for all those who've asked, here's an update on my mum's progress...
oh, if you haven't heard, my mother went into hospital last sunday night, with suspected chicken pox. by the following evening, when i arrived in hobart on the first plane i could get, she was unconcsious, incubated (that means they had her sedated, with a tubey thing breathign for her), in severe respiratory distress, had a weirdo rash, was on dialisis and had scary low blood pressure. they knew she had an infection, but no idea where it started or what it was. they still don't know.
but unlike that monday, this monday, a week later, she's out of danger and doing much better.
she's now doing some breathing for herself, has some good colour, her blood pressure is returning to normal, so her temperature is much better. she is being taken off sedatives, so beginning to make involuntary movement on her own. we are vastly relieved, and no longer nuts with worry. the doctor expects her to be in hospital for a few weeks more, then home for months of recuperation.
so thank you so much for all the kind thoughts and phone calls from all the jillions of people who've gotten in contact. our friends have given us invaluable, hell WONDERFUL support, hosting my brother in melbourne at short notice, holding me while i bawled like a baby in the hospital while i waited for the other family to arrive, sleeping cuddled up with me like puppies every nap time and every bed time this week, calling me with kind words, bringing round cakes, strudel, biscuits cherries and so on, giving me information about hobart's yoga (rock on the hobart yoga room - go there for ACE iyengar yoga), offering generous favours, and generally being kind. we really couldn't have managed without you all.
"mother update" was posted by dogpossum on November 22, 2004 9:51 PM in the category
on tuesday i was watching the melbourne cup with The Squeeze (not my telly choice - i have no interest) while killing some time on the couch.
the one thing i remember about this 'race that stops a nation', after the rain and the way they put their arms around the horses' bums to get them into the gate, was the winning jockey's triumphant lap of honour in front of the crowd.
and you know what i remember about that ride? saying out loud "MAN that guy has a strong center - look at THAT!". i am obsessed. it's just facinating. if your core is stable - your belly/torso, etc - you waste less energy and your movement is better.
seeing as how that jockey won, i bet strong centers are important to him. or to his horse.
"i bet strong centers are important to him. or to his horse" was posted by dogpossum on November 4, 2004 10:13 AM in the category