quick nap, i slept until 5pm. then up for a couple of hours and back to bed by 9pm.
i don't mind this jetlag thing: i beat it with hardcore sleeping.
today i was awake by 6am. i hassled The Squeeze until he sent me off to get some stuff for breakfast.
i am much less tired than he is, i think.
today we rode to smith street where i purchased replacement dance shoes. $25 for fancy arse keds. new, improved padding and support. a wider toe. rockin'. then dropped them in at the shoe man for sueding. he's upped his prices from $20 to $35, but that still works out at $55 for brand new dance shoes. not bad, considering they hardly last a year (and the last ones only lasted 9 months).
priorities, huh? ah well. we also had a lovely lunch at a cafe on brunswick street. hoorah for excellent sandwiches.
i think i'm over my jetlag, now. i don't mind those massive flights, either. it made it heaps better to have a less-full plane.
i'm really glad to be back in the land of good food. i couldn't hack that english cuisine much longer. The Squeeze is certainly iron wok brunswick: how lovely to be presented with gorgeous stir fry last night.
in my absense the university has gone insane. i have about a million irritating forms to fill out. seems the rgso couldn't figure out that my 'o' form really did mean that i was away on field work and wouldn't be able to do my progress report. despite my follow up emails to the uni, there was still a little drama. gotta sort that out tomorrow. and i have to add up all my receipts from my trip.
it was certainly worth it, though. i will write more about that later...
and i didn't have time or opportunity to blog much while i was away. certainly not while i was in herrang. tooo busy. tooo tired.
it's good to be home, but i really liked travelling. and i like travelling on my own, as well. though it's certainly good to be back.
now i need to chase down a phsyio/podiatrist. my poor feet....
"home again, home again" was posted by dogpossum on August 6, 2005 3:10 PM in the category