This is a truly fab box set. The packaging is a bit dumb, but it's a great set of music. 4 CDs worth of goodness. Christian died young of TB, but he did some truly fabulous work with people like Benny Goodman. A lot of this stuff covers the Goodman RCA collection, and if you pick up the shorter version of this set and the Goodman, you should be right. But for ob-con collectors like me, this set gives you lots of silly 30 second out-takes which are fascinating.
The set is a bit expensive, but I finally decided to take a risk with the second hand ones. One CD is a bit dodgy (it can't talk to Gracenote, so the song info doesn't import automatically into itunes), but that's not a big deal. The liner notes are a good read, and for sheer tactile loveliness, this set is worth it. It's almost all great dancing, though a lot of it tends towards 'bal' music - especially the Goodman Sextet stuff. Great, technical musicianship, but a little precise and fiddly for lindy hoppers. Perfect for jazz nerds and balboa dancers who like tiny, precise music for their tiny, precise dancing.
"Charlie Christian's Genius of the Guitar" was posted by dogpossum on October 25, 2007 8:57 PM in the category digging
I wanted the album that featured the perennial favourite "Blues in Hoss's Flat". I'd had a version from a greatest hits, and seeing as how hi-fi, new testament Basie is always in fashion, I thought I'd pick up this recommended favourite. It doesn't hurt that I'm on an anti-preswing kick at the moment.
So this album is pretty good. Highlights - "Moten Swing" and "Blues in Hoss's Flat". Again, not all the best dancing, but still an example of a really good later big band.
Another Basie gem I keep coming back to is The Count Basie Story. Two CDs of hi-fi new testament Basie big band action. They play some of the old school favourites, and while there's no going past the older sound, this is a pretty freakin' good album.
"Count Basie's Chairman of the Board" was posted by dogpossum on October 25, 2007 8:52 PM in the category digging
The Squeeze has decided that everyone who likes Jane Austen is an Austenaut. I have been rewatching that latest version of Pride and Prejudice with whatsit Knightly, and I love it. I love it. I love it.
"where no man has gone before" was posted by dogpossum on October 23, 2007 6:46 PM in the category fillums
Another thing to love about Berkeley:
"bikers ho!" was posted by dogpossum on October 18, 2007 12:12 PM in the category bikes
I've been using a combinatin of online teaching tools this semester, and I'm not really happy with most of them.
We use WebCT as a standard, university-wide tool. It is very clunky and, quite frankly, pretty dang crap. It's windows based in its logic, and it's counterintuitive, which means that it's often pretty difficult to figure out how to do basic tasks. Even when you've been trained to use it (as I was). It's also super-slow in uploading and managing files. I don't know enough about it to know why, I just know that I don't have that trouble when I'm uploading files to other sites using other tools. It also looks horrible. Not the most important point ever, but when you're working with stoods who aren't exactly keen to start off with... And it's not a very 'friendly' site. It doesn't make me want to explore. It also favours a particular visual logic which is very culturally specific. This is a big deal for me working with students from multicultural backgrounds and who may not have ever used a computer before (this is true of a fair chunk of my students).
Using it has been pretty shitty, and I'm a keen computer nerd. The internet, she is my friend.
We've also been using the e-reserve bit of our library website. That seems the most popular option, especially for students who aren't terribly computer savvy. It helps that it's within the library universe, so they're only using one visual interface, rather than having to learn a whole new environment - they know where all the buttons are. It's also the simplest tool - we just upload basic files to the site and they log in and download them. No fancy teaching modules or whatever. It's a bit like going to the library to borrow a book - simple and functional.
These expereinces remind me of how we developed an online networking tool for the committee running MLX. We started with druple, but we all found it incredibly difficult to use. Most of the team had only very basic experience with complex online environments, and druple was just difficult to use. So we ditched it. I'd been reading about plone and liked the colour scheme. But the more I fiddled with it, the more I liked its usefulness. That's the software we use now. And it's been very useful and successful. We certainly don't use it to its fullest capability - we really just upload files and then comment on them, or email the links from within the site. But that's all we've needed. And it's been neat.
So now I'm thinking about our experieces with webCT this semester, and I'm not satisfied.
I keep thinking 'Most of these guys use faceplant and myface and are really proficient internet kids. How can I steal the best bits of those sites and make a course site that really rocks?' These guys love that stuff, so how can I get them to love a course-related site?
This is what I want:
I have students who work a lot and have very busy lives. They need something easy to use and navigate, something useful and something that will make their study easier, not harder. So it has to be easy to learn to use. And fun. And actually valuable (not technology for the sake of technology).
I want the site to encourage their interest in the subject. I've been doing some stunt lecturing this semester, trying to capture their interest in the subject. For me, this is the most wonderful, interesting stuff in the whole world. And I want them to find a way into the subject that works for them, and really captures their interest. So I've been looking for interesting little films (thank you, thank you, Chaser, I owe you big time), sound files, pictures and so on. It's been surprisingly successful. I squeeze these into my lectures and then make the urls available. YouTube has been an essential part of this.
I've also figured 'if I'm interested in all this stuff - this whole range of stuff - surely they will find at least one thing that captures their interest?' And if I set an example of 'media is super fun', and a real acquisitive, hunter-gatherer approach to learning, where I 'bring home' the interesting things I've found, perhaps it'll rub off.
Partnered with my 'talk about media you're into' strategy (I talked about it a bit here), it's been reasonably successful. Students have taken the opportunity to talk about the things they've seen in the media that have caught their interest. They've been a bit hesitant and scaredy about revealing an interest in nerdy stuff, but have generally worked up to more confidence. Even the quieter students.
Ok, so other things I want from an online package:
I've also been thinking about new ways of structuring course. Pretty ambitious stuff, but still. At the moment we have:
Here's something I'd like to try:
So when I talk about a useful online teaching tool, I want something that would complement all this stuff.
If I'm encouraging students to work on cumulative assessment, developing their own 'projects' over 2 essays during the semester and using tutes to discuss and workshop their ideas, then why not use the site to encourage and support that? It would be really nice to make it possible for students to upload their project notes and files to the site, and to then download them and work on them in multiple locations, uploading their additions when they finish a session. That would allow them to share their work with other students, get feedback from staff (egads - the extra work!), discuss ideas, etc. Importantly, it would provide backup for all their data.
I'd also like to have a glossary or lexicon of terms on the site which they can add to. I've had requests for something like this from my students, but haven't had time to develop it.
I'd like the usual email/discussion board/chat options, but I'm not sure just how successful they'd be. They'd be nice for public questions, eg "how many ads should I use for this assignment?" but could be a big fat time sink. Moderating them could suck.
I'm also wondering about whether to put recordings of the lectures online. As with lots of other people, I've been fascinated by Berkeley's YouTube channel and want to take advantage of this idea. On the one hand, we have resisted making full versions of our lectures available for students because it drops the number in lectures. But the number of students who come to lectures drops off as the semester progresses anyway. Partly because students drop out (especially in first year), but also because the pressure towards the end of the semester thins them out. Which makes me think about alternative ways of structuring the semester, too.
I find, though, that I still get a core group at each lecture (mostly students from my tutes, incidentally), and as the classes have shrunk, their willingness to ask questions during the sessions have grown. This isn't like a tutorial - I am still declaiming the Good Oil from the pulpit - but it's an interactive lecture. The students are quite aware of the distinction between the two, and its been interesting seeing how they've developed different modes of interaction for each. They realise that tutes are times for them to talk as much as they like while I listen and monitor, but that lectures are time for me to talk with room for requests for clarifications.
While I had trouble with people chatting in lectures earlier in the semester (and man was it satisfying to kick those arses!), I now get a few whispered to-and-fros. When I say "if you've got a question or comment, share it" (and it doesn't sound as facetious as that reads - they know I really do mean it), they usually reply "oh, I was just asking what that last word was - I didn't hear". So it's just a bit of peer-clarification. Which is all good and nice.
That's actually interesting, because in tutes I encourage students to answer each other's questions and to work collaboratively towards figuring out answers or ideas. But in a lecture we actively discourage that. It's a really weird conflict between student-centred/participatory learning and declaratory, lecturer-centred learning.
I'm still not sure where I stand on in-class presentations by students. On the one hand I don't think it's a good idea because it freaks them out. I also feel that I can better judge their learning if they're participating activley in class, than I could by listen to them stumble through a formal presentation. Shit-scarey and tedious for everyone. But on the other hand, sometimes it's nice to have a chance to actually have the floor to yourself for a while to present a properly worked-through idea.
Maybe a presentation of their research projects? But again, a less formal, more participatory in-group model would be better.
So anyway, to sum it all up, I've been having a look at moodle, another online teaching tool. Will let you know what I think. Will you let me know what you think? I'm interested in feedback from people who teach in other fields especially.
"cyber teaching" was posted by dogpossum on October 18, 2007 10:55 AM in the category teaching
Everyone loves the baddy. This is Zachary Quinto, and he's apparently slated to play Spock in a new Star Trek thing. I like him playing a baddy on Heroes.
"hello, low-brain." was posted by dogpossum on October 17, 2007 8:59 PM in the category television
This is a very great article. It reminds me of many of my own experiences in universities. Though I tend not to be the object of sexual harassment - I tend to kick heads and take names (which is probably why I'm finding it so difficult to get a full time job now). But I have had a couple of male academics try it on with me. Once was a fellow postgrad who couldn't seem to raise his eyes from my breasts when we were 'talking' (I use scare quotes because I'm not sure it's communication when one is having trouble thinking of the other as anything other than sexualised). Another was a male academic who told a particularly offensive anecdote at a staff/postgrad party. I responded with some verbal arse kicking. And never could get a leg up in the department after that.
But recently, I haven't had any of these experiences. In fact, it's been about six years. I think it's because I don't spend so much time on campus any more. And because I'm not 21 and I've pretty much given up giving a fuck what pants size I wear. And because I really do kick arse and take names now, and most male academics who'd pull that sort of stunt are afraid of me. And I like that. Even if it means no one ever gives me a proper job, I like the thought of having frightened those bastards so much they avoid me and won't make eye contact with me in the hall. And I have been known to strut upon occasion.
But I also think it has something to do with the fact that most of the academics I deal with now are women. They're the ones running the overcrowded, underfunded, understaffed subjects I teach. They're the ones who drop my name to people looking for tutors or lecturers or research assistants. They're the ones who pass my name along and then introduce me and make sure people know I'm Good Enough. I think that's half the thing - we female academics spend so much time second guessing ourselves and downplaying our abilities we forget to tell other people just how good we are. Just how skilled we are. And we hardly ever remind ourselves of our own achievements. So it's a good thing we have each other's backs. For the most part.
But that is a good essay. Read it, if you haven't.
fyi, it was written by our pav.
"this is a good essay." was posted by dogpossum on October 13, 2007 8:00 PM in the category academia